
Chapter 4

~Mickie's P.O.V.~

*Why is this happening to me? I thought I left him behind* I think to myself as we arrive at Ash's house. He opens the garage door, drives in, and parks up. Then he closes the garage door, kicks down his kickstand, turns off his bike as he wraps his arms around me, swings his leg over, and carries me inside. Once inside he sits on the couch with me straddling him as he just holds me. *I feel safe right now* I think to myself as I sigh in contentment, tighten my hold on him, and snuggle deeper into his body as he holds me tighter to him. About 10 minutes later Ash cups my face and looks deep into my eyes as he asks, "Can you be a big girl and tell me what happened between you and James love?" in a soft voice. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and reply, "We uh met when I was 16. He treated me well. My parents were drug addicts who never cared about me so when James showed up I thought he was the answer to my prayers." I pause as tears fall down my face. Ash's eyes soften as he wipes my tears away. I smile as I take another deep breath to stop from slipping into little space and continue, "When he asked me to move in with him I jumped at the opportunity to leave my parents. At first it started out as little things like making me quit my job and school." I pause again to catch my breath. "You don't have to continue babe" Ash says as he wipes my tears away again. "You deserve to know and I have to tell someone" I tell him with a small smile. "OK baby. Go at your pace" he tells me with a smile. I nod and continue, "About a year in he started to hit me and control my every move. Then two years in he started pimping me out to his friends who raped me repeatedly. He'd beat me and shoot me up with heroin so I couldn't fight back. He'd constantly tell me I was ugly and fat everyday. I wasn't allowed to go anywhere without him or wear any clothes." I pause again as tears fall faster and a sob racks my body. "Breath baby. Match my breathes OK. I'm right here" Ash tell me as he cups my face. About 10 minutes later I finally catch my breath, smile a little at Ash, and continue, "I was basically his slave and play toy for him and his friends. After five years of abuse I finally had enough and I ran away and ended up here a year ago. I got clean when I moved here." "I won't let him get to you again OK baby. I'm here and I'm going to protect you with everything I have and I'll treat you like the Principessa that you are" he tells me with a smile as he cups my face to make me look at him as I finish my story. I smile back with a nod and after 15 minutes of just holding each other I slip back into little space so I look up at him with a wide smile, and ask, "Can wes watch mwovies and orders in?" with a giggle. "Of course we can Bellissimo. There's various take out menus in the top drawer by the sink in the kitchen. You choose one and call it in and I'll go get your bags" he replies with a smile as he gets up. "Me cwan't orders me onwy free remembers" I tell him with a smile and a giggle as I stop him before he can leave. He turns around with a smile, and says, "Right. Sorry baby girl. Give me a minute and let me get your bags and I'll order for us OK" with a smile. I smile and ask, "What's Bwellissimo and Pwincipessa mwean?" He laughs and kisses my forehead as he says, "It means beautiful and princess in Italian." "Oh" I reply with a blush. "Stay put while I get your bags OK" he tells me with a laugh. I smile wide and nod as he walks off to the garage to get my bags. About 10 minutes later Ash walks back in, sees that I listened, and says, "Good girl. All of your bags are in the guest room. If you want we can move them into my room." "Me wike to stway wif yous Ash" I reply with a smile. "Sounds good to me baby girl" he says with a smile as he gets up to get

he menus and his phone. Then he sits back down beside me and asks, "What would you like to eat baby girl?" "Bwourbon chicken, shwimp fwied rice, and a egg roll pease" I reply with a smile. "OK" he says as he dials the number and orders and after he hangs up he smiles at me and pulls me into his side. About 10 minutes later there's a knock on the door so Ash gets up and pays the delivery guy. He sits back beside me and asks, "What movie would you like to watch Bambino?" I look at him with a confused look so he laughs and says, "It's baby in Italian." "Me twake it yous Itawan" I say with a blush. "Yes I am Bambino" he says with a smile. I blush even darker as I nod and ask, "Can wes watch Cindawella dathúil?" Now it was his turn to look at me confused. "It hwandsome in Iwish Gaewic" I say with a smile. "I take it you're Irish" he says with a smile and a laugh. "Me is" I say with a smile. He smiles wider and gets up to put in Cinderella as I take off my shoes and get comfortable. After Ash puts the movie in he sits beside me again, takes his boots off, and scoots the coffee table closer to us so we can eat. He hands me my food as he pushes play on the movie and we both eat in comfortable silence while we watch the movie. After the movie ends and the food is gone Ash cleans up and we head upstairs. Ash grabs my hand, turns me around to face him, and says, "Go get changed and meet me back in my room OK" as he points to the door across from his. I nod with a smile and go into the room and change into my purple cotton shorts, my black Bite Me T-shirt, and my fuzzy purple socks. I take my hair down and let it flow down my back. Once I'm dressed I grab JoJo and Mickie and leave the room, walk across the hall, and knock on Ash's door. "Come in" I hear Ash say from the other side of the door so I open the door and enter to see Ash with no shirt on and just his boxers. I blush dark red at seeing the state Ash is in and squeak as I cover my eyes. I hear him chuckle so I uncover my eyes to look up and see him looking at me. "Come on let's go to bed Bambino" he says with a laugh as he holds his hand out to me and I blush even darker as he says that. I take his hand, we walk to the bed together, and once we both get under the covers we face each other. "Good night Bellissimo" Ash says as he puts his hand on my hip and pulls me closer so that I'm snuggled into his chest. "Gwoodnight dathúil" I say with a smile. "I love the way that rolls off your tongue Bambino" Ash says with a smile. I smile as I bury my head deeper into his chest and fall into a peaceful sleep. *I want him to be my daddy* I think to myself before I fall asleep.