
Making friends

Night had rolled in, dark clouds hung in the sky while the moon hid behind them.

The Mage had made a shelter with the two blankets, both of them tied between two trees allowing his weight to be held off the ground, his cloak used to cover his body and shelter him from the elements.

As long as he didn't move too much, it should hold through the night.

The sound of workers and guards chatting soon drowned out as he fell asleep, night slowly passed before the Mage woke up.

He could smell a sweet scent, it was only light and far away but it was alluring. A few minutes passed and the smell had intensified, slowly getting closer and closer to the Mage.

The Mage felt someone moving the cloak covering him and grasped his cane, a man with grey hair soon appeared in his sights.

It was Lauren's butler, the smell radiated from him.

"Oh good evening, I believe we haven't been introduced." The Mage says while staring at the butler, the man's eyes were completely black as he stood over the Mage.

The butler just stood there for a moment before reacting.

"I didn't expect our mystery guest to be a Mage." The man says as he sits down on a nearby log.

"I never expected a noble's butler to be a Vampire." The Mage said while getting out of his makeshift shelter.

"Never met a Vampire before, only read about them from books I've found." The Mage said while laying down his cloak, he sat down with his back against a tree facing the Vampire.

"You're not the first Mage I've met but it's been over ten years since I last saw one, the name is Angelo Valentine from the Valentine bloodline," Angelo says as he gets comfortable.

"So you adopt the second name from your bloodline?" The Mage says while taking out a small notebook, this one is blank and was a gift from Richard.

"That is how it's always been, care to explain how you knew I was a Vampire?" Angelo says with interest.

"It's a perk of being a necromancer I suppose, you emit a smell like burnt flesh but sweet, I guessed you were because the Ghoul in town had a similar smell only less sweet." The Mage said while writing in his notebook, a page labelled Ghoul and Vampire had appeared.

It seemed to be a bestiary of sorts.

"A necromancer? I thought you smelt like a creature of darkness." Writing could be heard for the next three minutes before the Mage lifted his head.

"Did you plan to feed on me? How have you gotten away with it for so long? How come you do not share our silver eyes as an Awakened?" A chuckle came from Angelo as he shook his head.

"This isn't an interview, I came to feed and still wish to. Goodnight Mage, I hope you will keep this a secret as will I, us creatures of darkness normally stick together excluding the occasional politics of course." He says before chuckling, Angelo stands before moving away with unnatural speed.

His body didn't sprint or run, he moved as normal but it as if his steps reached further causing a strange contrast. The Mage quickly sketched this image into his bestiary, noting everything he had learnt and any theories he had come up with.

The Mage soon let the ink dried before going back to sleep, he was uninterrupted throughout the night. Night slowly became day, the workers woke up from their slumber and went to pack up, the guards on nightshift went to sleep in the carriages while the guards who have just woke took over their shifts, the pair of nobles returned to their carriages while their butlers oversaw the whole process.

The Mage ate some bread while wandering around and observing the camp, Angelo gave him a nod and a good morning which the Mage returned in kind.

They chatted while the workers busied themselves and under an hour everything was packed up. The caravan prepared to start so they both boarded it.

The Mage entered the carriage before giving a hand to Angelo, his body now suiting his age now that the sun had risen.

They both sat down and the caravan started.

"Made a friend now have we, Angelo?" Lauren asks, her voice still containing the curiosity from the day before.

'So the little noble didn't tell her, how loyal of him.'

"We share some common interests, Madam." Angelo sounds different from at night, his voice sounding frail and rough.

"And where is our dear Terrence?" She inquires, her eyes giveaway she already knows. 'Even between friends, nobles feel the need to show off at every little thing.'

"I offered to switch places with him which he accepted," Angelo said while patting down his suit.

The Mage then did something unexpected to everyone in the room, he took off his cloak revealing his appearance.

Richard already knew his identity and was too scared to tell anyone else, Angelo was a fellow-creature of darkness and therefore wouldn't tell others and Lauren would either fear or respect the Mage, leaving him no reason to wear his cloak inside.

A gasp of surprise came from Lauren, her face filled with shock then slight fear before returning to curiosity.

'This one is fun.' People would rarely react positively to an Awakened unless they needed something.

"This explains a lot," She says slowly before turning to Richard, "I can't believe you didn't tell me."

"Leave him be, I asked him to keep my true identity a secret." 'Angelo didn't tell her either, I doubt she knows his true identity as well, that would be quite the shock.'

"Are you travelling to Blackriver as well?" Lauren asked carefully, her eyes still hid her fear but curiosity overpowered it.

"Blackriver won't be completed for another year, I intend to see how feasible their plan is." The Mage says before looking at Richard, "And do not worry, I don't intend to get there through your caravan. There are a few places I wish to check out on my journey and will be leaving when we get to the next village." The Mage says as he re-ties his ponytail.