
How the Queen is made

Yanjing Cheng is the most sought-after young tycoon in Xijiang, and he has always known that Gu Mingzhu is not a good person. So when he ended up entangled with her by accident, he only fulfilled his duties perfunctorily. But he never expected that one day he would love her to the core, wishing he could give her everything, even his life... —One day after marriage— Yanjing Cheng tore up the divorce agreement with a grim expression, his gaze coldly fixed on the woman in front of him. "Huh, divorce? Don't even think about it!" Gu Mingzhu was stunned. "But you promised me..." Yanjing Cheng loosened his tie, a cold smile playing on his lips as he threw her onto the bed. "I changed my mind." Gu Mingzhu pushed away his kiss, furious. "You have no shame!" He chuckled. "What's the use of shame when I have you?" ... Everyone thought Yanjing Cheng was cold and noble, but only Gu Mingzhu knew that he was nothing but a despicable hypocrite, a wolf in sheep's clothing! No matter what hardships you have endured, there will always be someone willing to brave the storms to love you.

Meng_Wang_7369 · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
70 Chs

Chapter 63:"Get the hell out of here!"

Upon hearing this, Gu Chaoxia spoke with a hint of pride, "Zhang Zhihong, Zhang family."

At these words, the expressions of several women became uncertain.

Gu Chaoxia didn't notice anything unusual, but Madam Gu spoke up, "Madam Li, if you know something, please speak freely. My Gu family will be deeply grateful."

Madam Li was somewhat courteous to Madam Gu and said in a gentle tone, "There's no need for gratitude. After all, this news has caused a stir throughout the city, and almost everyone knows about it."

Pausing for a moment, Madam Li lowered her voice and continued, "It's heard that a batch of goods from the Zhang family has been seized by the customs, the amount is not small. Zhang Zhihong has already been handcuffed and taken away, so we wanted to ask Madam Gu which contract it was with."

Upon hearing this, Madam Gu's brow furrowed even tighter, her lips pressed together tightly without uttering a word.

Before she could speak, Gu Chaoxia exclaimed anxiously, "That's impossible, you're just making wild guesses!"

Madam Li looked her up and down, sneering, "Miss Gu, if you don't trust me, feel free to check the news on your phone. This news is spreading fast, and probably few people are unaware of it."

"It's impossible... I met with Zhang Zhihong just yesterday..." Gu Chaoxia interjected urgently.

Indeed, she had met with Zhang Zhihong yesterday, and at that time, he had promised her the delivery time. It was impossible for him to make such a mistake so suddenly.

Madam Li chuckled coldly, with a hint of disdain in her eyes, "Miss Gu is still young after all, perhaps unaware of the risks involved. But speaking of which, it's understandable if you find it difficult to accept such a huge failure."

Gu Chaoxia was infuriated, glaring at her with reddened eyes but unable to speak.

Yang Huiru, on the other hand, was much more astute. She had already taken out her phone and started searching for news related to Zhang Zhihong.

Sure enough, what Madam Li said made sense.

The top news was about Zhang Zhihong's arrest, accompanied by a photo of him being apprehended.

Yang Huiru's throat tightened, her expression immediately becoming serious.

How could such a thing happen out of nowhere?

The most urgent matter now was how to minimize the losses to the Gu family.

Otherwise, over a hundred billion...

Yang Huiru dared not imagine. If the Gu family really lost over a hundred billion in this deal, how would the old lady treat her and Chaoxia!

On the other side, Madam Gu was evidently not idle either. Her secretary quickly found out the information and handed her a tablet. Then, lowering her voice, she said, "We've inquired and indeed, Zhang Zhihong has been arrested. The batch of goods confiscated happens to be a hundred thousand tons of redwood."

Madam Gu turned to signal her secretary to move to a less crowded corner and whispered, "Is there any possibility of releasing the goods after some time?"

The secretary shook her head, "It's not possible. Zhang Zhihong is charged with smuggling, and according to the law, this batch of goods will be confiscated."

Upon hearing this, Madam Gu's face completely darkened, her lips pressed tightly, and her murky eyes filled with unrestrained anger.

Before she could turn around, Gu Chaoxia, equally anxious, couldn't help but catch up and ask, "Grandma, what's the situation?"

Madam Gu pushed her away, her face dark, throughout the whole process, she didn't even glance at her, and anyone could feel the impending rage about to burst out of her.

Gu Chaoxia felt somewhat embarrassed, but Yang Huiru quickly stepped forward to mediate. She gently supported Madam Gu and said, "Mom, don't worry for now. Since we've signed the contract, when the Zhang family can't deliver the goods, we can make them compensate us."

Upon hearing this, Madam Gu's expression softened slightly.

Gu Chaoxia stood aside, feeling uneasy and unable to speak. How could she understand how such an unlucky thing had happened to her?

Before anyone could speak again, a cold, stern voice sounded at the entrance of the banquet hall, "I'm looking for Gu Chaoxia! Who is Gu Chaoxia, get your ass out here!"