
How i got rid of my boring life

Is it really worth living a life you hate? A life without fun? A life without goals or dreams? That's what Shin, a 17-year-old boy who has always dreamed of going on adventures and having fun in life, is asking himself. One day, his dream is fulfilled, but not in the way he imagined. And now Shin, who wanted nothing more than to become an adventurer and lead a quiet life, now has to save the world.

Kuniwi · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 5 The Pitch-Black Knight

Chapter 6 The Pitch-Black Knight


'' Didn't I tell you to wait for me? Tomo. ''


I said, gently hitting tomo's head as he looked at me with tears in his eyes.

'' Sniff- I know mister a-but I could.... wanted to protect my family and not rely on strangers. '' said Tomo

'' ...I know Tomo that was really brave, I am proud that you risked your own life for your family and now leave the rest to me. ''


'' I guess I should clean up, don't bug me. ''

While the bandit was about to impale Tomo, I used instant teleportation and teleported myself right in front of Tomo. At the same time, I decapitated the bandit, who only now realized what I had done before his head slipped off his shoulders and his headless body fell backwards after a slight push. The other bandits and villagers looked at me confused as they noticed that I was standing in front of Tomo and the bandit being dead.


One of the women, upon seeing the head of the bandit in front of her, let out a loud scream that probably woke up the bandits and villagers. Shortly after the woman, the bandits looked at each other fearfully and started shouting loudly.





All of them were frightened except for the leader who was looking at me with a big grin. I didn't know if he was just trying to put on a poker face or if he really wasn't scared at that moment, but I didn't care.

'' HAHAHA look at that do you think we are impressed or what HAHAH? LET'S SHOW HIM WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU GET IN OUR WAY, KILL THEM.''

The bandit leader turned around and ordered his men who were holding the male villagers captive to kill them. At that moment, I saw the bandits draw their swords and attempt to slit the throats of the men. Once I saw that, I didn't hesitate and used my super speed and ran towards the bandits. Everything was in slow motion before I got to the bandits, I stabbed them, decapitated them, cut them in two, stabbed through their hearts and killed them all. Right after that, I turned around and ran to the bandits who were holding the women captive naked.

'' I guess you won't be needing these anymore. ''

I said, while I stood by the bandits and cut off the dicks of every single one of them before I stood in front of Tomo again and waited.



'' HAHAHA-ha? ''







'' WA-wa what the hell is happening, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?! ''

The bandits who were with the men all fell to the ground one after the other while the bandits with the women held their crotches in pain while one after the other of them lost consciousness.

'' ... I'm going to kill you - I'M GOING TO KILL YOU AND FREE THIS WORLD FROM UNCLEAN MISTRESSES LIKE YOU AND THEM. '' the bandit screamed and ran towards me with his sword drawn.



While I was taking care of the bandits, I was so free to free the men who were on the ground. It would be unfair if I had all the fun alone, and this way I was able to see what kind of world this is and how the creatures would act. Will they kill him immediately? Will they take him prisoner? Will they torture him? Or will they forgive him and let him go?...By the way, I wouldn't have allowed the last one in the first place.

'' huh? ''

But to my surprise, the men began to punch and kick the bandit leader.



They kept on kicking and beating the bandit until he was full of wounds and half dead, at that moment it seemed that the leader of the villagers was approaching him.

That's enough, the knights should be coming soon, this man surely has information that the kingdom could use. ''

'' NO HE IS DEAD, I DON'T CARE ABOUT HIS INFORMATION. '' shouted one of the men and was about to continue kicking the bandit.

'' WAIT with his information they might finally find him and finally break his grouping. NOW YOU SHOULD TAKE CARE OF YOUR WIVES AND CHILDREN, YOU IDIOTS. '' shouted the man

Shortly after, the men lost their tunnel vision and ran to the women who were still fearfully naked on all fours.

'' NUMI, TOMO MARIA ARE YOU OK. '' Tomo's father shouted and ran towards them.

'' PAPA, PAPA ''

'' HONEY ''

Tomo, Numi, her mother and his father ran into each other's arms and started crying. I looked at them before turning around and seeing this man who was calming the others down coming towards me.

I don't know who or what you are, but thank you from the bottom of my heart, thank you for saving us. '' said the man as he burst into tears and went down on his knees.

