
How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Living life in this new world was already hard enough.... So why? Why is the villainess of this world obsessed with me?

MCPG · Kỳ huyễn
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200 Chs

Evaluation Test?

[Congratulations! You have leveled up]

[Level: 7+10]

[Bonus stat points: 30]

[Strength: F]

[Agility: D]

[Endurance: D]

[Luck: 0]

[Power: F]

[Would you like to allocate the points automatically?]




Did I really just level up after all these years?

As I stared at the floating screens right in front of me, I couldn't help but wonder what exactly happened just a while ago….

Did I really just do that?

Did I really just kill all those terrorists?


The one who can't even harm a mouse from the moment I got transmigrated here?

The world must be playing with me, right?

But as it stands out, that can't be the case… after all, all of that really just happened, my favorite even saw me do it….

"Why are you staring blankly in the air? Do you want me to do another scan just in case?"

"Ah no, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? The scanner says nothing is wrong with you… but we can't really be sure about mentally wise, we have some experts nearby."

"No, really, I'm fine. If the scanner says I'm alright, then I'm really alright. Besides, I'm not really the one who needs medical attention right now."

As the medical examiner meticulously examined my body for any signs of injury or trauma, I couldn't shake the sense of confusion that clouded my mind.

The events that had unfolded just moments ago had left me reeling, grappling with questions that seemed to have no easy answers.

The school had swiftly dispatched their elite forces to assist in the aftermath of the incident, but their arrival had come too late to prevent the main events from reaching their conclusion.

[Skill Name: Monarch's Will (Unique)] [Locked]

This skill…

How did I get this all of a sudden?

From what I can barely remember, the system kept popping out here and there when I was dying, so I was a bit aware of the system's interference, but what exactly happened?

'And if it was going to give the skill, at least don't lock it.'

Were there conditions needed to use it?


There are too many questions with so few answers.

"Then I'll be going now"

"Ah wait at least take this with you"

"Thank you"

Accepting the small bottle of healing potion from the medical examiner, I couldn't help but wonder why she had singled me out for attention.

As she moved on to attend to the next person in need, I glanced around the hospital ward, taking note of the other injured students scattered throughout the room.


There were plenty of others who were clearly in need of medical assistance, so why had the examiner focused on me?

It seemed strange, almost as if there was something specific about my condition that had drawn her attention.


Today's events have shed some light on a few important realizations. Firstly, it appears that there is a certain degree of influence I possess over the main scenarios.

As long as I adhere to my own predetermined fate and avoid altering it in any significant manner, I seem to have a certain level of freedom to act as I see fit.

The first indication of this came four months ago when I neglected my mission to care for Liyana in favor of saving Alice.

The system intervened, punishing me and issuing a warning. However, during today's events, when I used Alice to interfere with the main scenario of the game, no repercussions followed.

It seems that this interference did not significantly alter my impending fate of death.

Furthermore, the incident involving today's terrorists provided further evidence of this phenomenon.

Instead of punishing me for deviating from my main scenario, the system bestowed upon me a seemingly random yet not entirely random skill.

This suggests that the system is not solely concerned with enforcing predetermined outcomes but may also act in ways that facilitate the fulfillment of my destiny.

In the end, it seems that as long as my fate is sealed in death, I am granted a certain level of freedom to navigate the intricacies of this world.

Monarch's Will... Is it a manifestation of fate, or merely a twist of coincidence?

Perhaps it's a reflection of my true nature, or maybe it's just what Riley was always destined to possess. The answers elude me, shrouded in the mysteries of this strange reality.

Ironically, I now find myself in possession of the same skill as my beloved fiancée

As the mission to attend the academy finally concluded, the familiar notification flashed before me:

[Mission: Attend the academy] [COMPLETED!!!]

But as I stared at the screen, a sense of dissatisfaction welled up within me. Is that all? I couldn't help but voice my frustration aloud.

'At least reward me with something, you useless fucking system…'

Ding…! Ding…!


To my surprise, the screen flickered once more, displaying an unexpected message:

[Level: 17 - 2]


Was this thing actually sentient?

And did it just cut down my levels?



What did it mean by "Yes"?

Was this system capable of understanding my thoughts and responding to them?

I felt a chill run down my spine as I pondered the implications of such a realization.

[Level: 15 - 3]

"Hey, give me back my levels!"

