
How to Make Intimate Family

An intimate family story that Siwoo creates with his mother, aunt, older sisters, younger sister, and female cousin.

Orga82 · Hiện thực
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37 Chs

Aunt Gyuri and Yoga


"I told Gyuri in advance~ She said she would be home in the afternoon, so stop by after the academy and get the blindfold."

Mom said to Siwoo as he was leaving the house to get ready for his academy.

"Yes! Okay! All I have to do is get the blindfold, right? I'm off."

"Okay~ Take care~"

Being seen off by his mother, Siwoo left the house.

When he arrived at the academy classroom, he saw Seulgi and Cheoljin fighting again.

"It's like Pi and Parvati, even if their personalities are separate, they are ultimately one body!! If you did one, it's the same as doing both."

Even today, Cheoljin makes strange noises that I don't even know what they mean.

"It's as meaningless as distinguishing between the taste of left and right foreleg meat."

Seulgi answered Cheoljin's words in a slightly cynical tone.

"No!! This is as important as the ability to distinguish between men and women! Even if the taste is similar, pigs are pigs and humans are humans!!"

Cheoljin didn't like Seulgi's reaction, so he raised his voice and spoke passionately.

"Yes, yes, this is truly comprehensive and narrow-minded thinking~"

Seulgi brushes aside Cheoljin's words in a soothing tone.

"Hmph!! People like you won't know even after they die and wake up, right?"

Cheoljin said, frustrated with Seulgi's attitude.

Seulgi shows her palm and makes the American gesture of raising it upward.

Siwoo couldn't immediately understand the conversation the two were having, but he thought it was okay as is.

Lunch time

After eating at the cafeteria, Siwoo stopped by the snack bar and chatted with Cheoljin about his mother's blindfold errand.


"Mom asked me to bring an eye patch from Aunt Gyuri, so let's go to your house together today."

"Oh, I'm sorry, but I think you'll have to go alone today. I have some business to run after school."

Cheoljin said something really important had happened and he was sorry that he couldn't go with him.

-He's actually not that type of guy-

"I'll show you something good instead."

Cheoljin took out his smartphone, opened the messenger window, and sent a photo to Siwoo.

"What is it again this time?"

Siwoo, who thought they would send him a rare piece of pervert photo or something similar as usual, was surprised when he touched the smartphone and looked at the screen.


A picture of a buttocks with a red handprint appeared on the smartphone screen.

The background was the kitchen at Cheoljin's house.

It was Aunt Gyuri.

There are multiple red handprints on both of her buttocks that look like they are swollen.

A small piece of black panties barely covered the cleavage between her plump white buttocks.


Siwoo speaks to Cheoljin in a tone of surprise, admiration, and envy.

"Are you guys really okay with this?"

Cheoljin said with a grin.

"This was this morning. I think she's really a M? I think she's the type that gets more agitated when treated carelessly. After hitting her a few times, I told her to stay still and then pulled down her skirt, but she just stood still without saying a word. I took pictures openly, but she was just standing there shaking while I was taking pictures!?"

Just hearing Cheoljin's story, Siwoo could imagine the look on Aunt Gyuri's face.

"And then my mom started treating me like usual, so I felt really strange. Do you know what it is?... Hmm... But I could have just brought you a blindfold and delivered it to you right away at the academy... Why in the morning didn't she say anything to me when I came out?..."

Cheoljin continued talking and muttered the last part as if he was just muttering to himself.

It was just right as Cheoljin said. If the Cheoljin had delivered the blindfold to Siwoo at the academy, there was no need for Siwoo to go to Cheoljin's house.

"Well, figure it out anyway. I guess it's up to you."

Cheoljin said, pointing his finger at the screen of his smartphone.

As Siwoo looked at the photo of Aunt Gyuri that Cheoljin had sent, he felt his heart beating faster in anticipation.


So after the academy, Siwoo headed to Cheoljin's house alone.


When Siwoo arrived at Cheojin's house and rang the bell, Aunt Gyuri greeted him.

"Welcome Siwoo~"

Aunt Gyuri had been doing yoga just a moment ago and she was wearing a pink tank top and gray leggings.


