
Houka vs Huguel

The Zombo country There were two very smart boys for their age, one was Huguel a leader of the South Jacaré favela the other a sarcastic and manipulative student named Houka who wanted to see war between your school, when these two ticking time bombs meet, the Zerk world as a whole may be lost.

PlayerOliver · Hiện thực
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Nikkoman soon received an incident where a student named Houka who was adopted by the most influential Billionaire family in the country Zombo, Houka had invaded an elite school with several students accomplices of his and held the students of the elite school hostage. Nikkoman knew he had to act quickly to save the students held hostage by Houka and his accomplices. He gathered the other heroes and the two formed a plan to break into the school and rescue the students.

Upon arriving at the school, Nikkoman and the other heroes found Houka and his accomplices armed with knives and threatening the students. Nikkoman decided to act quickly and used his clumsy skills to distract the bandits and disarm them.

Meanwhile, the other heroes rescued the students and took them to safety. Houka tried to run away, but Nikkoman followed and ended up capturing him.

Nikkoman and the other heroes handed over Houka and his accomplices to the police, and the students were all successfully saved. Houka's adoptive family was informed of what had happened and were shocked by their adopted son's actions.

Thanks to the courage and determination of Nikkoman and the other heroes, the citizens of Zombo Country were once again protected from evil and injustice. Nikkoman proved once again that no matter how many times he fails or stumbles, he can still be a great hero to everyone.