
My Codependent Yandere Multiverse Adventure

Tereda Chouju just wanted a nap. Instead, he got a front-row seat to the apocalypse. When the world's greatest hero snaps and blows up the planet, Tereda finds himself trapped in a time loop, reliving his death over and over. But death is just the beginning of his journey. Armed with a mysterious cultivation technique, and his undying love for his blue-haired Oni companion, Rem, Tereda navigates a multiverse teeming with danger and opportunity. Follow this chaotic good pair of codependent Yandere's as they accidentally blow shit up while trying to be good! --- Hi, guys, this is my dream fanfiction. I have been working on this idea for years and the outline for over 300 chapters is written in atleast portions. I have poured my heart and soul into this project and I really want people to enjoy it! I did power scaling for multiple universes, made sure that lore matched up between events, made sure that the butterflies and the events they created made actual sense! I would absolutely love it if you guys would love this story as much as I love it!

InterPlanarGod · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

chapter 8, duel and a dinner with a future date

As we finally arrived at the Roswaal manor, a sprawling estate nestled amidst a large yard surrounding which is rolling hills and verdant forests, I felt a strange sense of foreboding every time I looked into the forest.

Stepping out of the carriage, I was greeted by a tall, slender man with an unsettling smile and mismatched eyes, one blue and one yellow. He wore the flamboyant attire of a nobleman, his every gesture exuding an air of calculated eccentricity.

"Welcoooome to the Roswaal manooor~, Sir Tereda Choujuuu~," he greeted me with a theatrical bow~. "I am Roswaal L Matheeeeers~, Margrave of this domaaaain~ and Emilia's sponsooor~ in the royal selectio-oon~."

"It is an honor to meet you, Lord Roswaal," I replied, returning the bow with a respectful nod.

I definitely need to ignore his eccentric speech. Don't fucking laugh. Don't. He's a noble, he's also a mage who can flash fry me in a moment, don't!

"I have heeard much about your skillls~," Roswaal continued, his eyes glinting with amusemeeent~. "And I must confeeeess~, I am cuuuurious~ to witness them firsthand~."

Before I could inquire further, he clapped his hands twice, and two figures emerged from the shadows of the manor. Rem and Ram, their expressions stoic and their eyes filled with a quiet determination.

"As a test of your abilitieees~," Roswaal announced, "I propooose~ a small…demonstratiooon~. A duel against my esteemed maidsss~, Rem and Ram~. Do you acceeeept~?"

A challenge. It wasn't entirely unexpected, considering the importance of my role as Emilia's bodyguard. But facing both of them at once, especially after witnessing their prowess during the attack in the capital, was a daunting prospect.

"I accept," I replied, drawing my newly acquired sword, its polished surface gleaming in the afternoon sun. "However, I would like to request a…modification to the terms of the duel."

Roswaal raised an eyebrow, his smile widening with intrigue. "Ohhh~? And what modificatiooon~ would that bee~?"

"A weapons-only duel," I stated firmly. "First blood drawn decides the victor. Emilia can heal the loser afterwards."

A flicker of surprise crossed Roswaal's face, quickly replaced by a look of amusement. "Interesting~. Very well~, I accept your teeerms~. Rem, Ram, you heard the man~. Weapooons only~, first bloooood~. Let's see what our esteemed guest is truly capable oooof~."

The maids nodded in unison, their eyes locking onto me with a predatory focus. 

Rem drew her morningstar, its spiked ball glinting menacingly, while Ram materialized a pair of daggers about the length of her fore-arm wind blades twirling around them for a moment, only for her a moment later to stop channeling wind from her gate with a sheepish expression.

 the air around them crackling with barely restrained energy.

with a synchronized burst of speed, Rem lunged forward, her morningstar a blur of motion.

I parried the initial strike, but then the chain snaked out, the spiked ball at its end seemingly defying the laws of physics.

It whipped around my guard, aiming for my back, forcing me to twist my body into a contorted position to avoid the blow.

