
How to Live as Villain

“You have been chosen as a player in the great game to select the next god’s successor, the Mission! Congratulations!” Seonghoon has suddenly fallen into another world to participate in a game to become a god. This other world that is akin to that of a game contains players who cooperate and also kill each other in cold blood…!! Seonghoon, a person without an ounce of talent, uses wicked and crude tricks to become an all-powerful player!

Jack_of_Troupe · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

This is a common setup, right? (4)

1.Common setup, right?

"I'm sorry, but can you say that one more time?"

"Make one more...Cool, give it to me...."

At some point, he turned into a half-word, but I didn't think anything of it, because Sung-hoon's behavior was much more incomprehensible. What was the intention of a man who had killed a dog and was screaming and shaking with vomit, asking for another dog?

Is he going to apologize to the dog?

In any case, it was impossible to gain experience or master a skill in this starting room, so whether he practiced, slept, or wallowed in self-absorption was none of their business, as long as he didn't kill himself. And as the dog was created once more, Sung-hoon staggered to his feet.

"Oh, you'd better be careful."

With Jerry's support, Sung-hoon barely made it to his feet. His face was a mess, his hands trembling slightly. But without hesitation, Sung-hoon swung his sword once more, decapitating the dog.


The dog had been vomiting for so long that he could barely get up, but Jerry now looked at him with a strange sense of anticipation, and Sung-hoon did not betray it.

"Can you make another one... and nurse it back to health?"

"Of course I can."

As the white light enveloped his entire body, he felt lighter and stronger. He wobbled this way and that, as if a screw had fallen out of his head, but he was able to stand up and steady himself. He grabbed his sword and swung it from left to right.


His body split open, spilling his entrails. But this time, Sung-hoon didn't fall. Gritting his teeth and trembling, he stood with both feet on the ground. After three attempts to kill the dog, he was finally able to maintain his posture.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

I exhale.

I bought a basic breathing technique called the three-jae-sim method, but I didn't use it. I just breathed in and out quietly. There's something called tactical breathing. It's not much more than a long inhale, a pause, and a long exhale to calm yourself down in a panic.

But as I repeated it over and over again, the shaking began to subside.

"Another one."

Now, before Sung-hoon could finish his sentence, the dog appeared, and before the white light faded, the sword was swung. By no means do I enjoy this process. He just needs to get used to it. You are a human being who has already killed out of necessity. You can't be so scared of killing a dog that you don't shudder.

In that sense, the starting room is a very necessary place. The simple act of taking a sword and stabbing would be overwhelming for a human being who would hesitate to do so if the target were a living creature, and even then, it would be difficult to recover from the shock.

But at least here, you can kill safely, and over and over again.

In other words, you can get used to the act of killing.

"It's better to be a hawk than a bird of prey.

Remembering Jerry's words, Sung-hoon swung his longsword.

After a few minutes of swinging, the scene around him turned into something out of a B-grade horror movie. In the middle of it all, Sung-hoon clutched his sword and tried to catch his breath.

"I am weak. But I'm not stupid. If I have to do something, I do it right.

At least he had gotten the hang of killing dogs. Sung-hoon let out a long breath as he spawned several dogs simultaneously, swinging his sword like a windmill. Jerry, who had been watching the process with interest from behind, muttered.

"That was very impressive. I don't know how many times I've been surprised by that today, and I don't know how many times it changes my opinion of you, Sung-hoon."

I tried to laugh, but I couldn't.

Between the effect of the soundtrack and his own mental effort, he could barely keep a straight face here. Finally giving up on smiling, Sung-hoon spoke next.

"Is there anything else you can do?"

"What do you mean, something else?"

"Other than dogs, other animals, monsters, and...."

Pausing for a moment, the corner of his mouth lifted slightly.

"Humans, too."

"You're welcome."

He swung his sword, which glowed silver with a pure white light. Red blood spurted out in all directions.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh."