The curves of Aunt Gyuri's firm, plump, and well-toned body were clearly visible.


Siwoo blushed slightly when he saw Aunt Gyuri's outfit.

He glanced at Aunt Gyuri's big breasts, plump pelvis and her thighs, then looked at her face and said hello.

"Oh hello, I'm here to run an errand for my mom."

Gyuri said, showing her characteristic benevolent smile with soft and gentle eyes:

"Yeah, I prepared it, so come in and have a drink."

As Siwoo entered the house through the front door, he saw a yoga mat laid out in the living room.

There was a small shopping bag on the kitchen table, and it appeared to be a shopping bag containing blindfolds.

Siwoo sat down at the table under the guidance of Aunt Gyuri.

He glanced inside the shopping bag placed on the table and saw that it contained a purple silk blindfold.

Aunt Gyuri took out orange juice from her refrigerator, put it in the glass, brought it in front of Siwoo, and spoke carefully.

"Hey… you were very surprised yesterday, right?"


"Cheoljin got more mischievous..."

"Ah, that?"

Siwoo pretended not to care.

"Does he really think of mom like a toy.. I tried to get angry at him, but he didn't listen, so I've been thinking about it these days. But I never thought he'd do that even in front of you! You might think it's a little strange for a son to hit his mom's butt. ?"

Aunt Gyuri was trying to explain yesterday's situation.

Siwoo said to reassure her:

"It's okay. I was a little surprised when I first saw it, but after a while, I thought it might be just natural. And to be honest, I was a little jealous."


Aunt Gyuri seemed a little embarrassed.

"Cheoljin seems close to his mother. I really can't imagine playing a prank like that with my mother."


"Ah, that's how it seemed~ Well, if you think that we are just joking around like friends of the same age, we might seem like a close mother and son. But, to be honest, I was a bit embarrassed at the time because he did it in front of you."

"Don't worry about it. I think it's such a nice relationship."

Aunt Gyuri nodded her head with a slightly troubled expression and then she said:

"But you didn't tell anyone else, right? I'm grateful that Siwoo thought that way, but it seems like a woman with such rumors around the neighborhood won't be able to keep her face in check…"

Siwoo recalled the photo of Gyuri's butt that he received at the academy.

Luscious ass stained red with the prints of his son's palms

From what Siwoo heard from Cheoljin, Gyuri is a masochist.

Siwoo didn't think it was wrong as long as she was standing there trembling and excited even when her son spanked her and her skirt was taken and a picture was taken.

Doesn't she just say things like that and actually like it when that happens? Siwoo answered while thinking:

"Oh, don't worry, I'll keep that to myself."

"Okay, thank you Siwoo~ Are you hungry? I have leftover cake from yesterday. Would you like some?"

Only then, as if relieved, did Gyuri regain her warm smile again.

"It's okay. You were working out, I guess?"

"Yes, I've been doing yoga recently! I think my body is becoming sluggish because I stay at home."

"I guess this is the secret to your good shape."

"Oh really? Siwoo, do you think I have a nice shape?"

Aunt Gyuri smiled brightly.

"I think your waist is small and your butt is big and pretty. I think I understand why Cheoljin wants to hit your butt so much."

Siwoo blatantly flirted with Aunt Gyuri because he already knew her masochism and wanted to see her reaction.

"Uh..uh..thank you."

Aunt Gyuri seemed a little embarrassed.

"Can you show me for a moment?"


"Doing yoga."

"Oh, yoga? Do you want to see me do yoga?"


"Well, it's a bit embarrassing to do it in front of Siwoo.."

"If you're embarrassed, I even saw you get your butt slapped by Cheoljin. Well… I'll keep my promise to keep it a secret from everyone else."

Siwoo decided to make a big decision and tried to make a slight threat to her.

Aunt Gyuri looked at Siwoo with a slightly surprised expression.


"Huh?..uh...okay, then I guess I can't help it. It's not difficult to show."

The lady walked over to her yoga mat and sat down on her knees.

"Then let me try something called the bat pose first."

