
Chapter 9: The Roast

Tien: You will battle at midnight at the back


Vince: sleep early because the battle will

last hours

Wayne: when will th battle start? and who

will be our groupmates?

Tien: the battle will start at exact 1:00

but go in the battle field at 12:00

that will be the time where we put you in your


Wayne: uuum kay.

Ali: My beloved princess. you're so beautiful!

Lyn: He's losing his mind.

Alexis: true

Wayne: true

Ali: but for me you're my only one alexis

K: ey sto-

Ali: i love you alexis

Lyn: what kind of confession is that?!

wayne: the most stupid one

Ali: hey I'm a human too you know.

Wayne: ye human body

Lyn: children's brain

Ali: DAT's too much.

Lyn & Wayne: want more?

Ali: nope, too much roast

Lyn & Wayne: we have more here

Ali: just sto-

-To be continued-

K: aaaah sorry that the novel is too short

cuz im too tired for today, but i will try to do a

long one tommorow bye!