
House of the dragon: The Green King

Born as the first son of King Viserys and queen Alicent four years before Aegon he will have to find his way in the new world or perish non of that stupid kissing up to the blacks here or modern-day morals or industrialisation he will make Euron greyjoy from the books look like the Easter bunny so be advised he will be pragmatic lastly have a unique dragon hope you enjoy this Updates when I feel like it I own nothing not the picture on the cover or the character they belong to their creators respectively I only own my own oc

Argent1971 · Ti vi
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20 Chs


110 AC

"Love can bloom anywhere" Queen Adella Lannister

Alicent pov

My heart sank as I heard those words. His voice was soft and almost vulnerable, and his frustration was evident. This must have been a blow to him not being named heir even when he should have, by the laws of men, the seven, and even the old gods of the North and the great council of Harrenhall, he was not named heir even though it was his right as the firstborn son.

"Mother... does father hate us?" He spoke, stuttering. This was the first time I had seen such raw emotion from him. This was the first time I had seen this level of vulnerability in a long, long time. This must be a really painful topic for him.

"No son, your father has his reasons." I spoke gently. He should learn he likely won't ever be the heir. Seven knows neither Father nor the small council have been able to convince the king to change his mind.

"Isn't there any chance he could change his mind?" he said, some embers of hope evident in his voice. It better I put those out right. The last thing we need is a Meagor and Anyes situation with him and Rheanyra. He should forge a better relationship with her and help her instead of having this hostile relationship. Maybe if I erase any hope he has of being named her, he will fix that relationship.

"No, son, the chances of that happening are slim to none." I spoke as I rubbed his head to comfort him.

"But why I am smarter, I'm stronger, and when I have a dragon, I'll have a larger one than her. Why is he favouring her?" Aemon cried, his frustration quickly turning to barely concealed fury.

"Because he is king and his word is law, my sweet son." I tried to gently convince him and push him away from these foolish notions.

"No, that half-wit would ruin our dynasty, and that old man is a fool. I won't allow it. I won't allow it, Mother," he spoke as the air vibrated with his newly found conviction.

"There is nothing you can do, son he is king." I tried to stop it from escalating to where I knew it was going. I can't be faced with that decision—the decision to be a dutiful wife or a good mother—because I know the Queen would lose to Alicent Hightower in that debate.

"I will act like my predecessors before me. I will save this dynasty. I will never let that cunt touch the throne like Meagor. I will fight for my right." He spoke with passion, his violet eyes shimmering as I saw the raging inferno of his soul that now blazed to turn Rheanyra to ash.

"Son, you can't; that's treason." I spoke in a last-ditch effort to save the realm from war to stop the wheel from turning to stop any sparks in their tracks, yet it was wasted as I looked into his eyes, the eyes that reminded me of a pair. I saw many times as a young girl the eyes of the old king and the eyes of the conciliator but this set was much more unnerving; they had a vicious tint to them.

"Mother, I will be Meagor, or else that cunt would kill us all to remove any challenge to her throne as she ruins the dynasty and the realm. I will protect you and my siblings, but I need you to stand by me and help me as Queen Visenya did King Meagor help me, mother." He spoke his voice filled with hope and warmth, and in that moment, the Queen lost to the mother.

I quickly hugged my son close to me as I whispered in his ear, "I will always help you, my son, but this can't be repeated out of this room. Do I make myself clear?" He nodded as I released him and allowed him to leave my chamber as I watched Emilia follow behind him.

Aemon pov

That went better than expected. I didn't think she would fold so quickly; it looks like there was more book Alicent in her than show Alicent. It does suck though that I'm this restrained now being watched all the time, which is annoying. I will have to wait till this blows over and practice the sword in secret. My new chamber should have enough room if I remove a table and move the bed to the wall. All I'll have to do is sneak in a practice sword to ingrain stances into my bones and then spend the four hours that I'm allowed in sparing matches with Robar and anyone else I can get.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot silky long raven hair flowing in the wind as a woman with ivory skin free from any blemishes and emerald green eyes walks towards me, her rosy red lips stretched into a courtly smile, her budding figure illustrating the beauty she would become. She was wearing a fine crimson dress with gold lacing. It was my bothered Adella, a woman who, despite not being part of my family, I had become quite attached to after she was brought to court by her uncle Tyland.

She walked with me in comfortable silence until we reached my chamber, where I opened the door and allowed her in while motioning for Emilia to stay outside, which she dutifully did.

Adella Pov

As I followed Aemon into his chamber, I couldn't help but think back to the first time I found out I was to wed him.


109 AC

I was sitting in my chamber as my mother sat next to me, and my father and Uncle Tyland stood adjacent to us. My mother told me this matter would decide my fate as well as the fate of our house in the future.

Father spoke calmly: "After some deliberation with Lord Otto, Tyland and I have agreed to betroth you and Prince Aemon Targaryen." Father spoke in barely hidden glee.

Mother spoke first before I could say, "And what opinion does the king have on this betrothal? He is the boy's father." Mother asked, and her concern was evident.

Uncle Tyland quickly chimed in, "This is a secret pact we have with the Lord Hannd. The king doesn't know and he will not know. He seems evident in keeping Rheanyra as his heir, and we all know what that will lead to and also where our house will be, so this pact will secure our place at the top." He spoke calmly.

This time I spoke out, "The boy is four years my younger, and if the roumer has it as cold as the North, not caring for anything but his mother and siblings, what am I to make of this?"

I was not a stranger to my duty as a Lannister the daughter of Lord Lannister and my mother had taught me from an early age that I would need to marry to bring a strong alliance for the house and bear children it didn't mean I needed to be a girl with foolish notions of chivalry or honour who didn't know the ground from her rear end but I needed to know my duty and how to play the game as a woman so this proposal halted and changed the game the Prince was too young to be affected by my womanly charms but if what Uncle Tyland told us was too smart to be fooled even as young as he was and the price seemed indifferent to anything that wasn't his mother or his siblings baring Rheanyra so what was I to do how would I shape  him if one  of my greatest tools were indisposed

"You will figure something out, my dear. You are a genius yourself. Don't be disheartened and remember the lessons I taught you," she said as she rubbed my back gently.

Flashback end

It took a while, but I figured out how to work with this boy with the wisdom of an old man. The thought brought some more memories to the front of my mind.

The End

I wrote this at 3 am so I am sorry if there are any mistakes

Also, follow my ticktock account @argent_mikealson

I will be posting edits