
How Why...

was it love ? a lust ? this is a story about teenager where adult don't understand. heart break, loving each other, lost and found. call me svea, and i tell you my story, this is the beginning

selvina_soulisa · Thành thị
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13 Chs

Chapter 5

My Way Hani P.O.V

Present-day !! After trial me and my friends decided to sleep over at febrica's house i don't mind because that makes my day better, i don't have to deal with my dad. Yes, i choose to keep how i feel to myself or how my parents mostly my dad. I'm not ready to share my problem with my friends because I just want to enjoy the youth.

We are already at Feb's house, so we're heading to her room. Febrica is the only daughter of Mr. Lanny and Mrs. Holly, I think their family is a happy family not like mine. Mrs. Holly called us for having dinner downstairs with the family, by family I mean Feb's dad.

After done with dinner we're going back to Feb's room, as we talked about the school I know they will ask what happened that day, so here it goes... I tell them how I meet Manuel and how I seem to lose my composure for a bit at the stadium, its because I was speechless I didn't know that he was going to be one of the judges at the soccer trial, hell I don't know that his job is a coach.

My friend tells me that maybe I like him, because of how I act. Well, I don't even know how does it feel to like someone. Today was so fun and I'm tired so we drifted to sleep after a long talk.

I am on my way heading school, it's a good day because the weather not so cold as usually today the weather warm enough to walk hand in hand with someone. Wait, someone, holding my hands who is this person? and why we walked to school together? I don't think this person knows me like my friends hemm... Maybe Merlin or Feb I don't mind being touchy or clingy to them because they're my comfort place.

The morning comes, and its Sunday I wake up first so I went for a jog I don't want to wake up them I put the blanket for them because the air con was so cold. I went near the park and I saw a familiar figure running toward me wait is that Manuel? Omg, wow blessed Sunday for me I said to myself so lucky thank you God. We pass each other and we smiling like we already know each other for to long, I said hi politely so he replied politely we walked together. We talk about soccer and school stuff near the mini market, I tell Manuel that am 18 years old, 3rd year in high school and I'm staying over the night at my friends' house. Little did I know about Manuel is that he's 37 and a coach for the soccer team and sooner he'd be my coach at school if I pass the selection at trial.

Wow, shocked...

this chapter will bring you guys to know more about Hani's feel and Manuel. and i promise to let you guys know about Hani's problem with the family.

selvina_soulisacreators' thoughts