
How the Queen is made

Yanjing Cheng is the most sought-after young tycoon in Xijiang, and he has always known that Gu Mingzhu is not a good person. So when he ended up entangled with her by accident, he only fulfilled his duties perfunctorily. But he never expected that one day he would love her to the core, wishing he could give her everything, even his life... —One day after marriage— Yanjing Cheng tore up the divorce agreement with a grim expression, his gaze coldly fixed on the woman in front of him. "Huh, divorce? Don't even think about it!" Gu Mingzhu was stunned. "But you promised me..." Yanjing Cheng loosened his tie, a cold smile playing on his lips as he threw her onto the bed. "I changed my mind." Gu Mingzhu pushed away his kiss, furious. "You have no shame!" He chuckled. "What's the use of shame when I have you?" ... Everyone thought Yanjing Cheng was cold and noble, but only Gu Mingzhu knew that he was nothing but a despicable hypocrite, a wolf in sheep's clothing! No matter what hardships you have endured, there will always be someone willing to brave the storms to love you.

Meng_Wang_7369 · Thành thị
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70 Chs

Chapter 36: Dare to Run and I'll Break Your Legs!

"Regarding Yang Shihao..." A-Zhao continued to ask.

Yan Jingcheng's gaze remained on Gu Mingzhu, and he said slowly, "Leave him be for now."


Seeing Gu Mingzhu trying to escape into the crowd, Yan Jingcheng took a drag from his cigarette. He turned to Ji Mingye and said, "I need to step out for a moment."

Ji Mingye was holding a woman in his arms and didn't ask what he was up to. He just laughed and teased, "Take your time."

Yan Jingcheng chuckled and shot him a glance before leaving the private room.

Qing Ya, who had been sitting on the sofa, hurriedly stood up and tried to catch up with him. "Fourth Young Master..."

Unfortunately, it seemed he didn't hear her and left without looking back.

Xu Xingbai cashed in the chips and transferred the money into an account, while Xu Xinghe escorted Gu Mingzhu out.

As they walked, Gu Mingzhu looked at him and said softly, "The money I owe you for the two batches of wood should be covered by what I won tonight."

"Alright," Xu Xinghe replied, not taking it to heart, knowing her character.

Just as Gu Mingzhu was about to say something else, her phone rang with an unfamiliar number.

She didn't have it saved, but she remembered it was Yan Jingcheng's from the call earlier in the afternoon.

What was this guy calling her for again?

Frowning, Gu Mingzhu ended the call, clearly not interested in answering.

Standing by the railing overlooking the casino, Yan Jingcheng saw her rejection, his gaze darkening.

Taking another drag from his cigarette, he dialed her number again, contemplating that if she dared not to answer, he'd teach her a lesson she wouldn't forget.

Seeing the call come in again, annoyance flashed in Gu Mingzhu's eyes.

But thinking of Zhang Zhihong and the batch of redwood, she was afraid this man might sabotage her plans.

After notifying Xu Xinghe, she found a quiet corner to answer, "Fourth Young Master, what brings you calling me today? Missing me already?"

With narrowed eyes, Yan Jingcheng asked, "How's your stomach?"

Gu Mingzhu hesitated for a moment, not sure what he was planning. But she knew better than to believe he cared about her well-being.

"It's much better after a nap," she replied, her voice soft and slightly husky, reminding Yan Jingcheng of her tearful pleas from their past encounters.

Yan Jingcheng's eyes dimmed further, finding the cigarette tasteless in his mouth. "How did you sleep?"

Gu Mingzhu had no qualms lying through her teeth.

"Was sleeping fine until your call," she said, adding a touch of complaint to her tone, sounding as if she were whining to a close friend.

But Yan Jingcheng saw through her act. The coldness and impatience were clear in her beautiful eyes, though she played her part convincingly.

With a cold laugh, he instructed, "Look up."

Gu Mingzhu froze for a moment before reflexively glancing upstairs.

There he stood, naturally eye-catching with his handsome, slightly ruffian-like face, wearing a dark suit. Yan Jingcheng stood by the railing on the second floor, his gaze cold and intense as he stared down at her.

Meeting his mocking gaze, Gu Mingzhu felt her throat tighten, struggling to hold back her curses.

She'd always thought he was up to no good. Now, why was he suddenly concerned about her?

Before Yan Jingcheng could speak, Gu Mingzhu wanted to escape.

But as soon as she moved, a deep voice came through the phone, "Dare to run and I'll break your legs!"

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