
How to survive in the World DxD with Fragment Memories

Awaken in the world of DxD with broken memories related to it, yet having almost to no memories of his previous life other than his personality and ego remaining intact. Masaru discovered a day after his reincarnation or perhaps transmigration, that he turned out to be the son of Diehauser Belial, and that he was kidnapped the night his mother (Human) was killed by an assassin. With no other way but to play the fool in appearing to trust each and every person he met till he became strong enough to guard himself, Masaru starts to live as the chosen heir of the Belial Family. Using his fragmented memories of the World of DxD, Masaru takes the lead to take control of the flow of fate surrounding the world. To ensure the safety of himself, his beloved family... This is the story of a Wonder Child, who hates his title but can't resist creating miracles that can make one wonder.

CompleteNoob · Tranh châm biếm
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175 Chs

vs Vali Lucifer

Night arrived and Masaru was currently waiting in an arranged waiting room with Sona's peerage and Rias's peerage although Issei appears to be with the Vampire girl... No Boy. "Why are you wearing a mask?" Sona asks Masaru who was currently playing chess with her.

Just waiting is boring after all, "That is confidential, so I can't answer that I hope you can forgive me"

Masaru spoke softly while moving his piece, Sona knew that unlike her and Rias, Masaru was more of an agent moving behind the scenes for the Devil Kings since they can't easily make a move of their own because Ajuka "died".

"To think we would get a peace talk now of all times" Hearing this Masaru chuckled at Sona,

"Well, I should say it's about time it happens," Masaru said it since he knew from the start it would happen, Sona countered his move and Masaru gave up because Grayfia arrived together with Rias and Issei.

"They are waiting, please follow me to the meeting room" Grayfia said before turning around.

Everyone stood up and followed Grayfia till they entered a room where Sirzech wearing white formal dressed covered by his usual grey/gold robe he normally wears on occasions like these and Serafall dressed in a corporate outfit she once wore when Masaru went together with her to meet Yasaka, was seated on the left.

Micheal wore a red robe with a gold cross on the front of his white alb with golden pauldrons and a white sash. There was no need to mention the golden halo that attracted alot of attention and was the symbol of being an angel, seated in the middle and Azazel on the right. Irina was behind Michael while Vali was behind Azazel.

"My younger sister, Sona Sitri and Masaru Belial and their peerage, who was involved in the recent attack by Kokabiel" Sirzech thank the three groups before gesturing them to take their places.

"First let me apologize, I should have been strict on monitoring Kokabiel. I'm Sorry" Azazel Apologized ahead of time to everyone, although he did not appear to be serious in this regards.

Sirzech nodded as he gestured for everyone to take their seats "Please be seated"

Everyone took their seats however Masaru leaned against the wall looking at the room as he was starting to send out detection magics to keep his vigilance. "All here gathered today are people who are aware of highly classified information: God is dead"

And thus the conference started, when Masaru was certain it was fine for now he went to take his seat between Akeno and Ingvild.

Sirzech looked at the two girls "Sona can you share your report of the latest attack of Kokabiel?"

Sirzech gestured, Sona gave her version of the story followed by Rias however Masaru gave only one sentence "He was weak"

Azazel coughed a bit looking at this boy daring to say such thing in an important meeting, "Give a more detail report"

Masaru nodded and copied Rias's report exactly, the three people only sighed but Michael found this boy amusing especially at the part he said Kokabiel was weak but he will never admit it.

Before Sirzech could ask Azazel sighed, "The action of Kokabiel was independent and not from the Grigori, by the time I had proof of his betrayal he was already here in Kuoh Town, Masaru was kind to assist me in capturing him and the Grigori sent Kokabiel to be imprisoned in Cocytus, the reports were already handed so I don't have much to add after all"

Michael questioned Azazel of his intentions especially about the fact he was gathering Sacred Gear holders, but Azazel simply laughed it off feeling quite relaxed as he simply states the fact he was preparing for the future ahead as well as researching the sacred gears itself, he even mentioned sharing his findings with the two factions.

"I am happy with the way the world is, there is no need for me to look for war. I enjoy my time spent on researching Sacred Gears..." Azazel said nonchalantly.

