
How to Become a Sect Master

Lin Fan stands at the helm of a struggling sect. Determined to turn the tides of fortune, he lays out a set of peculiar yet ironclad rules for new recruits: 1. Priority admission for those bearing the surnames Xiao, Ye, Shi, or Lin. 2. Priority admission for those who converse with rings or other mystical objects. 3. Priority admission for those who have braved three major disasters and possess a mysterious fiancée. 4. Priority admission for those spurned in marriage and whose parents have mysteriously vanished. 5. Priority admission for those who are targeted or harassed upon arriving at the sect's gates. Immediate acceptance as personal disciples for those with a mysterious smile and enemies who laugh eerily. 6. Immediate acceptance for those on the brink of death after having their bones dug out. 7. And more... One day, the Fifth Elder rushes in with exciting news. "Sect Master, great news! We have a candidate who has been rejected in marriage, wears a mysterious smile, and talks to rings. His parents are missing, too." "What? Quickly bring him in, I want to take him as... Wait, what's his name?" "His surname is Tang." "Tang?! Wait, don't bring him here. I'll personally intervene to block his destiny and send a letter. Introduce him to the rival sect... and be tactful. From today onwards, I will be in seclusion. Do not disturb me unless it is absolutely necessary!" "And guard the sect's secret manuals well; we must not be robbed!" Fifth Elder: "Huh?!"

madhat0131 · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs

Do Your Best, Leave the Rest to Fate

If there were no disciples and only five elders along with himself as the sect master…

Any potential disciple would take one look and lose all interest.

Who would dare join such a sect?

Having seven disciples, regardless of their talent or strength, at least made the number of disciples greater than the management, giving an impression of a somewhat 'healthy' sect.

Moreover, for those who haven't yet entered the sect or begun their cultivation path, these disciples are at least considered cultivators who have opened a few profound gates.

Though they might not be very skilled, at least to ordinary people, they are somewhat impressive.

"Three days left."

Like the five elders, Lin Fan also believed that three days later would be the final chance for Moon Grasping Sect.

Opening the sect for recruitment is an annual event.

All major sects do this, and the time has long been set.

So, every year at this time, those seeking immortality and the Dao would come to apply, and which sect they choose is up to them.

Change the time? Open the sect gates every day?

That's possible, but who would come?

Those who want to come will come on that day; those who don't, what's the point of keeping the gates open?

Furthermore, if he really had transmigrated into a game or a game-like fantasy world, then at the latest, in a year, there would be a sect extermination crisis.

If reliable disciples cannot be recruited and the sect somewhat developed, then this time next year will likely be the anniversary of his death.

The remaining small probability is that he might not even last until next year.

"We must prepare well. And also… Well, let's see our luck. Don't games usually have beginner's packages? I don't expect an SSR hero, but at least give me a guaranteed A-grade, or survival will be impossible!"

Lin Fan prayed.

But this guy didn't believe in gods or buddhas.

Because gods and buddhas never helped him.

Prayer was just for some psychological comfort.

"Waiting passively for death is not my style. Although I've revised the sect rules, it's not enough. I need to think of other methods!" he pondered.

Even if one relies on fate, there must be a prerequisite—doing your best!

After much thought.

Lin Fan could only go further and try to attract as many people to join the sect as possible.

It doesn't matter if they are 'black cats or white cats,' as long as they come to the mountain!

If they are not suitable, send them back. If they are suitable, keep and cultivate them well!


Finally, Lin Fan decided to advertise.

Of course, there was no internet or television in this era, but there were still ways.

At least they could hang banners, right?!

If there's no money to buy banners, carving words on stones should work, right?

At the very least, the elders in the Cave Heaven realm should be able to handle this task.

It would just be a bit tiring for them to go down the mountain.

Then, he found the five elders and shared his thoughts with them.

The five looked at each other, and finally, the Great Elder said, "Sect Master, we do not intend to argue or refuse, but there is something we need to inform you of."