The lady was looking at Siwoo and with her legs spread out to the side, her upper body was bent forward so that her cleavage was clearly visible through her tank top.

"This is called the bat pose, and it is a posture that makes the pelvis flexible. It is an exercise that strengthens the inner leg muscles and ligaments. Close eyes like this and bend forward while feeling the muscles around the pelvis, lumbar spine, and spine change."

Aunt Gyuri's eyes were closed and her face, slightly lowered, was really bright red.

"You're so flexible and pretty."

"Uh..yeah, thank you."

Aunt Gyuri maintained her posture, lifted her head slightly, opened her eyes and looked at Siwoo, and she smiled.

Seeing the smile on her heated face and the cleavage of her large breasts at once, Siwoo's penis gradually gained strength.

"You just have to bend down like this, feel the tension in your muscles, and then come back up again and repeat. Since I'm showing Siwoo only for a moment, I'll stop here and show you other postures."

"Yes, I like it"

She straightened her posture and then closed her eyes again.

She then got down on her knees, raised her thighs, and then bent her upper body behind her.

Picking her ankles with her hands and supporting her upper body with her arms.

"It's called camel pose, and it strengthens your spine, hips and neck muscles. It also tones your buttocks."

Aunt Gyuri's large breasts were pressed into a beautiful shape by her tank top that was pulled up behind her.

"Wow, pretty. I've thought about it before, but you have a really pretty body."

Siwoo was truly impressed.

"H..really? Thank you for looking at me kindly."

"I'm sorry, but can I take a picture of you doing yoga?"

Siwoo mustered up the courage to ask.

"What? Why are you taking pictures?

"Your body is so pretty that I want to take a picture of it. It's okay, right?"

Aunt Gyuri answered after a moment of pause:

"Okay, it's okay to take pictures. But you can't show them to anyone because it's embarrassing, okay?"

"Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret even from Cheoljin."

Siwoo got up, took out his smartphone, and started taking pictures.

At first, he took pictures of the entire body, but gradually he took pictures with emphasis on important parts.

He changes the angle, shooting the chest, buttocks, thighs, calves, neck, collarbone, stomach, and even the mound in front…

The clicking sound of the smartphone camera resonated as if it penetrated Gyuri's entire body.

Aunt Gyuri, who was still with her face red and her eyes closed, taken her picture for a while, and then she said to Siwoo, who was checking the picture he had taken, in a trembling voice, as if asking him permission:

"A...Are you done now?"

Siwoo says with satisfied look: 

"Yes, I think the photo came out well. Are there any other poses?"

The lady straightened her kneeling position again and gasped slightly.

"Then next, let me try something called cat pose."

Aunt Gyuri, who was catching her breath, soon got down on her knees and placed her hands in front of her.


Feeling that a detailed explanation was unnecessary now, the lady held her position without further explanation.

When she pulled her waist down in that position, her back bent and her buttocks stood out seductively.

SiWoo felt like he was out of breath.

Aunt Gyuri raised her waist and lowered her head to make her back curved.

She then repeated pulling her back down and lifting her head up.

Siwoo's object, while taking her picture, is now pointing at the ceiling as if it doesn't matter whether Aunt Gyuri sees it or not.


Siwoo asked her a favor:

"Gyuri, could you tuck your waist down and hold it there? I think you'll look so pretty that way."

"...Like this?"

The lady pulled her waist down as requested by her Siwoo and asked as if receiving confirmation from Siwoo.

"Yes, it's good, but just a little more like this…"

Siwoo approached Aunt Gyuri and gently pressed down on her waist.

Siwoo felt Gyuri's twitch in his hand.

Then, this time, he got closer to her buttocks and started taking explicit pictures.

"Uh.. S..Siwoo...?"

The lady called out Si-woo, who just kept taking pictures of her butt blatantly.



"Can you send that photo to me later? I'm curious how it was taken."

Siwoo suddenly tensed up for a moment, thinking he was being stopped by Aunt Gyuri, but was relieved to find out that wasn't the case.


Even though he was only blatantly taking pictures of her butt, he was not stopped.