I retaliated with a quick thrust, but Rem effortlessly parried it with the shaft of her morningstar.

The chain retracted and then shot out again, this time aiming for my legs.

I leaped back, barely avoiding the spiked ball as it slammed into the ground where I had been standing a moment before.

The chain became an extension of her will, a whip-like weapon with unpredictable reach and deadly accuracy.

It lashed out from unexpected angles, forcing me to constantly adjust my footing and adapt my defenses. 

The spiked ball at its end danced around me like a malevolent and angry ghost, seeking any opening to draw blood.

Ram, meanwhile, used the distraction to her advantage.

Her daggers flashed in and out of my peripheral vision, as I had to dodge her at the same time, her movements were quick and silent as a shadow, every time I dodged she would move to my blind-spot.

I managed to block a few of her strikes, but her agility and precision were remarkable.

A few hits almost nicked me and I suppressed my panic. 

I couldn't afford to be hit at all, so I needed to take her out first,

I found myself caught in a whirlwind, constantly on the defensive, struggling to keep up with the onslaught. 

The 1000-hour amulet had granted me knowledge and technique- maybe if I cultivated for a few more days this would be easy but I don't feel like dying or going back.

I couldn't stop Rem's chain as it extended once more, this time wrapping around my ankle with even more surprising speed. 

I stumbled, losing my balance, and she yanked on the chain, pulling me towards her. However, the honed reflexes and enhanced awareness granted by my cultivation and stolen skills allowed me to react instantly.

With a swift twist of my body, I spun in mid-air, using the momentum to unravel the chain from my ankle.

In the same motion, I activated the Whirlwind Step technique, the wind swirling around me as I propelled myself towards Ram. 

My blade flashed, a silver streak against the backdrop of the setting sun, and a thin line of red appeared on her cheek.

"Ram, youuu~ are ouut~," Roswaal's sing-song voice echoed across the courtyard, a hint of surprise tinging his usual amusement.

Ram touched her cheek, her eyes widening slightly as she examined the blood on her fingertips.

She then bowed her head in acknowledgment of defeat, a flicker of respect replacing the playful glint in her eyes.

I couldn't afford to celebrate, however.

Rem, fueled by a mix of determination and probably a hint of anger, intensified her movements. 

The morningstar became a blur, the chain snaking and lashing out with even greater ferocity.

I parried and dodged, relying on the skills I had barely earned to keep up with her relentless assault. 

The courtyard floor was scarred with the marks of our battle, the air thick with the smell of sweat and adrenaline.

Rem was like a whirlwind, her attacks coming from all angles, the chain extending and retracting with unpredictable speed. I felt like a leaf caught in a storm, tossed and turned by a hurricane of force and precision.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a sense of calm settled over me. 

My stolen skills, combined with the foundation laid by the Time-Space Divine Death Law, allowed me to analyze her movements, searching for a weakness, a flaw in her seemingly impenetrable defense.

Time seemed to slow and then I saw it. 

Seemingly a slight hesitation appeared, a momentary lapse in concentration maybe? 

As she retracted her chain for another attack an opening appeared that I had been waiting for.

With a burst of speed, I lunged forward, my sword aimed at the gap in her defenses. 

She reacted instantly, attempting to parry, but it was too late. The tip of my blade grazed her arm, drawing a thin line of blood.

Silence descended upon the courtyard as Rem froze, her eyes widening in surprise. 

The morningstar clattered to the ground, the chain falling limp at her side.

"Rem, youuu~ are also ouuut~," Roswaal announced, his voice laced with a mixture of amusement and genuine intrigue. "It seems our guest is more capable than he appears~."

I sheath my sword, my body trembling with exhaustion. The fight had been grueling, pushing me to my limits, but I had emerged victorious.

As I met Rem's gaze, her expression of shock flickered into something unexpected- in her eyesI saw not anger or resentment, but- respect. and- Wait? Was that lust? I hope that's adoration and not lust I'm seeing.

