
How To Make Your Enemy Fall (in love)

What do you do when the person you love is your arch nemesis? How do you make them fall? A story of two enemies going through the different stages of loving ones enemy.

Zzz_sleppyheadd · Thanh xuân
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The Auclairs and the Zhao's were in a not so friendly relationship as the two families have been rivals for as long as they remembered.

But that stopped as soon as Bridgette Auclair and Xia Zhao became the best of friends, their families would always try their best to separate the both but all their efforts lead to failure

Soon both families gave up and let the two kids become friends and as Bridgette and Xia grew up and gave birth to their children, all the hatred and anger from both families soon faded as they are now known as the two of the most powerful and influencial families in the world

And all is well...

That was until these two were born

Tiffany Zhao and Hugo Auclair

These two despised each other, they would fight over the most littlest things, it all started when In a elite event the two families were Invited In and in a table there was a plate of cookies 5 years old Tiffany approached the table but before she could grab one another hand came In sight and grabbed the whole plate and that said hand belonged to none other than 6 years old Hugo Auclair

This made Tiffany cry very annoyingly loud her parents looked over to see if their daughter had gotten an injury or something

While Tiffany cried Hugo stood there and ate the cookies in front of her as If mocking her that she was too slow to grab it

And this made Tiffany furious. Her parents just kept asking her what was wrong and why she was crying but she brushed them off as she had only one thing in mind

Get the cookies

And so she did, she forcefully grabbed the plate away from Hugo and Hugo taken a back loosened his grip on the plate

Now the roles had been switched, now it was Tiffany mocking Hugo and so It was Hugo's turn to cry. They just went back and forth with the plate until finally their parents snatched it and brought them both home.

You'd probably think oh but they'll get over it and become friends as they grow up

Oh no no no

They never let that Incident go as they grew up they became rivals at everything