
How To be A Demon King

Red, a shut-in nerd obsessed with playing RPG games, spent a fortune creating demonic and non-human NPCs that were overpowered. One day, while immersed in the game, he suddenly finds himself transported into it as Lazarus, his character. To his shock, all the NPCs he created are now alive, no longer mere pixels. As he grapples with the challenge of ruling over them, a looming threat emerges in the game world, raising questions about his ability to maintain control and the survival of both himself and his creations

HermesRed · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Throne of the Demon king

The once vibrant settings and commands that had danced before Lazarus's vision were now conspicuously absent, plunging him into a disorienting void. The silence echoed like a haunting melody, drowning out the familiar sounds of the digital realm.

Lazarus blinked, his eyes straining to discern shapes in the featureless expanse that surrounded him. The panic set in, a knot tightening in his virtual stomach as he grappled with the disconcerting emptiness. It was as if the very essence of the digital world had evaporated, leaving him isolated in an abyss of nothingness.

His hands moved instinctively, reaching for commands that were no longer there. Fingers grasped at the emptiness, desperately trying to regain control in the absence of the familiar interface.

"Call moderator," he commanded, the words escaping his lips in a mix of urgency and frustration. The plea hung in the silence, unanswered and unheard.

In a cascade of desperation, he uttered commands in rapid succession. "Shutdown." "Force shutdown." "Help." Each plea for assistance was met with the same unyielding silence, the void refusing to respond to his desperate calls.

"System, display interface!" he commanded once more, his voice carrying a hint of desperation as it echoed into the nothingness. Yet, the emptiness persisted, devoid of any response. The comforting glow of the familiar HUD, which had once guided him through the digital landscape, remained elusive.

As he desperately sought control, a disconcerting shift occurred. The boundaries between the game and reality blurred in a way he could not fathom. The air, though lacking physicality, now held a different weight, and the visuals transcended mere pixels.

His gaze swept across the throne room, and the surreal grandeur unfolded before him like a meticulously crafted tapestry. The grotesque features of golem sculptures, crafted from enchanted obsidian, adorned the left side of the vast chamber. These twisted figures, frozen in agonizing poses, held an otherworldly malevolence. Each golem seemed to defy gravity, its nightmarish visage poised to spring to life and defend their master.

On the opposite side, towering angelic counterparts mirrored the golems in a celestial ballet. These intricately constructed golems, radiating an ethereal beauty, concealed their true nature as formidable defenders. Their outstretched wings, crafted with meticulous detail, appeared ready to embrace the heavens.

A majestic red carpet, woven with intricate patterns telling stories of forgotten epochs, stretched before him. Its rich hue provided a stark contrast to the cold, stone floor, guiding the way to the imposing throne like a path of regality.

As Lazarus continued to survey the room, the details came alive with vivid intensity. Giant pillars made of obsidian soared to the ceiling, engraved with ancient runes that bound the protective magic of the golems. Torches lining the walls emitted a warm, flickering glow, casting dancing shadows that whispered tales of ancient battles and long-forgotten legends. A mounted torch with infernal dark flame adorned each pillar, adding a surreal beauty to the surroundings.

On the ceiling, a grand chandelier hung, crafted from numerous expensive stones. The interplay of colored gems bathed the throne room in a mesmerizing play of light, creating a captivating ambiance that heightened the sense of grandeur. The infernal dark flame from the mounted torches reflected in the facets of the stones, adding an extra layer of enchantment to the already breathtaking scene.

The golem sculptures, though seemingly inert, held a dormant power within. Programmed to defend their master, they remained as vigilant sentinels, ready to spring to life and unleash their formidable strength against any who dared to harm Lazarus. The transition from the virtual to the seemingly real was seamless, and Lazarus found himself still seated on the intricately adorned throne, surrounded by these enchanted guardians.

The transition from the virtual to the seemingly real was seamless, and Lazarus found himself still seated on the intricately adorned throne. The tactile sensation of the cold, stony surface beneath him and the weight of the ornate scepter in his hand heightened the realism of his surroundings. He could almost feel the soft caress of the velvety cushions against his back, and the ambient sounds of the throne room echoed with a symphony of distant whispers and faint echoes of an ancient realm.