You shouldn't only thank me, it were your children who informed me about your situation. If they had not asked me for help, I probably wouldn't be here now. '' I said and held out my hand to the man.


They are hiding in the forest not far from here, I had told them to wait for me, but I guess one of them ignored the message. ''

'' ahh, I am relieved and surprised, you know Tomo is not the bravest and unfortunately starts crying at the smallest things. That he was the one who came here despite the danger is really astonishing, haha. ''

The man began to laugh as I could hear noises coming from the forest behind me. I turned and saw the remaining kids running towards us with branches and sticks while screaming.


'' sigh, first Tomo and now them.... '' I said before the children opened their eyes.

'' huh- what happened mister, did you- ''

Lina who opened her eyes saw that the other villagers were free and the bandits were dead, whereupon she broke down in tears and just screamed.

'' MAMA, PAPA. ''

'' Lina? LINA ''

Shortly after the children ran out of the forest, their parents ran up to them and took them in their arms. Lina, who was now being hugged by her parents, looked at me with tears in her eyes before smiling at me, probably wanting to say '' thank you ''.

'' Well, the villagers are safe, and the bandits defeated, haha who would have thought that this would be my first quest. So I guess I should get back on my way now.

'' WA-wait, please, where were you going? '' The mayor asked me

'' Mhh I was heading out again, it seems you are all unharmed and those knights will show up soon anyway. ''

'' But don't you want a reward? W-we could offer you some money...we-.''

While the man was talking, I looked around and saw that most of their houses had been destroyed. They are probably going to need the money more urgently, besides, I can still loot the corpses.

'' Don't worry I don't need anything, you will definitely need everything you have to rebuild the village, won't you? ''

'' There-that's true though...are you sure you don't want anything, ha-? WHERE DID HE GO? ''


'' Phew, that's done too, now let's get out of here before those knights show up. ''

The mayor who was still talking to me suddenly saw how I disappeared right in front of his eyes. I wouldn't mind a reward, but unfortunately I've always been bad at being evil. Even in the games I had played, I could never decide on the evil options and always had a bad conscience when I hurt NPCs who were nice. So I used instant teleportation and teleported myself to the gate, I went through the door and left the village.

Why did you want to leave so quickly? Ruri asked me shortly afterward.

'' mhh... I just didn't feel like talking to the knights, if the bandits already reacted like that, how do you think the knights would have reacted? They probably would have thought I was some kind of hero, then they would have taken me with them, the king would have thanked them and I would have married the princess. ''

... Huh?

'' Well, I mean, in almost every isekai I've watched, the MC always thought it would be a good idea to show his powers to everyone just like that. I have little desire to become a hero just to take orders from some King and become his servant. ''

.... ok, and what's with the princess part?

'' The princess would of course fall in love with the strong and handsome hero and would want to marry him ''

.... again HUH?


While I was talking to Ruri, I heard loud shouts and horses from the distance. I hid in the forest next to me before I saw a large group of horses ride past me. On the horses were what looked like knights, probably the knights the mayor was talking about. I decided to follow the horses out of curiosity and headed back towards the village. With my super speed, I was able to get to the village before the knights. I then hid in the forest, used my super hearing power and waited for the knights who appeared shortly afterward.


'' I'M KILLING YOU...dirty....Bandi....ts???????? '' shouted a male voice.

But to his surprise, he saw nothing but the villagers, who were in the process of disposing of the bandits' bodies before they noticed the knights.

'' YOUR HIGHNESS. '' shouted the mayor before running to the Man and getting on his knees.

Followed by the other villagers, who also ran to the man and got on their knees as well.

'' Wh-What happened here? What happened to the bandits? Why are they all dead? Did you do that?! ''

'' No, your highness, it was this man, and these men here are not ordinary bandits, they are the soldiers of the butcher. A hero named Shindo defeated them all single-handedly, and we were even able to capture their leader.''

As the mayor said this, the knights reacted in shock until they examined the bodies more closely and went to the leader.

'' Huh? Shindo, what do you mean, who is that? '' asked the man

'' He said his name was Shindo he just showed up here and took care of the men, I mean if he were an adventurer, he would have wanted a reward. But he waived it and said we could use it more. ''

While he still didn't understand what was going on, Lina suddenly stood up and explained the whole story from the beginning. How the village was attacked by the men, how she and the other children found me in the forest and asked me for help. How I had defeated the 2 men who had captured the children, and how I had defeated the men in the village. The whole time this man the villagers called your highness had a questionable look on his face. But after Lina had finished and the man was still slightly confused, a woman suddenly appeared behind him.

