
Call Me Mistress

''Water,'' I said. ''I'm calling you. Would you come?'' In the shower cabin of my lovely neighbor, I asked the water element for its help. Water was not an element I was particularly good at, but from time to time it answered my call. Of all the elements, it was the light that I got along best, and the elements that never answered my calls were fire and earth.

I felt the water respond to me as the water drops slide off my skin. I controlled the water as if it is a slime beast and wrapped it around me. With my eyes closed, I used the water ropes to touch myself gently and I fantasized the touches were the hands caressing my body that belonged to a nameless lover.

In, out, in, out. I didn't even have to think to find the rhythm, it was an instinct. Water ropes caressed my insides in a way no human man ever could. I was out of breath and moaning before I knew how I got to that point.

''Finally!'' The fox shouted out loud inside my mind. When my concentration deteriorated because of the fox, my connection with the water element broke off and I fell to the ground because I was relying on ropes made of water to stand.

''Wha... huff... what happened?'' I asked anxiously on all fours, scared of being attacked when naked.

''You completed the orgasm for the first time quest. It was a small one, but seems like it worked,'' The fox said. I stood up with help from the wall and tried to understand what it just said.

''Is that all? Nothing happened?'' I asked. The fox nodded with pleasure and licked its paw. ''You... you damn fox... I swear I'll skin you alive one day...'' I got out of the shower and started to dry myself in annoyance.

''Won't you view your notifications?'' The fox asked.

''I'll. Later.'' I wasn't in a good mood, I wonder why.

''I'd check them immediately if I were you,'' The fox said.

''Them? Not just one?'' I visualized the system window while getting dressed.

{CONGRATULATIONS! You have met the requirements to reach level 2. Remember the feeling of being at the climax and never let your victims go without reaching that state. Now knowing the feeling, you can officially start your journey as a succubus.}

Reading the notification I pouted, knowing the feeling? Maybe the fox didn't interrupt... I sighed in annoyance again. As soon as I strengthened my mind, I'll find a way to mute the fox's voice firstly, I thought. Then, I clicked the next notification.


You have collected enough exp to complete level 2.

Please carry out the following instructions in order to reach level 3.}

Huh? But it had only been a minute since I reached level 2, How could I have collected enough exp to be level 3? ''It must be because you are in the team that cleans the beehive,'' The fox said. ''If it really evolved into an intermediate dungeon, I wouldn't be surprised if you skip several levels at once.''

It was unexpected but good news, the only part that bothers me was 'Please carry out the following instructions in order to reach level 3.' I guessed I had to complete a quest again to level up, and I was right.

{A level-up quest named [Ultimate Mission of a Succubus] has been defined by the Web for the user whose information is given below.

Name: Sora Al'naar

Breed: Demonic, Succubus; Level 2

Skills: Desire of Heart, Justice of the Light

Quest: First of all, seducing the purest ones is all demon's priority. Maybe you're not strong enough to degenerate a holy one, but at least you must be able to seduce one pure heart. To complete this quest, you have to destroy a clergy's belief.}

I read the quest and frowned? Just what kind of quest is, destroying someone's belief isn't something you can do easily. ''I think I know a suitable candidate,'' The fox said.

I walked out of Adele's room trying to ignore her and her new client. But since our rooms were on the same floor, there was no way for me to not hear moanings. ''Nun Miran was indeed cute but I don't want to meet Roen again anytime soon,'' I said. ''Was she really a believer anyway? I saw her heart, she never wanted to be a nun.''

''She was a believer, if she wasn't, her necklace wouldn't burn your hand. Also, sexual desires don't prevent anyone from believing. Have you not seen how afraid she was to sin in her heart?''

I entered my room and it was exactly like I left it. ''Still, I don't want to meet Roen again.''

''Don't worry about that. Now you are a level 2, so you must be able to do that thing,'' The fox said.

''What thing?'' I put my new whip and leather bag on the floor and sat down on the bed.

''Calling your lovers,'' It said. ''You don't need to go to her, use your skill and call her.''

I looked at the system window and opened the guide I bought to learn using my skill. The fox was right, according to the guide, it was possible to call someone you recently fed. The further her or his location became and the more time passed over your last contact, the harder it was to call someone.

I imagined Miran's beautiful face and followed the weak link in my mind. I saw her in a grocery store, buying vegetables to prepare dinner. I remembered how the red bee queen calling worker bees, ''Come,'' I thought. ''Come to me.''

I felt the link between our minds getting stronger. The urge for coming to me captured her completely, she wasn't aware of what's happening. All she wanted was to run in my direction. I kept in touch and guided her to the hostel room. After a few ten minutes, she knocked on my door.

I opened the door. Her cheeks blushed when she saw me, she was still in her priestly robe, which covered all of her but her face and hands. She was wearing her blessed necklace.

''Umm... I was... I mean...'' She mumbled. I motioned for her to come in and sit on the bed.

''Sora...'' Miran said.

''I didn't allow you to call me by name,'' I said. She wasn't looking into my eyes. In fact, instead of looking at me, she was looking everywhere else. She was a nice, submissive girl. ''Don't speak and don't touch me until I tell you to do, understood?''

Next Chapter: What takes for you to break?

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