
Meet Everybody

Why is your place so far" she groans. Jace glares at Lori and growls"where already here". "Lori you complain about everything" I said trying not to sound too salty. Jace looks at me and smirks. 

We approach a big gate and marcus says "We should get climbing" in an enthusiastic tone. The first person to climb the gaye was marcus and lori. Then i started climbing when i relized that my shorts were too short.

 Normally i don't have to worry since its was just me and lori. I look down to see the guys under me and there all red and looking away then i noticed jace was looking directly at my shorts and he was also smirking. I felt a rush of heat fill my cheeks and I hurried over the gate. 

As we keep walking jace comes up to me and whispers in my ear and says"I liked the view". I stare at him angrily "Whatever" I say walking faster. As jace gets infront of me he walks backwards and says with a grin "So you liked my comment". "No...just...ugh go away" I say irritated.  

We finally make it to this rundown hotel. "We get beds this time" she yells excitedly. "Most likely not the sheets and pillows in some of the rooms may be covered in blood" i say sounding like a smart alec. "First you have to meet the others" marcus said with a smile.

We enter the hotel and walk strait to the stairs. We walk to the 4th floor and go through a door. "Finally were here all those stairs are exhausting" she said as she was trying to catch her breath. We go down to a room with the numbers 419 on it. "Here you go" mayson says pointing to the door.

Me and Lori walk through the door and see 3 girls and a guy. I look at the blonde girl with pink strands. She sees me looking at her and walks over. "Teressa" she says sounding disgusted. "What" i said stand off-ish. 

She ignores what i said and walks over to the others "How do you know if there infected or not". "If your infected you have an hour until you transform right" i said defensively. Lori looks at me concerned "I know that face....what is your plan or idea" she said worried.

 "How about a test" I said grinning. Everyone is intrigued by what i said. "What do you have in mind" Zane said. "Me and Lori will stay in a room together and of we don't turn by morning were not infected, if we do turn or show any sighns of being infected you can kick us to the curb" I say proudly.

They all agreed although teressa was suspicious still. A shy girl with long red hair walked over to me and Lori then said "hi...umm..im Emma and that guy over there with the red hoodie is h-henry". Lori smiled and said "Im loralie but you can call me Lori and she is Armani but only i can call her Mani".

Later on we get ready to go to bed so Eli walks us to a room. "Night Armani and lor something" Eli said and waved bye. "Her name is lori but yea good night" i said a little upset he forgot her name. Me and lori close the door and get blankets from our bags. "Glad I had packed blankets before we went on our food run" she said as she took out three blankets.

"Aren't you mad he forgot your name so quickly" i asked a little angry. " I mean yea but im used to it"  she said sadly. "I've known you since the 3rd grade, and you still haven't told me what you mean by your used to it" i said upset. "Another time please im tired" she said sounding desperate to get me to stop asking questions. So we went to bed.