
Understanding Investing!

If you're new to the world of investing, then you probably don't know where to start. You just want something that will get your money working for you and there is no better way to invest than in the stock market. Sure, shares are risky but when they go up, it can be a gigantic windfall for those lucky ones that got an early purchase in. But, before we talk about how to go about purchasing stocks and getting involved in the market, we need to know some terms.

Bid and Asked: Every stock has two prices at which you can purchase it. The Bid is the price that buyers are willing to pay for a stock. In contrast, the Ask is the price that sellers are willing to take from a buyer for a share of equity.

Ticker Symbol: A Ticker Symbol is used to identify stocks on digital tickers. They're easy to remember because they don't use letters or numbers, but rather use a special set of characters so that they can be distinguished from each other easily.