'' sigh how about you calm down a little bit first Anton. ''

'' That's YOUR HIGHNESS, WE DIDN'T SEE YOU AT ALL. '' said the mayor

'' ok Ruri, who are these two? ''

The man is Prince Anton, he is the son of the current king of the humans and the woman is his sister, her name is Sara. The two have a personal troop of knights, they call themselves the heart of the kingdom and consist only of the best of the best.

'' Shindo.... I would have loved to have met him as well. A strong warrior like him would probably be just the one I'm looking for. '''

'' mhh? What do you mean by that? ''' I asked myself before it ran down my spine.

'' he would be the ideal husband for me, our child would become a mighty warrior no we would of course not only produce 1 child, but rather 4 5 6...

'' ..... hey Ruri, do you remember what we talked about earlier, about getting married? ''' I said with a grin


But Ruri didn't answer me, and I decided to listen to the conversation for a while. The knights arrested the half-dead leader and put him on a horse after tying his arms and legs. They continued to talk about me for a while and how I seemed to have magical abilities and how I used magic. The knight also promised to help rebuild the village. Shortly after that, they said goodbye and left the village. At the same moment, I also left and continued my journey. I walked through the forest for a while until I was far enough away from the village before I went back on the road and followed it. Thanks to the mask and this suit I had now 2 identities that I could use and took off my mask and the suit. While undressing, I looked at both again more closely. The mask looked quite boring, it had two holes for the eyes and was white, the suit was black. It was a leather suit that fit me surprisingly well with a cape, once I had a closer look at them I put both in my inventory. Then I remembered that I had not asked the mayor who these men were. Unlike normal bandits as I know them, they had no interest in their money or anything like that.

They reminded me with their appearance rather of the SS, for them it seemed to be almost a goal to kill these beastmen. In their eyes, they are probably just insects, animals, monsters that they want to drive out of the world. Well, I couldn't care less, I can leave the rest to these knights, I'd better get going to the city.

'' mhhhh, Ruri who is actually this ,, man ,, of which the mayor spoke. ''

This man has no name as far as I know, but most call him the butcher. The only thing known about him is that he is a human and a man who hates the beastmen more than anything. But nobody knows why he hates them so much.

'' Why the butcher? '' I asked Ruri

He got this name thanks to an incident that happened years ago, which made him famous. The unification of the two races was an advantage for both nations, and it was accepted for the most part, but of course there were also people who were against it. The day after the wedding and the announcement of the great news, one of the Elven villages was attacked. At first, it was thought that demons were responsible, but that was not the case. According to a survivor, it wasn't demons who attacked the village, they were humans. One of these humans was a man in pitch black armor, he and his men simply stormed into the village and started killing the inhabitants. They were innocent peasants, but for them, they were their enemies. They killed the adults and impaled the children diagonally on spears, which they then rammed into the ground, then set fire to the village and rode away. The man in the pitch-black armor spared one of the villagers and said to him.

Proclaim my message, we the pure-blooded humans will never ally ourselves with these freaks of beastmen. Our sacred mission is to get rid of them from this world and that is what we are going to do. We will kill them all, SLAUGHTER THEM ALL DOWN TO THE LAST.

'' Whoever this guy is, he really hates the beastmen. '''

I chatted with Ruri for a while before I decided to make a camp here, I found a good spot and laid down. I laid down on my back and looked at the starry sky, at the same time I made myself a steak from an animal I had killed on the way....and as expected I had a steak in front of me after only a few minutes....no idea how, but it was delicious. I ate myself full, before I asked Ruri, how long it would take until we arrived in the city. She said tomorrow afternoon we would arrive, in the meantime I should rather think about what I should do with my 2 characters. Shindo is probably being searched for now, so it would be bad if I just marched into the city as him. So, I decided to continue to exist as Shin and live a simple life as an adventurer. Shortly after that, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.



shin thank you very much suddenly said another female voice that did not belong to Ruri, but at that moment I was already asleep and was only able to hear this voice softly.