But the three people still felt it hard to believe in him but he simply shrugged it off, but suddenly became quite serious despite being casual, "Then, let's make peace. That is the end goal of this meeting after all"

"Yes, it is of the importance we make peace as the last great war nearly reduced our races to extinction" Sirzech mentioned,

Michael nodded as he continues "We have lost may plenty of things, like God who was our pillar"

Azazel looked at Michael with surprise, "To think the Michael I knew who was all God this and God that would say something that could make him fall..."

Michael looked at Azazel sternly, "We have lost a lot of things and there is no use pinning on what is gone... We seraphs came to an agreement for the continuation of our survival"

Azazel chuckles, "About what? The world is falling apart? I mean the manner how things are run especially with the System God left behind it is completely different from how things were before we fell..."

Michael, Sirzech and Serfall all agreed that war would only bring extinction to their races, Azazel only leaned against his couch causing the three to look at him, "You think a world without God will cause it to wither away like grains of sands? Sorry but you're wrong. Look at us living even now the way we do, we're fine. God may be dead but the world is moving on without him"

After more discussion, Issei brought up the questions related to Asia's exile which was of no surprise for Masaru as even he could understand a few things about the System from the reports he has gotten. But when the fallen angels topic came in, the discussion turned into an argument.

"That boy must hate Fallen Angels" Akeno spoke while looking at Issei's angered face.

Masaru gently poked her cheek causing her to look at him, "You should understand his feelings was toyed with on several times, he is too pure and naive like a real dragon. Not to mention Asia whom he loved died in the hands of a fallen angel and he even asked his first love to kill the said fallen angel. It won't be an exaggeration to say that Fallen Angel practically started his misfortune"

Masaru then caressed her hair as he continued, "However, he refuses to face his fear head-on, a coward. Because of that he needs someone to blame for his anger, Raynare is dead but this idiot wants to drag the entire race for a single groups action. This is just simply a childish tantrum. Besides, why are you worried about what he thinks of? I love my little angel the way she is"

Masaru explained, Akeno rests her head on his shoulder feeling a bit better as she was also a bit complicated with the Fallen Angels but thanks to Masaru who explained many things and taught her she came to understand the choices her father made. But more than that, she loved knowing that he loved her entirely including what she is.

"Yeah Yeah, Even if I apologize now it will already be too late... But before we can declare peace we have to hear the opinions of the world-changing powers... Red Dragon Emperor Hyoudou Issei and White Dragon Emperor Vali, what do you two seek from this world?" Azazel looked at Vali,

"I don't care as long as I have strong opponents to battle with" Vali answered nonchalantly,

Azazel looked at Issei who is expected did not understand the question until the question was dumbed down to breasts only then did he answer. Masaru could only sigh the moment this idiot became overexcited about breasts but stood up as he too had something to say.

"I would like to ask to say something" Hearing this the four leaders looked at Masaru with interest wondering why he would interrupt now,

"If you intend to bring peace are you ready? People will be discontented with your intentions meaning the very thing you want to avoid is going to happen anyway, the only difference will be two factions in this war. It will be one that wants war and one that wants peace this is inevitable, from the looks of it Azazel already took steps in preparing for this as well because he knew what the cost for peace is"

The four of them did not immediately respond, Masaru continued. "As a proposal, the first thing that needs to happen as soon as possible is to allow other races to participate in the Rating Game, use the Rating game as a place where the people can vent out all their hatred, anger and frustrations out."

"Because finding a way to expel the feelings from within each of the factions will reduce the number of traitors that will pop up because not all of them really want to betray their respective factions but to just be told forgive and forget? Sorry but that is impossible if someone killed one of my girls and suddenly I have to forgive him for peace? Nope, not a chance. But having a Rating game will decrease the number of discontents much more than doing nothing but forced spoon-feeding peace"

"The next step will be to form a mixed-race team of your choosing people who will represent what you expect of this alliance and have them become the example to allow the three factions to start to consider this, and this task will require them to bear a burden of possible hatreds at the start" Masaru concluded

Azazel caresses his goatee looking at Masaru meaningfully, "Your speaking like we already made peace"

Masaru smirked "Because for the sake of the survival of the supernaturals... This peace is necessary which is why I proposed this idea that needs to be implemented with high priority like any other tasks"

Michael nodded as he knew better than anyone that there was a lot of discontents so this proposal was indeed something to make use of earlier than spoken about before, "Thank you for your input"

But before the peace could officially be declared the surroundings changed as some people stopped moving, Masaru turned around to see all of his girls appear to be unaffected because of their spiritual link towards him that protected them.

