
How Why...

was it love ? a lust ? this is a story about teenager where adult don't understand. heart break, loving each other, lost and found. call me svea, and i tell you my story, this is the beginning

selvina_soulisa · Thành thị
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13 Chs

Chapter 2

Hani P.O.V

After meeting Manuel, I always want to go to school just to see him even if only pass by. I wake up morning at 5 AM helping my mom cleaning the house before my dad goes to work, that is how my day goes. Finally, I have time for my self so I put my music on with legit music Westlife don't laugh at me because duh the lyrics were so good the song put me to sleep.

Someone touching me, patting my head in my dream wait was it pure my imagination ?! Is it Manuel ?? well I don't mind, wait for what ?! So I open my eyes that was only a dream.

I am not interested in sport but I always like to play soccer, and today we have an audition to be a regular team, so I and my friend try to take the trial. I have two close friends merlin the pretty girl, that every boy in school wants to be her boyfriend, and number two is fabric or Feb for the short she's tomboyish but feminine and has nice abs haha, don't judge me because she's tall. The trial is at 3 PM so we can have lunch before it, and at the cafeteria, there's a lot of kids talking about how handsome the judges for this trial I don't mind them I only want to enjoy my lunch, Bon appetite.

As I change my clothes into a sportshirt, I walk to the stadium and there he is, the one who showed up at my dream standing at the corner to watch the trial, my world like stop for a minute until my friends bump at me, omg!!! why must he arghhhhh..... I walked past him and he doesn't see me what a jerk !! no hani, it's not Manuel fault maybe he tried to be professional or he forgot about me ?! wait why do I care about his thought ?! argggghhhhhh... I and fabric are one team and we make a good partner, so it's easy to make a couple of goals at trial, and finally, the trial is done.

I need to shower because I'm so stunk!! on my way I bump into Manuel I was about to shout out because I don't like being wet and stink, but I can't !!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! thank you for making time to read my stories :)

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