

Within minutes it became clear that Rosa had nothing to provide me for any possible exchange. More precisely, she wasn't interested in trading. No matter how much I explained that it was a deal and there had to be a price she had to pay for her second chance, she was insisting that I was a thief and she was wanting back what I stole - her soul.

Shaking my head licking the last chocolate on my fork, ''Find me when you have something to offer,'' I said and left the cafe. It was going to get dark soon and I hadn't been fed yesterday as much as I could skip feeding today. Food, real food, was helpful, but it wasn't enough.

I knew I was being followed when Rosa's shadow followed me for five minutes. If the element of air likes you, the wind would carry your enemies' scent to you. The method of light was a little different.

Still, if Rosa knew how to hide, I wouldn't be able to find her. Ender, for example, said he followed me from the guild to where I stayed, and I wouldn't know that if he didn't exposed.

I chose a relatively quiet way and turned around to face my follower. ''This was faster than I expected. Do you have something to offer?''

Gritting her teeth, ''I'll ask for one last time, will you give me my soul back?''

''Of course. When you offer something of the same value.''

Rosa raised her hands, ''It will be a shame to waste it like this quick. But I guess it's worth it.'' I saw a red gemstone in her hands.

An absolutely unnatural wind blew, gave me goosebumps. It was impossible to be natural because it was blowing from the gem in Rosa's hand to all directions. The wind was full of energy that caressed my skin.

I wasn't particularly worried since the energy wasn't hostile, still, I focused my connection with the light to draw power from the last rays of the setting sun. Considering the magical guards at her house where she lived on the rich side of the town, it was not unusual for her to have a few treasures. It was foolish for her to spend them like that instead of offering them to me.

''Now!'' she said and I noticed that my surroundings had changed. The street was the same street, but gray and dull. No lightning or meteors rained from the sky. That was a good thing. Rosa was grinning arrogantly.

''So what will this do?'' I asked.

''Don't you understand your situation? This is a prison built using the space element! If you want to be free, you know what I want.''

I felt the fox's presence in my mind focusing on the outside events. This was rare as no one was naked. ''Freedom for the soul. Not bad,'' it said.

''No, it's stupid,'' I said out loud for both the fox and Rosa to hear, ''You have a fancy toy. If it were for someone else, it'd work. Unfortunately for you, I'm well aware that how hard it is to imprison a piece of space with magic. How long can this thing keep this going? Hours, maybe days? I prefer to endure boredom for a few weeks.''

Rosa's face fell off, ''Don't talk bullshit out of your ignorance. I can keep this forever if you don't give my soul back.''

I took a step forward. ''Call me ignorant. But if there is one thing I know, it is that you are level 1 right now. It's not the best idea to imprison yourself with me, darling.''

Taking a step back with every step I took, ''Stop this! There is no concept of time here. The only way out of here is to deal with me,'' she said.

''Lucky me.'' I touched the dark green gem on my ring and the next second the handle of my new whip was in my hand. ''You know, I have a skill that allows me to heal people at a cost. The only cost for minor injuries is energy.''

''What does this have to do with me?'' She was at the end of the street and beyond was an empty whiteness. I guessed we had reached the end of imprisoned space.

''I used my skill to help you, don't you remember? I am sure you will happy to help me practice it so that I can help others as well.'' I stopped two meters in front of her.

''What do you want me to do?'' Her arrogant expression had disappeared completely from her face. I've always hated bluffing for the possibility of getting into her situation.

''As I said, there is a cost for every healing. Sometimes the price of healing a deadly wound is to injure someone else deadly. Luckily, the ratio of what I give and receive is not one to one. I can heal much more than I have caused. You'll help me practice, won't you?''