On that day everybody in the ward looked at me as if I was crazy….


As the entrance ceremony drew to a near closure, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief.

Three days had passed since the tumultuous events of the first chapter of Act 1.

It took that long for the school to reopen its doors and allow us to leave the confines of the dormitories where we had been stuck.

I guess everybody's fine now after everything that happened?

Despite thorough investigations into the perpetrators of the attack, answers remained elusive.

The mastermind behind the incident had managed to escape, leaving behind a trail of chaos and destruction. Most of the other terrorists had either perished or taken their own lives in the process.

This turn of events presented a few unexpected challenges for me.

My interference with the main scenario, hoping to conclude Act 1 entirely in the first chapter with Auvin's demise or capture, had seemingly backfired.

Despite Alice's presence, Auvin had managed to evade and escape.

I couldn't help but speculate whether it was due to the protagonist's personality or perhaps the system's interference, as Auvin's time is not due that day.

However, I lacked concrete evidence to support the latter theory.

It was most likely that goody two shoes of a protagonist.

The realization that Auvin's survival meant my own path diverged from the main scenario brought a mix of emotions.

On one hand, it relieved me of the pressure to adhere to the story's predetermined plotlines.

On the other, it left me grappling with uncertainty about my own future.

However, dwelling on what could have been served no purpose.

It's clear now that my priorities needed to shift.

Instead of being entangled in the protagonist's journey, I could now focus solely on altering my own fate.

Which means I can just sit by and watch how the protagonist does the scenarios from now on, as it has nothing to do with me.

My main scenario was different.

[Mission: Attend a Class]

[Status info:]

[Riley Hell]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 17]

[Strength: D] [{10/50)]

[Agility: D]

[Endurance: D]

[Luck: 0]

[Power: D]

[Skill info:]

[Monarch's Will (Unique)] [Locked]

[Effects: Absolute Command]

[Effects: 90% stat reduction]

[Effects may vary depending on the strength of the individual's willpower]

[Special abilities]

[Crazy Magnet]

[Description: Evil people will have a certain liking to you]

[Overview: A person who's fated to be surrounded with happiness]

Looking at my own specs, I couldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief.

The system had returned my levels, a welcome relief after its previous teasing antics.

With a total of 30 stat points at my disposal, courtesy of the 10 levels gained, I wasted no time in allocating them to my F-rank stats.

Recognizing the importance of strength and power in this world, I decided to invest 20 points into strength and 10 points into power.

Despite the investment, I didn't immediately feel a significant change.

Nevertheless, I took comfort in the knowledge that I was now on the path to becoming stronger.

Reflecting on my journey thus far, I realized that leveling up likely required me to engage in combat and defeat opponents.

It was a revelation that dawned on me belatedly, considering I had avoided conflict since arriving in this world.

Perhaps if I had joined my grandfather in hunting expeditions, I would have leveled up sooner.

In the game, the protagonist's leveling up was intricately tied to his encounters and training sessions.

I had mistakenly assumed that by engaging in similar activities, I could also level up.

However, reality reminded me once again that I wasn't the protagonist of this story.

It was a bitter realization, but dwelling on it served no purpose.

As the principal delivered his speech, extolling the virtues of our prestigious academy and the greatness of its graduates, I found myself struggling to maintain interest.

While those around me listened attentively, perhaps inspired by the prospect of joining the ranks of esteemed alumni, I couldn't help but feel a sense of ennui.

Having played through the game countless times, I was all too familiar with the principal's announcements.

His words often held clues to hidden quests and the locations of special items.

Yet, with each repetition of his speeches, my interest waned.

There seemed little point in listening when I already knew everything he would say, along with the secrets they held.

Clap! Clap!

So, as applause filled the auditorium, I couldn't help but stifle a yawn of boredom.

While others hung on the principal's every word, I remained aloof, my mind drifting to more pressing matters.

With the ceremony concluded, my focus shifted to the impending practical evaluation test. As the principal descended from the podium, another staff member took the stage to make an announcement.

"I know all of you are excited, but now that the ceremony is over, let us proceed to the practical evaluation test. The evaluation method will be explained shortly. For all the first years, please stay. Different types of practical exercises will be conducted from each department."

This test would determine our class placement within the academy.

While the institution boasted about its academic achievements, it was the specialized fields that truly showcased its glory.

