
The omega second prince

"it's him.... The omega prince"

"Wow... he's truly beautiful"

"Aren't all the omega the same, looking like a doll but in the end they are nothing more than a breading race"

"Huh,... Shush he could hear us"

"And what if it's not like anyone would move a finger just to please him"

Heera Aiden the second prince of the fire kingdom, also known as the useless omega of the royal family of Aiden, his birth was a curse to the Aidens which was able to produce only alpha descendants from it's foundation but the little Heera came to the world and ruined it, it's not like it matters to his parents who were overjoyed with his birth, the problem was his grandfather.

The past emperor and war hero Amarjeet Aiden, was the most furious man in the world when he learned about his grandson secondary gender, so of course he never cared of him and tried to make his life a living heal, just like now, how could the maid treat a prince without fear if they didn't know that no one would side with the little boy.

The little omega was never really attracted to his family and never reached out to them first, his parents weren't bad people, but he never wanted to take part of this tiring royal life, all he wanted was to be left alone so he could lead a peaceful life without the crown obligations, the little omega was a peaceful and cheerful person, who never liked the fight for power, so excluded himself from it by ignoring all the invitations and quietly staying at his quarters.

But today was different, since the prince was invited by his father to have a dinner with the whole family members in the main palace, a thing that he happens to accept only once in year, since the emperor knows well how his son is treated when the past emperor is around, all he could do was permit him to stay away from those family dinners especially if the prince said he was ill and this year was no different, the only reason that made the omega accept this invitation is that a whole year has passed since he last saw his 'dear grandfather, uncle and aunt'

'Where ever I go all the people are the same... Why do I have to go to the main place and meet with that idiotic grandfather of mine... Man I really hate this all I want is to leave without problems ugh hhhhh ...' though the little white haired boy while he was walking towards the doors of the main palace.

The guards opened the long doors, and the inside of the room was now visible to Heera.

"Heera is coming to the family dinner tonight? " Asked the old man with complete disrespect

"Yes, I heard from the maids that he will be entering the dining room soon" replied the man who was sitting at his left.

At this moment the doors of the room opened and showed behind them the named boy standing with a serious look, not an ounce of his true feelings were visible on his face, which made the old man turn his head to the left with a hint of unpleasantness.

"Welcome my son, please take a seat" quickly said the current emperor Nicklaus Aiden.

Heera nodded his head and walked towards the last empty chair... On the right of the person he hates the most his grandfather.

"Where are your manners ??!!, aren't you supposed to be respectfully great the person in the room you enters before joining them on the table?"

"Really? I didn't know... My etiquette teacher never said this to me... Maybe it was because he had to go after just 2 days of his arrival, he couldn't have possibly have taught me everything within 2 days right?,.. I wonder why he left then..."

"You manner less boy!!..."

"Dad please let us eat at peace at ounce, interrupted the emperor, I will make sure that the next time you two meet, Heera will be able to greet you well"

"Humm, sounds better for me, now let us start the dinner" the old man finally gave up, which means it's Heera's victory.

It doesn't matter to him who he was all it mattered to the boy was to give back the hit he received, and he's really good at it.

Heera was now curious of who was present, as the usual his younger brother Ethan Aiden, older sister Audrey Aiden and his mother Asher Kailis where all here, his uncle the grand duke of the south were here too and just next to him the knight commander and also his aunt Alexia Aiden.

'As I thought it will never change, well at least I can eat to my heart content '

And true to his words the boy was none the less disturbed by his grandfather who was glaring at him whenever he would make an etiquette mistake till the end.

"... And my dear Heera I think it's time for you to get to know of your duties as a prince, so I will task you to visit with duke Eddrick, the Kingdom of magic, make sure to learn a lot in the trip"

"You are sending him TO THE KINGDOM OF MAGIC??!!" said Amarjeet Aiden.

'Me??!! My prince role, just why why... All I want is to be left alone can't they even let me live in peace... ughhh I have such a bad feeling about this'

"He is more than capable of this, father, said strictly the emperor, right my son?"

"Yes I will do my best father", said the boy with a very calm face, a thing he was able to master at very young age.

"The departure is in 2 months, I believe that when the time arrives you would have mastered etiquette"

"Yes father, i will do my best, now if you excuse me, I wish to get back to my quarters"

"Yes, do you can do"

With a last nod the boy got up from his chair and got out of the dining room, when he made sure that no one was around him, he sighed and then suddenly started running to his quarter with a bad feeling in his heart, one that he never felt before, even though there wasn't anything to be worry of, yet there he was a cheeling feeling runing through his spine, why was he feeling like this? And what is this new feeling?