"As I thought, your really a monster" Azazel laughed looking at Masaru who never froze in time,

"Well that vampire girl won't be able to stop people who are stronger than him for long" Masaru said with a smile, A

zazel nodded, "Khaos Brigade..."

Michael was not entirely informed about this since he only joined the Alliance now so Azazel gave him a rundown about it. For some reason Vali had a strange expression which no one took note of, Masaru, however, was looking through the window seeing several magic circles appearing with Magicians coming out in droves even old satan faction devils were coming out.

Shortly Issei and Rias who touched one another with their hands, Yuuto with his holy demonic sword and Xenovia with her Durandal broke through the time freeze.

"Oh Your finally here huh?" Azazel spoke with the lot that just broke out of the Time freeze,

"From the looks of it the Vampire boy's sacred gear was made to run berserk under the control of the Magicians" Azazel gave his speculations, Rias gave her proposal of using the technique to move towards the evil pieces she left in the Occult building to teleport there and rescue Gasper.

"Vali, go out and give some Dragon Breath at those magicians and let them know the Vanishing Dragon is here" Azazel gave his order nonchalantly.

Vali wanted to comment about what Azazel said about dragon breath but he still nodded and went outside blocking magic attacks before sending some of his own. Just when Grayfia sent off Rias with Issei, Masaru noticed a familiar Leviathan family crest materialized in the middle of room.

What appeared was a tall bespectacled tanned skin woman with long brown hair tied in a bun and a voluptuous figure. When Ingvild saw her she held her mouth but did not move forward as Katerea was one of the people who treated her the worst back when Leviathan Family was at its peak, Katerea naturally noticed Ingvild

"To think the abomination and shame of the Leviathan clan are still alive... But no matter it will all end in a flash, chaos and destruction" Katarea said with disgust as she look at disdain towards Ingvild.

Suddenly the surrounding exploded leaving the building in rubbles however Masaru together with the leaders managed to conjure a barrier to protect those that were still stopped in time.

Perhaps it was because Masaru was standing behind Azazel like a subordinate that Katerea did not immediately, "I am here to kill you two of the three remaining devil kings and take back the Leviathan title that should have belonged to me"

Serafall said nothing which was quite rare but Masaru could see she was about to explode, "Allow me to handle her as compensation for what Kokabiel did" Azazel suggested, Sirzech and Michael both nodded but Serafall pouted, feeling that she should have punished this little girl instead.

Masaru, however, turned to face the magicians as he saw Vali was not killing any of them only toying around, so he conjured multiple magic circles which was connected to his inventory bracelet and what came out of those magic circles were barrels inscribed with several runic languages.

"What the hell is that?" One of the magicians spoke but soon all that was heard was the sound of explosions when the barrels began releasing special modified magical explosive bullets, the smaller barrels had similar as gun bullets but enchanted with a special metal alloy allowing the bullet to penetrate barriers up to low-rank high class and the bigger barrels were artillery which released larger explosive enchanted bullets which takes out a larger scale of low-rank high class.


Boom! Boom!


'I have to give Ulrika a surprise gift for completing these magical guns I can use for taking down mobs like these' Masaru thought while looking at the rate the magicians were going down was faster than the rate they were coming out of the teleportation circle.

"What the hell is that!?" Katerea was distracted allowing Azazel to penetrate his spear into her heart.

"Gah! You--- You bastard" Azazel only smirked twisting his spear before allowing the now dead Katerea to collapse on the ground.

a flash of white appeared behind Azazel as well as another flash of white smashing his fist in the face of Vali who intended to attack Azazel, sending the latter crashing into the school building.

"Thanks" Azazel landed while deactivating his artificial sacred gear.

"Your really a bastard... Sneak attacking like that" Vali spoke as he materialized his six pairs of devil wings.

"I don't want to hear that from a white lizard who is nothing special without his sacred gear" Masaru said nonchalantly, he was not gazing at Vali seriously.

Vali grits his teeth feeling rage at Masaru who was looking down on him, he enjoyed doing this with others but to be on the receiving side how could he not be angry. Masaru smirked as he lands right in front of Vali but mysteriously Vali's armour began to disintegrate as if to release itself, this alerted Vali.

"Albion!? ALBION!!!" Vali shouted when he realized that his connection with Albion vanished, this made him shudder in fear.

