
How to Become a Sect Master

Lin Fan stands at the helm of a struggling sect. Determined to turn the tides of fortune, he lays out a set of peculiar yet ironclad rules for new recruits: 1. Priority admission for those bearing the surnames Xiao, Ye, Shi, or Lin. 2. Priority admission for those who converse with rings or other mystical objects. 3. Priority admission for those who have braved three major disasters and possess a mysterious fiancée. 4. Priority admission for those spurned in marriage and whose parents have mysteriously vanished. 5. Priority admission for those who are targeted or harassed upon arriving at the sect's gates. Immediate acceptance as personal disciples for those with a mysterious smile and enemies who laugh eerily. 6. Immediate acceptance for those on the brink of death after having their bones dug out. 7. And more... One day, the Fifth Elder rushes in with exciting news. "Sect Master, great news! We have a candidate who has been rejected in marriage, wears a mysterious smile, and talks to rings. His parents are missing, too." "What? Quickly bring him in, I want to take him as... Wait, what's his name?" "His surname is Tang." "Tang?! Wait, don't bring him here. I'll personally intervene to block his destiny and send a letter. Introduce him to the rival sect... and be tactful. From today onwards, I will be in seclusion. Do not disturb me unless it is absolutely necessary!" "And guard the sect's secret manuals well; we must not be robbed!" Fifth Elder: "Huh?!"

madhat0131 · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs

Stubborn Fool

The expert cultivator at the fifth realm, the Ascension Realm, had obviously noticed the presence of the 'fool.' After all, for a powerhouse at this level, even with a sweep of divine sense over a million people, let alone ten million, he could grasp every detail clearly.

At this moment, he looked at the 'fool' and asked, "Why haven't you left?"

The fool scratched his head, "Ah? Senior, although I was a bit lucky, I did succeed. Look at this Condensation Realm Pill. It's small and round. Although the third halo is a bit dim, there are still three halos. Perhaps in ten days or half a month, it might degrade to a second-grade pill, but at this moment, it is indeed third-grade. I respectfully ask for a chance, Senior..."

The great cultivator at the Ascension Realm twitched his mouth, "...Fine, I'll give you a chance."

With his status, he couldn't be bothered to argue with such a fool.

Besides, the fool wasn't entirely wrong. This kind of unstable pill might drop in grade in a few days or even hours, but right now, it was a third-grade pill.

It did meet the promotion criteria.

Xiao Ling'er looked on, trying to stifle her laughter.

Serves you right for showing off so much that you drew attention to yourself!

"But… Everyone seems to be mocking him, looking down on him even more. Did he do it on purpose?"

Xiao Ling'er looked around and saw that indeed everyone was mocking him, not seeing him as a real competitor.

"If that's true, then he is truly frightening!"

She asked herself honestly if she could have made such a 2.5-grade Condensation Realm Pills if she were in his place.

She was confident in making second, third, or even fifth, sixth, or seventh-grade pills, but this 2.5-grade pill was truly difficult. Or rather, who in their right mind would aim for such a grade?

Only a lunatic would!

No experience at all!

"Perhaps only someone like him could..."


Suddenly, Xiao Ling'er realized why she found him so familiar.

At that moment, she couldn't help but take a deep look at the fool.


"The second round, Profound Origin Realm Pill." The great cultivator at the Ascension Realm spoke calmly, "You have one incense stick of time to adjust, and our people will prepare the necessary ingredients for you. The requirements are the same: one hour, above third grade."


The densely packed audience in the stands instantly started buzzing.

"It's actually a Profound Origin Realm Pill! The difficulty increases significantly from second to third grade. I'm afraid ninety percent will be eliminated again!"

"Fortunately, it's the Profound Origin Realm Pill, the most commonly used third-grade pill. Otherwise, ninety-nine percent would be eliminated!"

The Condensation Realm Pills is a second-grade pill, suitable for cultivators in the first and second realms to assist in their cultivation. The Profound Origin Realm Pill, on the other hand, is a third-grade pill used by cultivators in the third Profound Origin Realm for cultivation assistance.

Above these, there are other pills like the Cave Heaven Realm Pill and the Profound Path Realm.

