
Kick Ass

"You're Mount Lady, aren't you?" asked Yousuke.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Do you want an autograph or something...?" replied the blonde woman he was carrying.

"Of course not. I'm in the middle of my exam right now. And I don't even have a pen and paper." said Yousuke.

"Ah, right." Mount Lady muttered, embarrassed.

The awkward atmosphere (for Mount Lady) continued for some time, until Yousuke reached the shelter area. Dropping her off there, Yousuke didn't stick around to give his name or anything. He was sure UA wasn't inept enough to not have cameras all over the exam grounds. And he couldn't afford to lose any time, either. He only had 15 minutes in the exam.

Yousuke wasn't aware of this, but not giving his name and rushing back in the fray would help the score the 'civilians' give. The applicants could get between 1 to 10 points for each civilian rescued, although the exact number depended on their performance. Mount Lady would have no choice but to give him the max score for his excellent rescue.


Inside UA's main building, the entire UA staff was watching the applicants through a bunch of cameras. Ectoplasm had split his body into a great amount of clones to follow all the cameras at the same time, while the others were simply watching for the most prominent applicants. The ones with the highest scores, like our own ballsy boy, the ones with high villain scores and low save scores, like a certain explosive blond, and the ones with high save scores and low villain scores, like a tall, masked teen with multiple hands who was carrying 4 civilians on his back.

"Do you think it's about time, Mr. Nezu? The applicants have racked up quite some points already." commented All Might in his deflated form.

The principal hummed, and retrieved a remote with a big red button from one of his pockets.

"I believe so, yes. However..." the rodent trailed off. Instead of saying anything else, he simply pressed the large red button.

Normally, that button would release a 0-pointer in every exam ground. But the principal didn't press it just once. No, the white animal pressed it 5 times. In every exam ground there would be 5 0-pointers released, all at once.

"P-Principal?!" sputtered All Might. "Isn't that way too much?"

The principal had a sinister smile on his face.

"If they're aspiring to become heroes, they'll have to go through unfair situations. It's better if they go through something like this now before they're in real danger."


In all the exam zone, the ground started shaking uncontrollably. Looking up, the applicants saw the massive metal monstrosities that were the 0-pointers, 30 meters of heavy steel plates and tank tracks. They didn't have any ranged capabilities, thankfully. They were only supposed to make applicants avoid them.

But the robots were truly distractions. Wastes of time and things to be avoided at all costs. Not at all worth the remaining time of the exam. Everyone knew this and had the same idea, running away from those things was the only logical step one ought to take to pass this exam.

Yousuke was running, but he wasn't running for the same purpose as all the other applicants. The teen was running to help the slower and less agile applicants get out of harm's way. With 5 0-pointers running around, it was certain that there'd be at least some applicants who lagged behind, getting dangerously close to the giant machines.

He already figured he had a good amount of points, and by this point almost all the robots worth points and the civilians must've been cleared out, so it wasn't like he'd be able to obtain any substantial amount of points even if he ran away.

Just like that, the air horn blared once more, signaling the end of the physical exam.


It had been a week since the entrance exam, and Yousuke was not nervous at all. He knew he had done well enough to get accepted into UA. It was only a matter of patience. He couldn't get anxious now, when all was said and done.

Sure enough, the Gojo family maid came to him with an envelope addressed to him. The teen took an envelope opener to see what was inside. The first thing that caught his eye was a small metallic disk.

Picking it up off the floor, the disk seemed to detect it was held by someone, and it lit up. A projection of a rather famous American-themed hero appeared.

"I AM HERE, AS A PROJECTION!" the booming voice of the Nr. 1 hero resounded in the room. He had already met All Might before, yet unlike the last time, his weird fixation with the 'I am here' phrase made him chuckle. "I must say, young Gojo, your results were absolutely stunning! From your almost perfect score on the written exam, a place was surely guaranteed to you in the General Studies Course, yet you went beyond that. The very definition of Plus Ultra!"

Behind the hero, a screen lit up and started playing bits from Yousuke's physical exam. The short videos displayed the ease with which he disposed of the robots, him carrying away various 'civilians', and even how he'd helped other applicants at the end. There was someone in the back who scolded All Might for taking too long in this letter, much to Yousuke's amusement.

"As I was saying, young Gojo, not many are capable of displaying the abilities or the values you showcased, a hero who protects all and helps those in need, regardless of their situation. Even when you were many points ahead of the competition and had absolutely no need to help your competitors, you still did it anyway. With your score of 72 villain points plus 148 save points awarded for rescuing civilians as well as other applicants, your entrance score hits 220 points, the highest entrance score UA had ever seen. Come, young Gojo, conttinue displaying your abilities here at your HERO ACADEMIA! Go above and go beyond, PLUS ULTRA!"

So we're finally at the beginngin of canon. Get ready for the class 1-A rooster to get fucked.

BTW I'm just gonna warn y'all now, some characters were... aged up less. As in, they're older than class 1-A in canon.

RealSam11creators' thoughts