Masaru smiled warmly but that smile was like a demon for Vali, "I told you didn't I? Without your sacred gear your nothing special"

"You--- What have you done!?" Vali flew off into the skies while Masaru nodded thinking that asking this was reasonable.

"I only used my family's ability to nullify the connections from which you get energy from Albion, but this very connection is the same one that links you and your sacred gear allowing you to communicate with one another... This is a mutation technique I created since I was quite interested in this peculiar Super Devil that had a Sacred Gear Canceller so I wondered if I could do something similar but instead, I got a surprise and developed a technique that can simply cut the link between Sacred Gear and it's host" Masaru caress his chin,

"The downside is when someone uses something like the true Longinus then it will not work because the spear itself has god slaying attribute to it" Masaru concluded his research results after he tested it on Vali.

Masaru releases his technique, "Come, show it to me. Your so-called Juggernaut drive"

[Vali!? What happened!? I suddenly lost contact with you!]

"Albion! It's Masaru, he used his family power to cut off our link, I am not sure if he can maintain it for long or not since he just dropped this on purpose" Vali summarized the incident while keeping his eyes locked on Masaru.

Masaru smirked as he coax Vali, his disdain look became evident as he repeats himself. "Naturally I want to see you use that... Juggernaut drive"

"Is this Masaru really mad or something? Juggernaut drive is a very powerful release of the sacred gear power" Michael spoke watching Masaru openly asking Vali to activate his Juggernaut drive,

"Heh, I think that boy wants to scan the method Juggernaut drive happens for his research on his own Sacred gear" Azazel laughed looking at this boy being quite crazy but smart as well.

"Can't you just give him your research results?" Azazel shook his head at Michael's proposal, "Experience and Reading, the amount of information he can gain varies and he already has the information. What he requires in experience and witness it himself"

[Vali we have to leave! His dangerous! Just cutting off our link we are no match for him! Not until you can find a way to overcome it!]

Vali shook his head wanting to enter Juggernaut drive like Masaru ask but Albion was more worried about the fact Masaru could nullify the link, well it was only half true because Masaru needed to be at least two metres near the target to be able to activate it and he needs to scan the power of the sacred gear as well.

Masaru sighed seeing that Vali was not making up his mind and not even equipping his Balance breaker so he will toy with him a bit.

With the help of his space magic, Masaru appeared in front of Vali giving him a smack with his hand covered with Dragon aura & Touki which was enough to cause Vali's ear drums to burst while being sent flying off to crash into the grounds nearby, Azazel was shocked as he did not expect the dragon ritual would strengthen Masaru's physical strength to such a degree.

[Vanishing Dragon Balance Breaker!]

Vali equipped his white dragon armour before taking flight into the skies, Masaru called out his sacred gear only in its initial form which was fingerless gloves, metal layer behind his ears and at the calves.

His eyes became slits like a cat while he waiting for Vali to arrive, Masaru dodge and dodge each strike Vali was trying to hit him, in order to activate Divide and steal some of Masaru's energy to replenish his own.

"We just arrived" Rias reported to Sirzech that they managed to rescue Gasper, But Issei's eyes were on the battle occurring in the skies.

[My god...]

Even Ddraig was surprised to see his rival being toyed with to this extent.

"What is going on!?" Rias asked,

Azazel scratched his cheek, he was quite embarrassed about this "I am a failure... I never expected Vali to be part of the Khaos Brigade"

Issei turned to look at Azazel with surprise, "He is a bad guy!?" Azazel nodded,

"But to think Ma-kun became this strong, it's good we have him on our side" Serafall spoke happily to see Masaru displaying his might.

"Is he trustworthy?" Michael looked at Sirzech and Azazel who both nodded, Michael would not say it but he noticed that Masaru became a Devil Dragon which was a great threat to his faction.

"He chose peace after all... Since he wants to survive is what he said" Azazel laughed finding that reason really... Amusing. The Red dragon wants breasts, the white dragon wants to fight the strong and the Tiger wants to survive.

[Half Dimension!]

"Worthless" Masaru waved his hand sending off a strong transparent wave of demonic energy coated with his worthless element, destroying the domain Vali set up to half things around him.

Vali kept quiet and decided to get serious as he circulates his demonic energy to boost his physical capabilities before launching himself at Masaru like a cannonball, soon explosive aftershocks of their attacks were sent off randomly.