Actually, she's pretty cute. 

I wouldn't mind dating her.

"That was...interesting," I said, sheathing my sword and addressing the maids, who were tending to their minor wounds with Emilia's healing magic. "But I feel like I haven't truly seen your full capabilities."

Rem and Ram exchanged glances, their expressions unreadable. "What do you mean?" Rem asked cautiously.

"I want to face you again," I declared, my voice filled with a newfound determination. "This time, no restrictions. Magic, weapons, full power. Let's see what you're truly capable of."

A flicker of excitement ignited in Rem's eyes, while Ram's lips curved into a sly smile. "Are you sure about that?" Ram questioned, her voice laced with a hint of challenge. "We O- we are not known for holding back."

"Bring it on," I replied with a grin, my heart pounding with anticipation.

Roswaal, who had been observing the exchange with an amused glint in his mismatched eyes, clapped his hands together. "Exceelleeeent~! A true test of skill and powweeeer~! Let the secoouond round staarrt~!"

The courtyard once again became an arena, the atmosphere crackling with anticipation. 

This time, the maids held nothing back. Rem's morningstar whirled around her like a miniature storm, the chain extending and retracting with lightning speed, spikes of ice being shot at me at the same time as it twirled.

I darted forward, as fast as I could. Rem could barely react as her right cheek was cut.

But while I wasn't paying attention to Ram, a swift slice hit my left arm.

My eyes widened.

Ram is the victoor~" Roswaal's singsong voice announced, a hint of genuine surprise replacing his usual amusement.

I stumbled back, clutching my bleeding arm, my gaze locked on Ram. She stood there, her expression a mixture of triumph and concern.

"You fought well," she admitted, her voice surprisingly gentle. "But you were too focused on Rem. Never underestimate your opponent, no matter how small the threat may seem."

I nodded, accepting her words with a grimace. She was right. I had allowed my focus to narrow, underestimating Ram's speed and skill. It was a valuable lesson, one that I would not soon forget.

"Indeed," I replied, my voice strained from exertion. "I seem to have much to learn."

Roswaal approached, his mismatched eyes gleaming with newfound respect. "You have impressed me, Sir Tereda," he declared. "Your skills are remarkable, even without the full extent of your…unique abilities."

He paused, his smile turning sly. "Therefore, I believe an- renegotiation of your compensation is in order, a much higher salaaryy~."

I frowned, This was suspicious. Yeah, I did pretty well, but an increase from the already insane 50 large gold a week? I know that I have platinum but that's not normal level of expense for a common bodyguard.

"I am grateful for your offer, Lord Roswaal," I replied with a respectful bow, hiding my apprehension behind a neutral expression.

"Excellent!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "Then it is settled. You shall receive double your initial agreed upon wage, as well as access to the entire mantiiiooon~ grouunds~."

Okay seriously something is up. Double the initial insane amount? He clearly wants something from me.

He turned towards the maids, who were now fully healed thanks to Emilia's magic. "Rem, Ram, please escort Sir Tereda to his quarters. He must be weary after his…exertions."

The maids nodded and led me towards the manor, their earlier animosity replaced by a grudging respect. As we walked, I couldn't help but wonder about Roswaal's true intentions. His offer was absolutely way too generous.

What did he hope to gain from investing so heavily in a stranger like me?

A few hours later,

Later that evening, after a long soak in a steaming bath to soothe my aching muscles, My armor was cleaned and polished by one of the maids, and lay neatly folded on the bed.

I slipped it on, the familiar weight settling comfortably on my shoulders. However, as I examined my reflection in the mirror, I realized that the armor, while impressive, wasn't exactly suitable for a formal dinner with a nobility. 

That's when I remembered the secondary function of the enchanted mask I had acquired from Kasimir. With a thought, I activated its transformation ability, picturing a formal attire befitting a man of Kararagian descent(AKA fantasy west japan).

