
How to Become a Sect Master

Lin Fan stands at the helm of a struggling sect. Determined to turn the tides of fortune, he lays out a set of peculiar yet ironclad rules for new recruits: 1. Priority admission for those bearing the surnames Xiao, Ye, Shi, or Lin. 2. Priority admission for those who converse with rings or other mystical objects. 3. Priority admission for those who have braved three major disasters and possess a mysterious fiancée. 4. Priority admission for those spurned in marriage and whose parents have mysteriously vanished. 5. Priority admission for those who are targeted or harassed upon arriving at the sect's gates. Immediate acceptance as personal disciples for those with a mysterious smile and enemies who laugh eerily. 6. Immediate acceptance for those on the brink of death after having their bones dug out. 7. And more... One day, the Fifth Elder rushes in with exciting news. "Sect Master, great news! We have a candidate who has been rejected in marriage, wears a mysterious smile, and talks to rings. His parents are missing, too." "What? Quickly bring him in, I want to take him as... Wait, what's his name?" "His surname is Tang." "Tang?! Wait, don't bring him here. I'll personally intervene to block his destiny and send a letter. Introduce him to the rival sect... and be tactful. From today onwards, I will be in seclusion. Do not disturb me unless it is absolutely necessary!" "And guard the sect's secret manuals well; we must not be robbed!" Fifth Elder: "Huh?!"

madhat0131 · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs

Shared Talent, Exponential Cultivation Speed!

The square was silent.

Everyone watched Xiao Ling'er bow, their envy palpable.

At the same time, they were filled with hope.

They hoped that they might be next.

But unfortunately, the outcome was destined to disappoint them.

After helping Xiao Ling'er up, Lin Fan smiled and said, "From now on, you are an inner disciple of Moon Grasping Sect." Then, he looked at the others and sighed softly, "The path of immortality is long and difficult, as hard as ascending to heaven. Those who are fated are rare. Please, return."


Over ten thousand people, and only one was accepted?

Faces went pale.

Although they had expected it, knowing that most of them would not be admitted to the sect, the reality still made them feel as if the world had lost its color.

"Everyone, please descend the mountain," Great Elder Su Xinghai said softly.

Some cried.

But no one protested, and no one caused trouble.

Being unchosen was a matter of fate.

Though disappointed, this journey was not entirely fruitless. At least they had eaten spirit beast meat for three days, their physical conditions vastly improved.

They had witnessed the grandeur of an immortal sect.

The crowd bustled as they left the mountain.

Moon Grasping Sect returned to its usual tranquility, with the addition of one young girl.

"Clean yourself up." Lin Fan smiled, "In the sect, there is no need for such disguises."

Xiao Ling'er felt a bit embarrassed and quickly ran to a nearby stream to wash her face, revealing a pretty little face.

"It's because, it's because..."

She wanted to explain.

Seeing her embarrassment, Lin Fan said calmly, "No need to explain. Everyone has their own secrets. If you don't want to tell, we won't force you. Go now, burn incense and formally become my disciple. From now on, you are a disciple of the Moon Grasping Sect. You might know, our sect's current situation is not great, but since you've chosen us, we will not let you down. From now on, we will focus our resources on you and train you with all our might. Your task is to become stronger, nothing more."

"Yes, Master!" Xiao Ling'er responded earnestly.

What followed was a series of inevitable ceremonies.

In this era, rites could not be discarded.

After all, the Dao should not be lightly transmitted.

And so, Lin Fan accepted his first disciple.

As for issues of loyalty, Lin Fan was not worried.

After all, under normal circumstances, people with the surname Xiao generally had good character.

If Xiao Ling'er truly fits the protagonist template, the entire Moon Grasping Sect will soar, benefiting from her rise to power.

Of course, there might be unexpected turns.

But if Lin Fan had indeed transmigrated into a game-like world, he should be able to share his disciple's strength and talent. In other words, even if she turned traitor, he wouldn't be afraid.

At the very least, he would be able to fight her to a standstill.

Coupled with his own 'strength,' the chances of victory were high!

In the future, when he had more disciples and could share all their strengths and talents, a few betrayers wouldn't be an issue.