"Please go ahead, Great Elder."

"It's quite embarrassing, but our sect's resources are tight." He smiled wryly, "Mainly, we have no industries, and our territory is just this mountain. Years ago, this was just one of the outer peaks of Moon Grasping Sect, and it has nothing of value."

"Meeting the current consumption needs, recruiting and training ten new disciples is our limit."


"I see." Lin Fan remained expressionless. "I had already anticipated this."

How many resources could such a fallen sect have?

He was already mentally prepared.

"But rest assured, elders. My intention is merely to attract more people to come to the mountain. With a larger base, the chances of finding geniuses will naturally be higher. Moreover, haven't the elders forgotten the new rules I set?"

The Great Elder finally breathed a sigh of relief. "As long as the Sect Master understands. Then, we will head down the mountain now."

Before leaving, he handed Lin Fan a jade token. "If there is an emergency, the Sect Master can destroy this token, and we will sense it and return immediately."

"Alright, thank you for your efforts." Lin Fan took the token, smiling and nodding.

Before long, the five elders turned into streams of light and disappeared, each heading in different directions.

In the southwest region, there are over ten million spiritual mountains!

Most of them are quite scattered.

The area where Moon Grasping Sect is located has over one hundred thousand spiritual mountains, and originally, Moon Grasping Sect occupied ten thousand of them, making it a local powerhouse with unparalleled influence.

But times have changed…

Now, there are over ten thousand sects of various sizes gathered here.

Small ones, like Moon Grasping Sect, have just a single unremarkable mountain.

Large sects occupy thousands of spiritual mountains.

There is also a super sect occupying more than twenty thousand spiritual mountains—the Bright Moon Sect.

This Bright Moon Sect was originally a rival of Moon Grasping Sect. For many years, they were suppressed by Moon Grasping Sect until Moon Grasping Sect declined, facing a lack of successors. Bright Moon Sect then suddenly rose to power!

In these years, they occupied most of the Moon Grasping Sect's territory, and the rest was divided among other sects…

Today, the Bright Moon Sect is more than twice as powerful as the Moon Grasping Sect at its peak.

Standing on the mountain, feeling the cold wind, Lin Fan sighed deeply.

"Moon Grasping… Bright Moon. Both names contain the word 'moon.' Bright Moon shines in the sky, while we try to embrace the moon. No wonder we are mortal enemies… But now, they probably don't even look at us anymore, do they?

"However, there is a possibility that the reason for Moon Grasping Sect's worsening situation over the years has something to do with Bright Moon Sect. Maybe their leaders are sadists who don't seek instant destruction but enjoy watching others suffer and despair?"

It's not impossible, but thinking about this now is too far-fetched.

What Lin Fan needed to do was have the elders advertise on the paths leading to various sects.

Hanging banners, writing on the ground, carving on stones, tree trunks—whatever it takes.

The goal is to attract as many people as possible.

Considering Moon Grasping Sect's current pitiful state, Lin Fan dared not be too flashy, so the advertising slogans were quite restrained.


Peach Blossom Valley, one of the paths leading to Peach Blossom Sect.

From the northwest direction, anyone heading to the mountain to seek apprenticeship or with low cultivation levels would pass through here.

At this moment, many people were on their way.

But halfway through, they suddenly stopped.

"What's this?"

"So many words!"

"Could it be a cultivation technique? A secret art!? Hiss!!!"

"Pfft, you can't even read and you want to enter the cultivation world and become a cultivator? What a joke!"

"So what if I can't read? Where there's a will, there's a way!"

"Ahem, stop arguing. Can anyone tell me what it says?"

The crowd bickered, as they were all 'competitors,' so their tones were naturally not very friendly.

"It's something written by Moon Grasping Sect."

"Moon Grasping Sect? What kind of sect is that? Never heard of it."

"They wrote…"

"What does it say?" Those who couldn't read perked up their ears.

"Is it true?!" The person mumbled, inciting the anger of those who couldn't read, nearly causing an uproar.