
How Why...

was it love ? a lust ? this is a story about teenager where adult don't understand. heart break, loving each other, lost and found. call me svea, and i tell you my story, this is the beginning

selvina_soulisa · Thành thị
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13 Chs

Chapter 9

Nina P.O.V

Recently Me and Manuel got into argument, we talked about our future I didn't mean to rush things because I'm not sure about being his fiance. We had that conversation in the morning, so our mood went bad, he got out and drove his car I don't know where he went I think over an hour he's not home yet, so I'm going to bed early.

I know Manuel has a trial he's one of the judges to attend the trial, so I prepare breakfast for him we had breakfast together, we still don't talk much so we don't talk. Manuel offering me to take me to my office I don't want because the mood still gloomy I guess, I drove my own car.

At the office, I am head of the marketing team, so I get a busy schedule and deadline, I like being in the office working with my team I feel like I can be useful for my team and company, or I should say I'm a working hard person. So this time my company want to make advertise about sportswear I got a challenge to get an athlete but with a minimum paid, well for me that was not so bad, I can ask manual right :) because he's a coach.

After done with work, I went to a coffee shop I like to drink coffee, while I'm waiting I thought I saw Manuel pass by with his car heading home after buying a coffee, I'm heading home too. Manuel's mood must be happy because he turns on the light and put a piece of good music to make it better, as soon as I'm open the door I get a warm hug from him, he kissed me so I kissed him back, he said that he become a coach at school and it permanent not contract, I'm so happy for him.

It's been a long time since I see Manuel being like this, so enthusiastic to be a coach. I've decided to talk about work since Manuel in a good mood, I tell him that I need an athlete to be a model of my sportswear and I ask could he help me and he said yes. He said there's a lot of a good athlete at his school so I can see the athlete when they having sport class.

How good it's my life and my job it is ?! thank you God for the amazing worked of your hands. Yes, I'm Christian so does Manuel.

I'm going to let you guys know how amazing Nina is, She a hardworking person, talented and not selfish person what I want to share with readers is that how Nina cared for Manuel and she do anything for him but not this time, this time she choose for her happiness and what best for her mental.

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