Instead, she said she was curious and asked him to send her a photo he took later.

Siwoo seemed to gain confidence as he answered:

"Ma'am, can you now bend your upper body down, place your face on the floor, keep your knees still, and lift your butt a little more?"

Siwoo now requested a posture definitely other than yoga.

A defenseless subordinate position showing submission and humiliation

Aunt Gyuri obediently did as Siwoo said, whether she knew it or not.

"Like this?"

She lowered her upper body completely and placed her arms on the floor, supporting her face.

Siwoo wrapped his entire palm around her waist next to her buttocks with one hand and pressed her back with his other hand, which was holding a smartphone.

He could feel Aunt Gyuri's body trembling slightly.

"You seem to be struggling. Your body is shaking a little. Are you okay?"


"Ugh, it's okay~"

The lady answered in a trembling voice mixed with a lot of air.

Siwoo now boldly covered one of her buttocks with his palm and spoke to her.

"Lift your ass just a little more."

Aunt Gyuri trembled and tried to raise her buttocks a little higher.

Siwoo placed one hand on her hip and took a picture so that his hand was visible.

Aunt Gyuri's trembling seemed to be getting worse.

Siwoo thought about raising his hand and hitting her buttocks, but he hesitated.

He felt like his heart was going to burst.

'What should I do if she gets angry? If she tells my mom, then I'll be dead.'

The sound of a monologue of dull hesitation filled Siwoo's head.

"Are you… done?"

Even after coming this far, Siwoo hesitated for a while, and the lady seemed to have difficulty maintaining her posture and asked while lying down.


"Ah..yes, it's okay, thank you, ma'am."

Siwoo answered without thinking and moved away from her side embarrassed.

Aunt Gyuri stood up and was panting as if she was out of breath.

She then said that she was hot and fanned her red face with the palm of her hand.

Siwoo couldn't even make eye contact with her and was busy covering his erect penis.

Aunt Gyuri opened her door to the refrigerator, took out the water bottle, poured it into her cup, and drank.

After a while, Siwoo said after his erection roughly subsided.

"Well..then I think I should go."

"Uh, you want to go already?"


"Okay then, tell mom to use the blindfold well."

"Yes, thank you for today."

"Yeah, I had fun too. Send me those pictures right away. You know my number, right?"

As I looked at Aunt Gyuri, who was smilingly seeing me off to her front door, the regret, self-blame, and regret for not being able to spank her came flooding back.

'You stupid bastard'

Siwoo, who was crouching down and blaming himself as he put on his shoes, thought that if he went back like this, he might regret it for the rest of his life.

This time, he gathered all the resolve he had ever had before and spoke to Aunt Gyuri as if giving her an order:

"Aunt Gyuri!"


"Turn back for a moment."

"Huh…? Yeah..."

Aunt Gyuri stood there for a moment, then turned back without saying a word, her face turning red again as if she knew what Siwoo was going to do.

He stood up and quietly put his hand on her buttocks and tapped them a few times. Then, at that moment, Siwoo lifted his hand and hit them with all his might.



At the same time as Aunt Gyuri's body began to twitch, a sound of deflated breathing escaped.

Siwoo opened the front door and ran away, leaving Cheoljin's house.

-Siwoo actually committed it, but he didn't know how to deal with her after this-

'How will I see Aunt Gyuri's face from now on?'

Thinking about Cheoljin's case, it seemed like it wouldn't have mattered even if he treated her as usual, but it was very awkward for Siwoo to see himself doing something like this.

A moment later, Siwoo's smartphone message notification sound rang.

[Can you send me the photos?]

It was Aunt Gyuri.

Siwoo sent the photos one after another.

Then, a picture of Gyuri's bare buttocks wearing only panties, which Cheoljin sent to him at lunch time, caught Siwoo's eyes.

Thinking about it for a while, Siwoo finally sent the photo to Aunt Gyuri.

After the number '1' next to the photo disappeared, Aunt Gyuri was silent for a long time.

And then the message notification sound rang again and there was this message written on it:


[Thx! Come again next time ;)]

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