From legendary knights to history-altering mages, from revered saints to wise sages, the Academy of Lumen prided itself on nurturing exceptional talents.

As the proctors began to line us up individually along the sides of the colossal gymnasium, I noticed that although the general department students were separated from us, there remained a considerable number of students staying despite the segregation.

'There really are a lot of us huh'

Sigh... I'll be completely honest—I'm not thrilled about this at all. The thought of embarrassing myself is enough to make me cringe.

Sure, my stats might be hovering around D-level, but that won't do much against these students, most of whom probably boast C-level stats.

And let's not forget my absolute lack of luck.

That Zero luck stat is about to doom me again anytime soon.

Haha... Despite building up some reputation from my previous exploits, I suppose it's time to bid farewell to that now.

"Alright, everyone, please stand by as your seniors come forward," the announcement from the middle-aged female teacher rang out, prompting us all to line up obediently.

Just like in the game, our task was to face off against our seniors, with the proctors evaluating our performance.

Looking at the students in front of me, I could see surprise and shock written all over their faces. Some were visibly trembling with nervousness—I couldn't blame them.

It's practically impossible for a first-year to beat a senior, except maybe for the powerhouse heroine, Rose Brilliance.

"Okay, come forward as I call your names, okay?"


Let's just get this over with.

A simple embarrassing display will only last for a moment.

"Riley Hell."

Hearing my name called, I was surprised.

It's not alphabetical?

Well, I don't really mind. Being the first one will practically set a standard.

I don't want the chance of being next to someone with a great performance.

But I should at least try my best, right?

Making my way to the front, I stepped onto the prepared 5 by 5 stage floor.

"Riley Hell, you're from the knight department, correct?"


Nodding my head at the teacher, she checked something on her paper, before nodding on her own.

Walking to the stage, my nervousness got the better of me.... I wonder who my opponent is.

I hope it's someone strong, so it ends rather quickly.

"Alice Holloway, you may enter."

"...huh?" Hearing the announcement, I couldn't help but mumble in surprise.

I didn't hear that wrong, right?

Alice Holloway?

Why am I facing off against my favorite?

And wasn't she a mage?

Did the teacher mishear me?

But the sword on my waist should've been a clear indicator.

"What's going on?"

"He~ya! It's been a long time, junior!" Alice greeted me with her iconic smile and laughter, recognizing me.

"Hello, Senior," I greeted her back.

"Oh~? Wha-what, you can actually talk?" She acted surprised, covering her mouth.


Damn… she's so cute.

"Ah, was I rude just now? ehehe~!"

'No, you weren't. I was just awestruck by your beauty…' Haah, how I wish I could say that openly to her.

"Sorry~ hehehe… it's just that it's the first time I've heard you speak… even back at the floating ship you never really—"

"Alice Holloway, you're delaying the test," the teacher reminded.

"Ah, I'm sorry," apologizing, she bowed her head as she realized there were other students waiting.

"Well then, let's get this going, shall we, junior?"

Nodding my head, I was waiting for her to move.

As someone who has played with Alice more than a hundred times by now, I know all of her moves and patterns.

Alice is considered as one of the top tiers among the third years, with only the student council president Dorothy Gale and the sword saint Celine able to keep up with her, two of the strongest supporting characters in the game.

Although I can't put up a fight, if I can just dodge one attack, that's all I need to at least get a particularly high evaluation here.

I wonder if she'll summon a guardian knight?

"I know you're strong, junior, so I won't hold back, okay?"


Since when was I strong?




Before I had time to react, a red flash covered my vision and with it came searing pain in both my stomach and back.


Coughing up blood, my hazy gaze stared back at the stage.

…..Ah, I see, I was pushed quite far away.

This feeling... am I on a wall right now?

The rough and thorny feeling behind me was enough to render me useless, I could feel my flesh pierced through by the shattered stones.

Crackle...! Crackle...!

Streaks of red electricity filled the air, indicating where the attack came from.

"Hu-wawawa? I-I'm so sorryyy!!" Alice apologized as she quickly ran over to me…

Fuck, I'm losing consciousness…

Looking at the teacher's face, I knew I was bound to get a low grade.

Shit how embarrassing.

That wasn't even a fight… how are they going to evaluate me now?

The fight ended in just 2 seconds.

Yes, he's a simp.

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