
How Why...

was it love ? a lust ? this is a story about teenager where adult don't understand. heart break, loving each other, lost and found. call me svea, and i tell you my story, this is the beginning

selvina_soulisa · Thành thị
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13 Chs

Chapter 6

Hani P.O.V

Bye Sunday !! Life must go on...

I bid goodbye to Feb and Merlin as they drove me to my house. Niel greeted and jump at me because I'm home, yes Neil's a dog. My Mom is cooking for family and my dad watching tv I said hi and straight my way to my room because I know dad doesn't think am exist.

After 12.00 my mom calling me to eat lunch together, but I know it just camouflages because dad doesn't like being at the same table with me, I don't want to start another argument or fight so wait after they were done eating, luckily I don't have to clean their plate I only clean mine.

Invisible, yes that's me !! everyone in this house thinks and acts like I don't exist they just busy with their thing. My mom is a heavy drinker and smoker same as my dad, my older brother, and I not really close and the golden boy goes to my little brother. How can I stay with them, because we're family that's what I thought, I love them because to hate someone you must have the courage and have to put effort to do it, which I don't have both.

I told my dad to stop smoking because it's not healthy for him but he just said I don't know anything about it so stop talking. I don't know what your reason to hate me that much for Pete's sake I'm your daughter the only girl in this crazy family but how can you hate me, I shout out to him. Plaakkkkkk !! a slapped on my right cheek, you are nothing, my dad said just a useless person who only eats and sleeps in my house I look down at the floor feel the stings on my cheek as my tears fall down, no one helps me, my mom and my brothers only watch.

How pathetic !! I hate being in this house with my family !! I want to escape but where? I don't have money aerghhhhhhh teens sucks !! I fall asleep because my emotion and my heart so tired.

This story is about my family, I want you to know how I dealt with them daily and what keep me to be a successful woman and earn money. My teen was hard but o know I can make it.

selvina_soulisacreators' thoughts