
How To Make A God

All my life I always knew I was born into the wrong world. I was more violent than other kids. Hell, even some adults. Video games and reading helped but they couldn't quench my thirst for violence. It was always growing more and more rampant. Then one day it got out of control, and I might have killed a guy. Got the death penalty because apparently, the guy was someone important or something. So there I was floating in the empty void that is death. When something happened, that put a huge, creepy smile on my face. [ Welcome to the GAME!!! Would you like to play?] [Y/N] --- The cover was not made by me, all the credit goes to the wonderful artist who made it.

THEPUMPKINL0RD · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

[ Welcome to the GAME!!! Would you like to play?]



"THIS IS AMAZING! HOLY SHIT! YES!! DEFINITELY!!! I WOULD LOVE TO PLAY!!!!!!" This is so exciting that I'm not even going to question how I'm speaking when, from what I can tell, I don't have any form of a body.

[Thank you for deciding to play! Please choose which world you want to go to.]

After I read that line the screen shifted to show an infinite number of different fictional worlds, some I knew, others I didn't. Thank god it had a search bar or I would have been here for a while. I already had a world in mind for where I wanted to go.

[Are you sure?]



[Choice confirmed]

[World selected: Borderlands]

Now I know some might call me crazy for picking this as my starter world. All I have to say is yes, yes I am.

[Would you like to move on to picking your class?]



[Pick a class.]

[Warrior, Mage, Archer]

Shit, I want to do the Warrior class, because I rarely, if ever, saw people pick it in the stories I read when I was alive. But that would be stupid, going to a world full of highly advanced guns as a melee fighter. Going with the Archer class would probably be best with all the guns in Borderlands, but doing magic is just too appealing to pass up. I just have to choose the Mage class.


[Mage class selected]

[ERROR: No magic in the selected world!!!!]


[Searching for the next closest option!!!]




[Solution found]

[Siren class selected]

H-holy shit. That's better I guess.

Wait, can't only females be sirens, not counting Troy. Is this thing going to gender-bend me!?!?!?

[Only if you want to be gender-bent.]

No, thanks! I don't want to have to get used to a female body… So, I'm going to be a siren, that's fucking sweet.

Wait, did it just respond to my thoughts?


So I don't have to speak out loud to communicate with you?


Well, that will make this easier to do in the future when I'm in public. Anyways, what's next?

[Please pick a siren ability]

[Phasewalk, Phaselock, Phaseshift, Phasetrance, Phaseleech]


[Phaseleech selected]

Nice, so what do I have to do now?

[I would suggest for you to look at your status now.]


Yes, please.

[Name: William Alric

Titles: None

Class: Siren

Sub-class: None

EXP: 0%

HP: 100%

Inventory: Empty

Skills: Phaseleech

Traits: None

Perks: None]

Hey system what are Perks, Titles, and Traits. And how would I go about getting them?

[Perks are permanent benefits you can gain after killing bosses or doing certain actions. Titles are gained in the same way as perks, they also apply benefits. Traits are gained by how you act in situations. They can be both good or bad, unlike titles or perks, and will affect how you act and think. Existing Perks, Titles, And Traits can evolve into more powerful versions by completing certain requirements.]

Hmm, okay that sounds interesting.

[Because this is your first playthrough you be able to get 1 random Perk, Title, and Trait if you would like?


Yes, I would like that very much.

[Randomizing Perk…]

[Perk gained: Fast Leech: When using phaseleech you drain the life of people 2 times faster than normal.]

Well, that's going to be a big help.

[Randomizing Title…]

[Title gained: Pup: You are but a newborn pup in a world full of badasses, vault monsters, and many, many more. You're going to have to get much stronger if you want to survive in this world, luckily you have potential. This title increases your potential by increasing the amount of EXP you can get by a small amount.]

THANK YOU LUCK!!!! I can't believe that I got something that will increase my EXP gain, even if it's by a small amount. This will be a tremendous amount of help.

[Randomizing Trait…]

[Trait gained: Blood Thirsty: You thirst for blood and death, causing you to be more violent. You'll fit right in on Pandora.]

I… I already had this. Did I have this trait in my past life? But I didn't have the game in my past life? Was I just unlucky enough to be born with it in my past life? Shit, okay well that sucks, and I guess I got it again.

[Would you like to see your new status?]



[Name: William Alric

Titles: Pup

Class: Siren

Sub-class: None

EXP: 0%

HP: 100%

Inventory: Empty

Skills: Phaseleech

Traits: Blood Thirsty

Perks: Fast Leech]

Good, okay looks like everything is in order. Is there anything else?

[No, You may now head to your new world]

Alright, let's get going. We are about to have a party, full of blood and guts.

[Would you like to enter your new world?]




Words: 829

Welp this is the first chapter. Tell me what you think about it. I am going to bed now goodnight to any readers who like me are up at midnight. Have a good day to people who aren't awake at midnight. And I hope you liked the chapter.