Therefore, for Lin Fan, it was more cost-effective to allocate all resources to talented disciples rather than using them himself. After all, his own talent was mediocre at best.

In short...

This move was not a loss!

Going all-in was the right choice!

Of course, all of this was based on Lin Fan's hypothesis being correct, otherwise...

There would be trouble.

After the apprenticeship ceremony concluded and Xiao Ling'er was settled, with arrangements made for the Second Elder to start teaching her cultivation the next day, Lin Fan returned to his residence, his heartbeat accelerating.

"I hope I guessed right. So then… How is her talent? But how do I share talent?" As Lin Fan pondered this, he suddenly felt a heightened clarity in the world around him. "Hmm?! Is it starting already? Can I share talent just by willing it? This is excellent news."

At least it confirmed that he was correct!

He then attempted to cultivate.

Currently, Lin Fan was in the second level of the Condensation Realm, the second major realm's second minor level.

Originally, his talent was barely passable, with a slow cultivation speed, akin to a kitten lapping water.

But now, as he began to cultivate, he found that his speed of absorbing spiritual energy from heaven and earth had increased by dozens of times!!!

If previously he was a kitten lapping water, now he was like a cow drinking deeply!

His body's meridians opened wide, crazily absorbing spiritual energy and circulating it throughout his body, with his cultivation level visibly growing.

"Indeed!!! I guessed right. I really have transmigrated into a game, or at least a fantasy world with similar rules. The truly delightful part is that Xiao Ling'er is indeed a genius!"

Even if she wasn't the destined child of the Immortal Martial Continent, she at least had a protagonist template.

With such a disciple, as long as she didn't die young, how could Moon Grasping Sect worry about a lack of successors?

And a protagonist template wouldn't die easily anyway!

At this moment, Lin Fan wanted to laugh out loud.

Why had he set those peculiar rules, ignoring traditional talent tests and instead focusing on odd, seemingly irrelevant 'personal attributes'? This was the reason!

A talented individual might not have a protagonist template.

Conversely, they could easily become a stepping stone for someone with a protagonist template.


The protagonist template was indeed special~~!

After his initial excitement, Lin Fan calmed down and focused on cultivating at full speed! Although he could take it easy, wasting such an amazing boost in talent would be a crime against heaven! He was afraid of being struck by lightning!

Meanwhile, Xiao Ling'er lay on her bed and sighed softly. "I've joined the sect. Let's hope everything goes smoothly. But, teacher, I don't understand. With you as my teacher, why did I need to join a sect? And why a fallen one like the Moon Grasping Sect?"

An elderly voice echoed in her mind, "Silly girl, I am just a soul with no physical body. Previously, my awakening caused your progress to stall for years, and even your cultivation level fell… While I can teach you, without resources, how can you rise? And who would expect you to hide in the Moon Grasping Sect? As for choosing the Moon Grasping Sect… Indeed, the Moon Grasping Sect has declined, but it still has some foundation. 

"Moreover, the people of the Moon Grasping Sect act with integrity, unlike those hypocritical so-called righteous sects. Besides, the sect has few people, meaning you won't be disturbed much and can cultivate in peace." Most importantly, the Moon Grasping Sect possesses something that will greatly benefit you. As long as you obtain it, you can fully activate your talent!"

"I see." Xiao Ling'er understood, "I understand, Master."

"But if our enemies come here, won't it bring trouble to the sect?"

"If that happens, I will fight to the death to protect you!"


"Ling'er, remember, although we are women, we must know what to do and what not to do in life. Kindness must be remembered for a thousand years. A drop of water should be repaid with a spring. Never become an ungrateful wretch who repays kindness with betrayal!"

"Yes, teacher!"

"Ling'er will work hard to cultivate!"

Xiao Ling'er responded solemnly.

"Good. Now that I no longer need to absorb your vital energy, and with the Moon Grasping Sect's spiritual energy being much richer than the outside world, you won't need to be so cautious or hide anymore. Your progress should be rapid. Let's set a small goal." The elderly voice carried a hint of teasing, "Reopen nine physical meridians in one day! Break through to the Condensation Realm in three days. After that, I will teach you alchemy."