
How Did It Turn Into This?

nyctophan62 · Thanh xuân
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2 Chs

Episode 2

A week ago

"Ugh, why does PEH have to be in Thursday of all days? That just messes up with the conventional flow like..."

Catharine doesn't pay attention to Jessie's rambles. She is in a daze while she's swinging her feet.

"Cathy, are you listening to me?"

Catharine looks up at her. "Sorry..."

Jessie sighs in defeat. "What are you thinking about anyway?"

Catharine sighs. "Nothing really."

Jessie hesitates. She wraps her arm around Catharine. "It's been really boring these days, right? Don't worry, I'm sure something exciting will happen soon!

Catharine looks around the gym and her eyes fall on someone. She tilts her head.

"Who's that?" I point with my eyes.

Jessie follows the trail of my sight and says, "Oh that's Flynn. You probably haven't seen him because he just recently came back from winning a competition I heard. I wouldn't recommend being too close to him though."

Catharine looks at Jessie. "Why not?"

Jessie shakes her head. "He's like a jock who's suuuper annoying. He's really extroverted so I'm not sure if you can deal with him."

Catharine shrugs it off and continues to look at Flynn for a few more seconds before looking at nothing again. She turns her head to Jessie, trying to take a glimpse at what she's doing.

"What are you doing?"

Jessie looks at Catharine for a second before responding. "Nothing. I'm just scrolling for some updates while waiting for our PEH teacher who's always so freaking late." She rolls and shakes her head slightly before bulging her eyes at something.

Catharine doesn't pry on what it is. She goes back to looking around and observing people. In particular, she observes this guy she hasn't seen before. Or often at least.

She brings up her phone and uses the zoom feature on the camera app to be able to make out the guy's facial features. She takes a picture, looks down at it, and puts her phone to the side. She looks at the guy again but this time, he's looking back at her. No, more like he's glaring at her.

Catharine tilts her head the side and squints subtly. A guy beside Flynn was talking and laughing to him, placing his hand on Flynn's shoulder which made the latter break eye contact.

It seems as though the guy said something good to him since his eyebrows stop burrowing and his face softened.


Catharine looks towards the source of the sound and perks up a bit. Finally, something to do.

The PEH coach shouts which catches the attention of all the students from his class assemble around him. He tiptoes and tilts his head to the left and right, seemingly looking for something. Or rather, someone.

"Oh Flynn, I heard you were back." The coach's eyes turn into lines and beckons Flynn to come to the middle with him.

"For those of you who didn't know, this is Flynn. You haven't seen him since the first day because he attended a competition with those guys over there and luckily came back with a victory."

Catharine looks over, curious about the new faces aforementioned. However, a hand on her wrist catches her attention.

Jessie pulls Catharine away from the middle of the crowd. Once they are out of the circle, Catharine wants to ask a question but forfeits after seeing an enraged Jessie seething in stress and frustration.

"Wait Jessie, I can't hear the coach-"

"I know you're curious about them. I can tell you about them, no need to hear it from the others because they'll definitely just suck up to them." Jessie crosses her arms and rolls her eyes.

Catharine has lots of questions running around in her mind but stays silent. Why is Jessie so annoyed at them? Did something happen before I transferred here?

But, why is she keeping her head down?

Catharine asks Jessie, "Are you alright? Do you need something-"

"It's fine. It's just... I badly need to go to the restroom right now."

Catharine suspects Jessie but she does looks like she badly needs to go there.

"Let me accompany you then." Catharine smiles at Jessie.

The latter smiles back. "Thank you so much, you're the best Cathy!"

We both sneak outside the gym and go to the nearest restroom in the same hallway. I wait outside to guard and simultaneously check my watch for the time.

I feel a presence looming over me and I look up. It's Flynn. What is he doing here and why is he acting nervous?