
How To be A Demon King

Red, a shut-in nerd obsessed with playing RPG games, spent a fortune creating demonic and non-human NPCs that were overpowered. One day, while immersed in the game, he suddenly finds himself transported into it as Lazarus, his character. To his shock, all the NPCs he created are now alive, no longer mere pixels. As he grapples with the challenge of ruling over them, a looming threat emerges in the game world, raising questions about his ability to maintain control and the survival of both himself and his creations

HermesRed · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Eldermere's Fatal Gamble

As Clifford surveyed the dense, mystical forest, a sense of frustration hung in the air. "Stay close; it seems we've been walking in circles for hours, Levin. Are you sure we haven't passed this way before?" Clifford questioned with a stern gaze.

"Yeah, I placed a marking on that giant mushroom, and it's the fourth time I've seen the same marking," replied Levin, visibly frustrated.

"This is bad," Clifford remarked, scanning the darkening surroundings. "It's getting dark; it's best if we set up camp here. Luckily, there don't seem to be any monsters nearby."

"Are you sure?" Lizy questioned, her voice tinged with terror.

"If there were goblins or any other creatures, they would have attacked by now or set a trap. No monster is that intelligent to wait around," reassured Clifford.

"Mages, set a tier 1 barrier to save your mana. Three of you guard at a time," Clifford instructed, taking charge of the situation.

As the party settled down in a protective circle around the campfire, seemingly unfazed by the imminent danger due to their inability to sense hostility around, they decided to share stories.

"Why not talk about why we became adventurers?" suggested Aaron.

"Seriously, Aaron? For money, of course! Hahaha!" Tuken chuckled.

"Not everyone is as greedy as you, Tuken," Jhon remarked, prompting laughter from the group.

Clifford, looking for a way to pass the time and foster camaraderie, leaned in and joined the conversation. "I became an adventurer to find the legendary spear left by the monarch. Some say it's on top of an unknown mountain, but who knows, maybe it's a tower. That's why I took this job," he shared, revealing a glimpse of his personal quest. He turned his attention to Takun. "And what about you, Takun?" he asked, his gaze fixed on the aspiring swordsman. "Why did you choose the path of an adventurer?"

"I want to be the strongest swordsman and to become a noble," declared Takun, his voice carrying a determination that seemed to transcend the present moment.

He continued, a flicker of vulnerability crossing his features, "When I was young, I couldn't afford food and medicine. I grew up as a beggar, fighting for survival in the harsh streets." The campfire's warmth contrasted with the cold memories he was sharing. "Becoming a swordsman is not just about strength for me; it's a path to rise above my past, to provide for those who suffer as I did, and to ascend to a station where I can make a difference." The flames illuminated Takun's resolute expression as he bared a part of his soul to his fellow adventurers.

"My dad was an adventurer. He left me while I was in my mother's womb. But I'm not angry; I want to know why my dad chose this over his unborn child," Aaron admitted, his tone revealing a mix of curiosity and understanding.

As the campfire flickered, Aaron continued, "I've come to realize that adventure, for my father, was like embracing freedom. It was a choice that allowed him to explore the vast unknown, unburdened by the chains of a settled life. Now, I walk the same path, not in resentment, but in a quest to comprehend the allure that drew him away. Perhaps, in the journey, I'll discover the essence of the freedom he sought." The night air seemed to hold a certain introspective weight as Aaron shared his perspective with the circle of fellow adventurers.

"What about you, Aaron?" Clifford asked, redirecting the conversation towards the mage girl from Gnaom's party.

Aaron turned his attention to her, the firelight reflecting in his curious eyes. "I can't help but wonder about your story. What led you to become an adventurer?" he inquired gently.

The mage girl, her gaze momentarily fixed on the dancing flames, began to share a piece of her life. "My husband and I were ambushed by goblins. He lost both his legs, and the trauma turned him into someone unrecognizable, like a man driven to madness. I chose this path to ensure I can afford his daily needs, the medicines that keep him stable," she revealed. The crackling of the campfire seemed to echo the weight of her words. "Every spell I learn, every step I take, is in the hope that I can bring back a piece of the man he used to be."

As the weight of the shared stories settled over the campfire, an awkward silence enveloped the group. The harsh reality of their individual struggles hung in the air, casting a somber atmosphere.

Deciding to retreat into the refuge of sleep, the adventurers began organizing shifts for guarding. The three members from the Basilisk party took the first watch, keeping vigilant eyes on the surrounding darkness. The night pressed on, and as fatigue set in, the three guardians from the Shadow and Basilisk Eye party took their turn, ensuring that the camp remained protected throughout the night.

