
Make the best out of a horrible situation 5

The Oak Crest Hotel's indoor greenhouse.

Teacher Deng led Song Ruoxin out of the wedding hall, she stopped as they got to the garden beside the building.

They sat on the seats facing the fountain that was erected at the center of the garden. It provided them some privacy since it was a little out of sight from the hall.

Teacher Deng silently studied Song Ruoxin's, "It had been a while, Ruoxin. How have you been?"

"I have been good and you! I heard that you moved abroad... are you back yet or did you come back just for the wedding?"

"I am back," she tilted her head, "I have been back for a few months now. How are mother and brother? I wanted to visit but I did not know if your family still leave there".

"Oh we do...," She pressed her lips together, she had completely forgotten her present condition. She licked her lip, "Well my mum and my brother still live there. I moved in with a friend".

"Reality, it is good for a girl to be independent. That way you learn to be responsible and gain life experiences. You must get along well with this friend if you are living together".

"Oh we do, I met Yun'er at the university".

"Oh, then she must know, Xiao Ting

"She does, we were roommates".

"Wow, small world," she let go of Song Ruoxin's hands and sat straight, "Xin Xin, please don't take Xiao Ting's words to heart. She was so insensitive, I am sorry. We are at fault for spoiling her and not teaching her properly".

Song Ruoxin blinked, "It is alright, I did not take Yating's words to hear."

"Thank you", she held Dong Ruoxin's hands, gently patting her hands as she continued, "You were one of my best students. It is quite disheartening that you have graduated for some years now but don't have a proper job yet".

Teacher Deng sighed, "That won't do, you studied literature right? How about I recommend you for a job.

"A good friend of my husband is currently looking for a live-in nanny for his children. They are between 5 and 16 years and are very well-behaved. Their father is widowed and is a businessman.

"He is not always around and is looking for someone to take watch the kids. I think you are quite suitable for the job plus the hours are flexible.

"You can go about your own business while the kids are in school. The Professor informed me that you are a writer, and a job with flexible hours is just right for you.

"Plus you get free housing and feeding added to a generous pay," she squeezed Song Ruoxin's hand and shook her head when it looked like the younger woman was about to argue.

"Please don't reject this offer so fast. I am not giving you any special treatment, you are just going for an interview. I am only recommending someone a Literature graduate for the position.

"Everything else is left to you and before you argue that you don't need my help try to look at the bigger picture. You want to be an author and while trying to get a book deal, you need a job to pay the bills. So don't reject my offer just yet, I_"

"Wait, no need. You don't have to try to convince me. I do not plan to reject your offer," Song Ruoxin said, "Thank you".

"it alright ".

They spoke about a few more things before walking back to the wedding hall. Song Ruoxin escorted her teacher Deng to the door before heading to the restroom to relieve herself.


There was no one by the sink as she walked into the restroom. The restroom like the rest of the hotel she had seen so far was lavishly decorated.

Everything was modern and top-notch, the room looked clean enough to walk barefooted. She pushed back a stall door and walked in.

She was all done with her business and had pulled down her skirts and placed her hand on the doorknob when she heard two women walk in.

Song Ruoxin paused as she heard two familiar voices at the entrance of the ladies' room. It sounded like Cai Ying and another classmate.

She bit her lip and let go of the door knob as she heard them mention her name.

"Did you see Song Ruoxin's gown? Didn't it look familiar to you?" Cai Ying stopped by the sink, opened her purse, and took out her powder and lipgloss.

The other woman chuckled, "Oh my it does look familiar!" She chuckled, "Isn't that what she wore to Professor Sun's birthday dinner months earlier. Is that the only good dress she has left".

Ruoxin glanced down at her dark blue gown and clenched her fist. Her nails bit into her skin as they laughed.

"I don't know what Han Yating was thinking when she invited her to the wedding and sat her at our table. When she did not even graduate with us. It is one thing to invite her to the wedding but to seat her with us?" Cai Ying said with a snort.

"you say this like you do not remember how jealous Han Yating is of the girl. Not that I blame here. It was so annoying how Song Ruoxin had all the boys following her around like puppies".

Cai Ying sighed and rolled her eyes, "Don't remind me, I was so glad when she deferred her admission that year. Speaking of that did she even graduate in the end?"

"Yes, I heard she came back two years after we graduated and switched to the Literature program".

"Did she? I heard a rumor that she was dating a nouveau Richie from B city, why didn't she marry him. He would have helped with her struggling financially".

The two women jumped as they heard the toilet in one of the stalls flush.

"What... Did you see anyone?"


They gasped and whipped their head around and faced the mirror as soon as they saw Song Ruoxin walk out.

Song Ruoxin walked to the sink, pressed out some soap, and turned on the tap. She ignored the two women's stare and placed her hand under the faucet.

Minutes later she turned off the water and dried her hands. Her prolonged silence made the women nervous, they blinked and stepped back as she walked towards them.

Song Ruoxin stood by the door, "Why so nervous, Ladies. If you are going to gossip, be smart enough not to get caught". She did not wait for a response, she pulled the door open and left.