"You really are stronger than Kokabiel" Masaru spoke happily as he dodges an incoming punch while slamming his left elbow into the solar plexus of Vali, yet a meaningful smile appeared on his face

"You see, my sacred gear is different from yours... It boosts something that can determine life and death even without strong power" Masaru uppercut Vali swiftly thanks to his enhanced reflexive sensitivity allowing him to react faster than others.

"Just how strong is he!?" Issei looked at Vali getting quite a heavy beating.

[It appears we have some real opponents in this lifetime... You better train hard partner, because that is just the entrance level of becoming a powerhouse]

"EH!? Just the entrance level!?" Issei felt a shock when he realized what he was seeing was only the true start of a powerhouse, 'just how much do I have to train to reach Sensei's level?'

Akeno and the girls were all looking at the battle to learn and to support Masaru should anything unexpected happened, he did not allow them to join in the attacks at the start as even Masaru was not certain of what kind of movements Shalba might make. Shalba was the kind that was cruel enough to even use his allies like Katerea as he did with Kokabiel.


Vali flew backwards wiping the blood from his mouth, a smile form on his lip but the fun between the two of them came to an end when a man with short light coloured hair, dressed in ancient Chinese armour that was used during the Three Kingdoms period.

"Bikou!" Vali landed next to his friend,

"We have to leave, that job is ready and waiting for us" Vali nodded while Bikou activated the teleportation circle.

"I will show you the Juggernaut Drive next time... As for you Hyoudou Issei my destined rival... You better get stronger otherwise you will die before we have our match" Vali said with a stern look.

"Hmph, you little lizard sure talks big while running away... What a disgrace, to think you are the host of one of the two heavenly dragons" Masaru said with disdain causing Vali to almost slip from pure anger when he heard what Masaru said.

'Well, what a cliche villain escape... But I got some entertainment from it so it's fine... But it is a shame, if only I could scan a legitimate juggernaut drive I could perhaps initiate a similar mode for my own sacred gear' Masaru thought as he landed on the ground deactivating his sacred gear,

"Masaru!" The girls came towards him giving him a hug and kiss each before Masaru was able to face the four leaders.

"Sorry for allowing him to escape" Masaru bowed and apologize politely and Azazel bowed together with him to apologize that he did not know of Vali's betrayal till now which was naturally a white lie.

"No need, it's fine. Besides you surprised us quite a bit Ma-kun, you activated your Sacred Gear?" Serafall asked with an excited voice, she was quite interested in Masaru's sacred gear.

"Yes, it took a while since it required a different kind of desire unlike the straight forward ones like that red dragon over there" Masaru pointed at Issei.

"Mine required strong feelings of Dignity" Masaru smiled wryly.

Serafall went over to hug Sona who came too after the time stop faded.

"Thank you for hard work Masaru" Michael came to thank Masaru

Masaru smiled warmly at this angel who appears to look forced, Masaru knew Michael realized what he was but did not care since the peace talks have been finalized. "It's a pleasure"

Seeing that Issei wants to talk with Michael, Masaru and the girls went off to fix the buildings along with Sona and her peerage with the held of the other races who joined the alliance of peace.

'With Katerea killed I will need to watch my movements for a while not to alert Shalba, he will probably not make any movements soon in order to wait for an opportune time to strike' Masaru thought while using his ground magic to fill up the fissures and craters created because of his fights.

"Ma-Kun, you held back didn't you?" Serafall appeared behind Masaru, he could only chuckle since it was true but

Masaru said with a sly look "He held back as well, he knew I was strong but I shook his psyche the moment I disabled his Sacred gear all together which is completely different from Sacred Gear Canceller, and he who only uses his demonic power and Sacred Gear, nothing else. This is the greatest fear he probably experienced for a battle junkie"

Serafall nodded but Masaru continued, "I let him go because he is useful... for the Devils in the future"

Serafall would not understand this, but in the future, she would be eternally grateful for Masaru's foresight.

15/08/2020 - Changes made

A hungry lion was roaming through the jungle looking for something to eat.

He came across two men. One was sitting under a tree and reading a book the other was typing away on his typewriter.

The lion quickly pounced on the man reading the book and devoured him.

Even the king of the jungle knows that readers digest and writers cramp.


Be careful what you eat out there! Complete Noob is out!

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