The armor shimmered and shifted, the leather plates morphing into a sleek, dark blue Hakima, the traditional formal wear of Kararagian nobility.

The intricate gold embroidery remained, adding a touch of elegance to the ensemble. 

My boots transformed into matching leather shoes, and a silken sash appeared around my waist, completing the transformation.

Satisfied with my new appearance, I exited my room and made my way towards the dining hall. As I approached, I encountered Ram, her arms crossed and a smirk playing on her lips.

"You clean up well, Sir Tereda," she remarked, her eyes scanning my transformed attire with a hint of approval. "Though I must admit, I preferred the rugged look of your armor."

"One must adapt to the occasion," I replied with a playful smile. "Besides, I wouldn't want to offend Lord Roswaal with my lack of decorum."

Ram chuckled. "Indeed. He is rather particular about such things." She gestured towards the dining hall. "Shall we?"

I nodded, and we entered the grand hall together. The long table was already set, laden with an array of delectable dishes and fine silverware. Emilia and Roswaal were engaged in a lively conversation, their voices echoing through the spacious room.

As we approached, Roswaal turned his attention towards us, his mismatched eyes widening in surprise. "Myyy wooord~," he exclaimed, his voice lilting like a whimsical melody, "Sir Tereda~, you loook...daaashing~! I must saay~, I am impreessed~ by your…adaptabiiiility~."

Emilia's eyes widened slightly as she took in my transformed appearance, her expression a mixture of curiosity and admiration. "Wow, Tereda," she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine surprise. "You look...different! That outfit is really interesting. Is it from Kararagi?"

I chuckled, amused by her innocent observation. "It is," I confirmed. "It's called a Hakima, a type of formal wear worn by Kararagian nobility."

"It suits you," she said with a bright smile. "You look very…distinguished."

I returned her smile, my heart warming at her genuine compliment. 

As the dinner went on, Emilia went on about her life in Ellior forrest.

Rem was obviously trying to impress me with ever more elaborate ways of trying to pour wine and putting interesting flourishes on plates being put in front of me and the others.

She also kept glancing at me to see if I was impressed. This, eventually caused her to spill a plate of mashed peas and potatoes with some kind of sauce on my 'Hakima'.

"I-I'm so sorry, Sir Tereda!" she stammered, her voice barely a whisper. "I-I don't know what came over me."

A chuckle escaped my lips as I gently took the pitcher from her grasp. "No harm done," I assured her, my voice soft and reassuring. "Accidents happen."

"But...but I'm supposed to be a maid," she protested, her voice thick with shame. "I should be more...competent."

"You are competent, Rem," I said, my gaze meeting hers with unwavering sincerity. "In fact, you're one of the most capable people I've ever met."

A flicker of hope ignited in her eyes, replacing the self-doubt that had clouded her expression. "You...you really think so?"

"I know so," I affirmed, offering her a warm smile. "And don't ever let anyone, including yourself, tell you otherwise."

A soft sigh escaped her lips, and her shoulders relaxed slightly, as if a heavy burden had been lifted. "Thank you, Sir Tereda," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. "That...that means a lot to me."

I nodded with a smile, "In fact, would you like to go on a date with me to the nearby town at some point this week?" I glanced to roswaal and Emilia, "If that's alright."

"Indeeeed~ that is fiene~ you can of couuuurse~ your duties do not staaart~ until Emelia is in an insecure locaaaatioon.~"

I nodded and smiled, turning to rem who was beet red. "Idefinitellywouldlovetodothatwithyousir Tereda!"

Taking a deep breath, she panics and darts towards her room.

It's been a long day. A huge carriage ride and a fight just as we arrived.

I checked what time it was with my parahuman power, and it was already 9:47 PM.

I smiled, and went to my quarters.

Amazing how close you can get to a cute Oni maid who's into you when your scent doesn't scream "HELLO! I KILLED YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY AND BURNED DOWN YOUR VILLAGE!"

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