This transformed reality was not merely a replication of pixels and polygons; it was an intricate masterpiece, a living painting that merged the digital and the tangible. The throne room, once confined to the realms of programming code, had become an immersive sanctuary where every texture, every scent, and every detail painted a canvas of unparalleled richness and complexity.

Panic gave way to a curious mixture of awe and trepidation. The room, once confined to the realms of programming code, now enveloped him in its otherworldly splendor. The throne, once a mere digital construct, now bore the weight of his virtual presence.

As Lazarus approached the torch, drawn to its ethereal dance of flames, a newfound sense of wonder filled him. The vibrant glow painted an intricate tapestry on the walls, and he extended his hand towards the flickering fire. The searing heat met his skin, and a delighted "Awww" involuntarily escaped his lips.

Lazarus marveled at the tangible warmth, the sensation registering as real as any physical touch. The dance of light and shadow captivated him, casting a mesmerizing ambiance within the transformed throne room. "This is incredible," he whispered to himself, his eyes reflecting a mixture of awe and realization.

As he continued to explore the immersive surroundings, the rich details of the room enveloped him. The majestic red carpet beneath his feet, the towering sculptures of golemic defenders, and the chandelier crafted from precious stones all contributed to the breathtaking beauty of this reimagined reality. Lazarus couldn't help but be captivated by the seamless integration of the digital and the tangible, a fusion that transcended the boundaries of his previous virtual experiences.

With each step, the throne room unfolded as a masterpiece, and Lazarus couldn't shake the sense of amazement that enveloped him. "Is this the result of my programming, or is it something more?" he pondered aloud, his voice a mere whisper in the vastness of the intricately designed space. The exploration of this transformed realm became a journey not only through pixels and polygons but through a realm where the senses converged in a symphony of realism and fantasy.

Suddenly, the throne room echoed with the resonating footsteps of two colossal figures. Running with unwavering determination toward their lord Lazarus, the imposing guardians emerged as if heralds of divine protection.

Abel, the paladin, surged forward in an aura of pure white and gold. His celestial armor gleamed with a divine radiance, symbolizing his commitment to righteousness. A colossal sword, the embodiment of his dedication, rested on his back, ready to be unsheathed in defense of his sovereign. Towering at an impressive 18 feet, Abel's presence commanded attention, a towering symbol of unwavering loyalty.

In stark contrast, Cain, the black knight, dashed alongside Abel with fiery eyes and an armor as dark as midnight. Horns adorned his helmet, giving his appearance a devilish edge that mirrored his shadowy demeanor. Mysterious runes adorned his gear, pulsating with an otherworldly energy. Carrying a massive battle axe, Cain's determination resonated in every step, forging a path through the throne room with unwavering loyalty to his godly lord. Also standing at an imposing height of 18 feet, Cain's shadowy figure, complete with devilish horns, added an aura of mystery and strength to their dynamic duo.

As they rushed to Lazarus, the air crackled with the dichotomy of their presence – one embodying celestial purity, the other cloaked in shadows, both united by a shared purpose. The intricate details of their armor told silent tales of battles fought and challenges overcome, marking them not just as protectors but as storied warriors in the service of their godly lord, Lazarus.

"My lord, we heard you scream. What happened?" inquired the paladin, Abel, his voice a symphony of concern as he stepped forward, his eyes scanning Lazarus for any sign of distress.

"I'm the one who heard you scream first, my lord," chimed in the black knight, Cain, a competitive edge in his tone. His fiery eyes narrowed as if trying to outdo Abel in the demonstration of loyalty.

Abel's concern deepened, the worry etched on his face as he glanced at Cain, silently challenging the black knight's claim. The paladin's dedication to his lord was unwavering, and he stood ready to shield Lazarus from any perceived threat.

Cain, on the other hand, stood tall, his black armor emanating an aura of fierce protectiveness. His competitive spirit flared, and he shot a meaningful look at Abel, silently asserting his commitment to guarding Lazarus.

These two NPC guardians, Abel and Cain, embodied not just loyalty and protection, but also an unspoken rivalry. As they stood at attention, their eyes occasionally met in a silent competition to express the depth of their concern for their lord. The throne room, now a stage for both loyalty and unspoken rivalry, witnessed the unfolding drama as the paladin and the black knight vied to demonstrate who was more devoted and protective of their virtual sovereign in this altered reality.