Letting out a sigh for the umpteenth time, Sung-hoon threw himself on the bed. His clothes, which had been stained red with blood and torn to shreds, were neatly washed and hung on a hanger. Staring at the clothes with bleary eyes, Sung-hoon smiled. He didn't know why he was smiling, he just couldn't stop himself.

He didn't know if he was crazy.

He knew he needed to get used to the act of killing, but he couldn't believe he had killed so many lives. It was as if he was a different person now than he had been a few hours ago.

"How many did I kill...."

I killed at least a hundred dogs, then horses, then cows, then bigger and bigger animals, then monsters. I guessed it when I was in this shitty situation, but I was surprised enough to scream when a green dwarf appeared out of nowhere. Anyway, I killed goblins, lizardmen, orcs, and finally, a human.

I slashed at the human, who was staring blankly at me like an idiot. Sung-hoon's sword, powered by the lowest level of swordsmanship, knocked them down. At first, he simply stabbed them in the stomach, but later, like a psychopath, he mutilated their bodies and tortured them. If it weren't for Jerry constantly restoring his health, he would have been knocked out long ago, but his health was infinite and he could continue the process.

I stopped practicing when I felt that I no longer felt any emotions after killing people.

After eating his meal, which had been prepared with a single snap of his fingers like a magician, Sung-hoon lay down on his bed and began to drift off into a trance.

Suddenly, he wondered if this was all a dream.

'It can't be....'

He chuckled to himself.

"What was your name... Pil-seop, Mina, and who was the other one?"

He couldn't remember their names already.

He was an ordinary person with nothing special about him. An ordinary 25-year-old man in South Korea who loves games, reads novels, works part-time jobs, and has a few drinking buddies. He hasn't killed anyone or done anything in his life, and even when he watches horror movies, he gets scared and sleeps with a futon wrapped around him.

However, when he is thrown into an unusual situation and given three options, he chooses to survive alone without the slightest hesitation, even though all four of them could have worked together to survive, find a way out, or kill all the monsters. Thinking about it, Sung-hoon suddenly dropped his head into his bag and rolled around.

What would you have done if you had survived and were still trapped in that building with the monsters?

I'm glad it turned out well, but in hindsight, it was a very poor choice. I needed to learn from this and refrain from such reckless behavior in the future. That wasn't the only thing that needed to be fixed. In hindsight, I also realized that I trusted Jerry too easily.

If he had been a bad guy, would I still be alive?

"I am evil.

I thought to myself. No matter how much I say I need to get used to it, I can't believe I've killed so many people. No, let's put that aside. It was the killing of the first three people he'd met that shocked him.

The reason he felt sick to his stomach and burst into tears was simply because it was "gross. The sensation of blood, of flesh being cut, of guts being gutted, of guts being scattered, was disgusting. I didn't feel guilty, but it was nothing compared to the guilt portrayed in movies and novels.

It's hard to believe that a man who kills people and animals doesn't feel guilty, and that's what he would have done at the time.

"I will not deny it. I am an evil person. Undeniably evil.

After repeating the word "evil" several times, as if hypnotizing himself, Sung-hoon fell asleep.



"...Sung-hoon. You should get up."

"Hmph~. Just a little more...."

"If you want to sleep some more, I won't stop you, but I'd recommend you get up if you don't want to start The Mission in your pajamas."

"What the fuck is that...."

Sung-hoon said in a half-dazed state, and suddenly remembered what happened yesterday. He slapped his cheeks together with the palms of his hands and felt himself return to his senses.

"How much time do we have?"

"An hour."

"Can you make a bathroom and a meal?"

Again, the little visits came quickly. When the door opened to reveal a bath, Sung-hoon closed it behind him and stepped inside. Around him, a huge table and numerous delicacies quickly appeared.

'This place sure does take the cake.'

Nothing directly benefited Sung-hoon.

But at the very least, it was commendable that you had become quite accustomed to the act of killing creatures and had come to a firm acceptance of the status quo, and it was also commendable that you got up and did something about it. It was impossible to take anything from this room of beginnings.

Instead, you could create anything in it if you offered it. Waking up and ordering a bath and a meal couldn't have been more correct.