
How Did It Turn Into This?

nyctophan62 · Thanh xuân
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2 Chs

Episode 1

"Have you seen the new release of..."

A girl walks around with her lunch tray with her head swinging left to right.

"Cathy, here!"

Catharine's eyes perk up when she hears her friend, Jessie's voice among the crowd. She immediately places her lunch tray on the table in front of her and sit opposite to Jessie.

"Oh my god, Cathy. You wouldn't believe what just happened in my class."

Catharine listens to her talk but her eyes also dart around the canteen. Jessie notices her and speaks, "Hey Cathy, are you listening to me?" This makes Catharine look back at Jessie. "Hm? Oh um yeah, go on."

Jessie crosses her arms and eyes Catharine. "You know, you've been reaaally suspicious for the past few weeks."

Catharine blinks and sits up straight. "Huh? What do you mean?" She listens intently for what Jessie says next.

"Cathy, don't hide it from me. You like someone, don't you?" A grin appears on Jessie's face as quickly as the life on Catharine's face vanish.

"W-w-what are you talking about? I-"

"Oh please, do you seriously think you can hide it from me?" Jessie interrupts. "You're just to obvious, you know?" She squeezes Catharine's nose and laughs.

"No, it's just that I've been... Ugh nothing."

"What do you mean nothing? Aren't we friends? There's no use hiding anything from me, you know?" Jessie stands up and sits beside Catharine. "Besides, this is big news! You barely like anyone and the last ones weren't any better at all."

Catharine looks at Jessie, her face dropping. "What do you mean the last ones weren't any good? Last time I checked, you said-"

Jessie puts her index finger on Catharine's lips. "Nuh uh Cathy. I only said it because I wanted you to be happy. But seriously, I did not like them the moment I saw them. You deserve better you know?" Jessie cups Cathy's face and squeezes them together.

"Let go of me, Jessie..." Catharine says muffled. Jessie lets go and Cathy massages her face.

"Anyways, don't try to change the subject. I wasn't the only one you were looking for earlier when you were standing up right?" Jessie nudges Cathy.

"Ugh stop it, Jessie..." Jessie's grin widens.

"You're not denying it though? So tell me, who is it? Is it the guy from Econ? Or maybe the guy from SP? He looks similar to the ones you've liked before..."

Catharine shakes her head as Jessie rambles on to herself about the possible candidates.

"I told you, it's no one." Jessie looks at Catharine with a frown. But it wasn't one of defeat no. A glint of determination was present in her eyes.

"Give it up, Jessie..." Their heads turn around when they hear the cafeteria get noisier.

"Oh look, it's that guy again." Jessie rolls her eyes and looks back at her food. Catharine continues to look. "Yeah..."

"What's so good about him anyway? That good-for-nothing jerk..." Jessie continues to ramble on while Catharine's eyes are still on Flynn, the guy everyone has somehow been talking about these days. It was because he came back to school with a win from a competition she doesn't remember.

Her eyes look at him expectantly. Hoping he'll take a glance at their direction. When he turns his head, Catharine immediately turns away.

"Ugh, I'm so pathetic..." Catharine mumbles.

"Hm? What did you say, Cathy?"

"Oh uh, nothing." Catharine flashes a forced smile.

Jessie raises an eyebrow at her but she chooses to shrug it off.

Catharine plays with her food. She taps on it and swirls but her mind looks like it's somewhere else.

"Just one last look." She thought to herself.

She sneakily turns around and sees Flynn still talking to his friends but is now looking in their direction. They make eye contact and so Catharine immediately turns away and stands up.

"Cathy? Why are you standing up?"

Catharine freezes. Yeah, why did she stand up?

"U-um, I'm full so I'm um gonna leave."

"Oh wait for me, I'm gonna go with you." Jessie rushes to finish her lunch.

"No no it's okay, you can finish your lunch first. I'll go to the restroom to wait." Catherine walks to the door and tries to ignore Flynn who's standing near it. She flinches when she feels a hand on her shoulder which immediately disappears. Before she heads out the door, she turns around one last time and sees Flynn walking in the direction of her best friend, Jessie.

Ugh, how did it turn out like this? It was because of that stupid mistake.