As the night went on, one guard from the Basilisk party kept watch while the others chatted. During a break in the conversation, one of them said, "I need a bathroom break," and quietly walked away from the campsite.

Meanwhile, the two remaining guards from the Shadow and Basilisk Eye party continued their friendly exchange. However, as one of them relieved himself in the darkness, an unexpected and eerie event occurred. A shadow person, a deceptive monster, mimicked a child's voice to mislead the guard who had decided to take a break.

Upon hearing the child's cry, the guard called out, "Who's there? Are you okay?"

A faint voice, filled with pain, responded, "Help me, please. Help me." The plea echoed through the forest, tugging at the guard's sense of compassion.

Without alerting his companions, the guard, urged by an inexplicable force, decided to investigate the source of the mysterious child's crying. Silently, he vanished into the depths of the forest's darkness.

Lost in the darkness of the forest, fear crept into the guard's heart. Panic set in as he realized he had strayed too far. Frantically, he called out, "Guys! I'm lost! Where are you?" His voice echoed through the silent woods, but there was no response from his teammates. The ominous shadows seemed to close in, and a sense of dread enveloped him as he shouted for help. In the unsettling quiet, he failed to notice the stealthy approach of the mushroom people. Suddenly, an arrow shot through the night, finding its mark and striking the guard in the head. The eerie silence of the forest was broken by the unfortunate fate of the guard, a victim of the mysterious and perilous inhabitants of the woods.

As the night pressed on, the two remaining guards from the Shadow and Basilisk Eye party continued their friendly exchange. However, after a while, a realization dawned upon them. "Hey, where's Dave? He's been gone for a while," one of them said, concern etched on his face.

Worried about their missing comrade, they decided to search for him. Yet, as they delved deeper into the forest, an inexplicable fog seemed to weave its magic, distorting the familiar paths. The once-clear trail became obscured, and the two guards found themselves disoriented, lost in the enchanted haze.

"Something's not right. We should have found him by now," the other guard remarked, a sense of unease creeping into his voice. The magical fog played tricks on their perception, leading them further into the heart of the mysterious woods, where the boundaries between reality and enchantment blurred.

Amidst the disorienting fog, a distant cry echoed through the enchanted woods. "Guys, I'm here! Help me! I'm here!"

Recognizing Dave's voice, the two guards felt a surge of relief. Determined, one of them said, "That's Dave! Let's follow his voice." They forged ahead, their steps guided by the haunting call.

As they pressed on through the eerie mushroom forest, guided by the haunting mimicry of Dave's voice, they stumbled upon a surreal scene. There, in the moonlit glow, Dave sat in the middle of the mushroom-filled clearing. His form seemed eerily illuminated, casting an unsettling ambiance.

Rushing towards him with a mix of relief and concern, the guards soon realized the grim truth. Dave, with an arrow lodged in his forehead, was lifeless. A cold realization gripped them as they stood in the silent clearing, the only sound being the wind rustling through the strange fungi.

Yet, the unsettling part was the lingering mimicry of Dave's voice that continued to echo through the mushroom forest. The voice, now distorted and ethereal, repeated, "Guys, I'm here," as if the very woods mourned the loss of their fallen companion. The guards exchanged bewildered glances, unsure of the mysterious forces at play in this enchanted and haunting place.

"What is that?" one of the guards asked, pointing towards a thin, slender figure standing motionless in the moonlit mushroom forest, resembling a scarecrow.

The other guard squinted at the distant figure and said, "Scarecrow?" However, when they turned their attention back to the tall, slender figure, it had vanished into thin air.

"I swear I saw it right there," the first guard insisted, bewildered.

As he turned his head to share the strange sighting with his companion, he realized that the person he was just talking to had disappeared. The once-familiar mushroom forest now seemed eerily empty, leaving him standing alone in the haunting silence of the enchanted fungi-filled woods.

Left alone in the mysterious mushroom forest, the remaining guard felt a rising sense of madness and terror. The eerie silence surrounded him, and the flickering moonlight cast unsettling shadows among the towering fungi.

Desperation etched into his voice, he called out, "Joe, you can come out now, please!" The silence persisted, amplifying the eerie atmosphere.

A rising panic gripped him, and he screamed, "Help! Somebody!" His pleas echoed through the twisted corridors of mushrooms, unanswered in the haunting silence. The line between nightmare and reality blurred further, leaving the guard in a surreal and terrifying ordeal within the enchanted mushroom forest.

A guttural scream tore through the haunted silence, the anguished shout of the guard echoing through the eerie expanse of the mushroom forest. The night seemed to absorb the horrific sound, leaving only the lingering dread that clung to the darkened woods.