
How my heart thinks

Codi_M · LGBT+
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My Story

It all started when I was born I was destined to marry a prince because i am a princess but growing up i started to realized i was not into guys but i was into girls and the only issue was that i did not have anyone i could talk to about it and that became really frustrating. But as I grew older i got closer to my family and the more i noticed that my mother might be in the same position i am in so i tried talking to her and that went really well because then i learned that my family is more accepting than i was led to believe so me and my mother talked to the rest of my family and it turns out that not only is my mother gay as well as me but so is my father and my only brother. but the more i learned the further i grew from my grandparents due to the fact that they do not accept my family due to the fact of our sexuality likes and that they would more than likely have us removed from the family which i had no idea was a thing so we could not tell them just yet. My family had a plan to tell them when they were closer to dying which was closer then we had thought. Months pass and nothing happens. One day we are informed that my grandparents were found dead on there beds and the only thing i could think was " At least they died asleep and didn't suffer." As we came to their bedroom we noticed that they died from natural causes so they weren't killed they just lived a very very unhealthy life style and the whole kingdom knew that. The kingdom didn't seem sad to hear that they had died but seemed more happy. We were told that the king and queen didnt treat the kingdom well and mistreated its subjects. So I was placed as queen to this kingdom when my parents died and soon i found a wife that was a princess as well so we joined the two kingdoms and lived a very great life afterwords

The End