These types of auxiliary cultivation pills have always been some of the most common, frequently used, and commonly refined pills.

"Profound Origin Realm Pill, huh?"

Xiao Ling'er entered the second round, which didn't surprise Duan Qingyao at all. However, what puzzled her was why Xiao Ling'er chose to hide her true abilities.

"Could it be… Does she have the confidence to secure a top ranking?!"

Duan Qingyao was startled by her own thought.

But if not for this, Xiao Ling'er wouldn't have any reason to conceal her abilities, right?


The time of one incense stick quickly passed.

Similarly, the recipe this time was different from what Xiao Ling'er was familiar with, but with the experience from the previous round, she handled it more smoothly.

She relied on her own keen observation to learn from others and then refined the pill.

This time, however, she clearly felt the pressure.

Although she continued to conceal her abilities, she had to reveal some of her true skills to meet the standard.

As a result, she barely made it to the next round.

What shocked Xiao Ling'er was that the fool managed to produce a few more 2.5-grade pills and completed them again at the last second!

This discovery not only surprised Xiao Ling'er but also astonished the others.

"That guy actually advanced again?"

"He really succeeded!"

"This... is his luck too good to be true?"

"Twice in a row, from a certain perspective, he can be considered to have unparalleled fortune."

Compared to those who advanced, the number of those eliminated was significantly higher.

This time, over ninety-five percent were eliminated.

Out of a million alchemists, only less than five thousand remained after just two hours.

Most of them had particularly serious expressions...

They were almost at their limits.

A portion of them didn't even have any confidence, feeling that luck played a significant part in their advancement.

But regardless of their feelings, the competition had to continue.

"One incense stick of rest time." The great cultivator at the Ascension Realm spoke again, with even fewer words, "Third round, fourth-grade Detoxification Pill, third grade, one hour."

"Ingredients of your choice."

As expected, it was a fourth-grade pill!

Many alchemists turned pale, "It's actually a fourth-grade Detoxification Pill?!"

If it had been a Cave Heaven Realm Pill, they could have gambled on their luck, but Detoxification Pills are relatively uncommon, and it's a fourth-grade Detoxification Pill...

Detoxification Pills actually form a category with many recipes, as long as they meet the 'fourth-grade third class' requirement, there are no other special conditions.

But compared to the Cave Heaven Realm Pill used for cultivation, Detoxification Pills are undoubtedly much less common.

Those well-established alchemists could handle this with ease, but these were all young alchemists, who hadn't had the time to study such uncommon pills extensively, or even lacked the recipes.

Therefore, as soon as the topic was announced, nearly a thousand alchemists smiled bitterly and withdrew.

"Fourth-grade Detoxification Pill..." Xiao Ling'er took a deep breath. "After this round, there might be fewer than a hundred people left."

For young alchemists, fourth-grade pills were already very challenging, let alone an uncommon pill like this.

The requirement to form a pill was reasonable, but adding a third-grade limit made it tougher.

She shook her head lightly. "I fear that after this round, I won't be able to hide my abilities any longer. Fortunately, by then, there should be no need to hide."

She initially thought this competition would take a long time, but it turned out that it would end after only four or five rounds.

Xiao Ling'er immediately focused her mind and prepared for the third round of alchemy.

After an incense stick of time, the remaining three thousand plus alchemists began their work immediately.

A fourth-grade pill, still with only one hour to complete it, exerted tremendous pressure on them.

At the beginning, many made consecutive mistakes, which prevented them from continuing and forced them to withdraw.

The fool was still busy and even made small mistakes continuously, but he miraculously didn't get eliminated due to his 'extremely good luck.'

Xiao Ling'er continued to hide her true skills but had to reveal about fifty percent of her real abilities.

The man with the feathered crown also had a serious expression for the first time...

The woman from the Fire Virtue Sect bit her silver teeth. Although her control over the materials was lacking, her excellent fire control technique ensured she had no problems.

Finally, another round ended.

Only twelve people advanced.

"Fourth round."

The Ascension Realm great cultivator gave no time for rest, "Ranking battle. Each person has one chance. The value of the pill you refine will determine your rank. One incense stick of time to prepare, then the competition begins."

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