
Questioning the Value of Magic

"I mean..."

Elena glanced past Professor McGonagall, pausing for a moment at her checkered coat that seemed to be at least six or seven years old in a popular style, and shrugged. "You're right, we are truly people of two worlds."

When she was in college in the past, Elena took a particularly interesting course called Social Economics.

In the class, a phrase uttered by the middle-aged Mediterranean professor, who seemed a bit cynical, made Elena feel especially suited for this scene.

"Mystery and unknown, only distance, not class."

Elena raised her finger and said seriously, word by word, "the only person who can divide a natural social creature like human into two worlds, ultimately, there is only one: poverty!"

There is no doubt that since humans first recognized the existence of magic, the group of wizards who controlled supernatural powers had advantages over ordinary people in terms of wealth, power, and fame. After all, before the explosion of technology, the efforts of ordinary people were not much easier than those of the wizard wielding a few wands.

Looking back in history, the 28 most famous pure-blood families in the magical world are all noble families with at least a hundred years of heritage, prestige, and wealth. Families like the Gunters, Longbottoms, Potters, etc., at that time, with their own magical power, gathered a great deal of wealth, rights, and fame.

Therefore, a long time ago, the magical world and the Muggle world were artificially distinguished. If one seeks the cause, it is nothing more than an admission that the ancient and arrogant wizards deliberately raised, to maintain their mystery (high strength) threshold.

However, over time, the positions of the two worlds have inadvertently changed.

She knows that magic is not a panacea. More precisely, in Elena's opinion, the role of magic is to provide comfort, to break the inherent limitation of natural laws, and to add a finishing touch.

Unfortunately, it is clear that most wizards are not aware of this. The outdated workshop-based education system has even caused generations of wizards to face a serious test even for their most basic livelihoods.

For example, the Gangte family, born from Voldemort's mother who shall not be named, was once a rich evil person, but by the 1990s, almost all of their wealth was defeated, except for an old, dilapidated house, no decent industry remained.

"Times have changed, Professor McGonagall."

Elena shook her head and said softly, "This world is no longer on the stage of magic. I have no interest in the poor and backward magical world from your mouth. There is nothing there that can teach me."

In fact, it is not that there has been a great decline in the magical world, but because the Muggle world's technology was spurred on by war, the speed of progress was too overwhelming, and the wizards were left to accept time to digest all of this, and it was too short.

Even in this, a few wise adult wizards can see this, but when they begin to try to integrate into the Muggle world, they will become painfully aware. As a person in the magical world who has not received any basic disciplinary education, they find it even more difficult to lead a normal life in the Muggle world.

The arrogant magical ability, in addition to enabling them to smoothly progress on the path to becoming thieves or terrorists, has almost no other useful place. In comparison with hundreds of years ago, a more distant and solid global barrier has been formed again, and Elena has no interest in actively joining this leaky great ship that has begun to sail.

"Poverty and a backward magical world, how dare you say this! You do not understand what vast and mysterious world you are facing."

As if she had been seriously offended, Professor McGonagall frowned, her voice beginning to become severe, and she quickly counterattacked without thinking.

"Every adult wizard will learn dozens of courses at Hogwarts, including potions, history of magic, astronomy, herbology, transfiguration, spells, etc. However, even during seven full years, they only learned a little of these courses. No matter in which branch of magic, it is enough for a wizard to spend their entire life studying."

"But what is the value of these courses? If the content of study cannot guarantee basic survival, then, no matter how unpredictable, it is simply unreal empty talk." Elena twisted the silver hair on her shoulder and casually replied.

"Every Hogwarts graduate can find decent employment in the magical world," Professor McGonagall continued to refute, a little angry inside.

"If everyone can find decent employment, what is the point of working hard? You know, although the certification model of academic titles in the Muggle world is somewhat imperfect, at least it is an objective basic skill. It seems that the efforts of the magical world are not so important."

Elena lifted her gaze, looked at Professor McGonagall with a steadfast gaze, pursed her lips, and continued to question without hesitation.