
Houka vs Huguel

The Zombo country There were two very smart boys for their age, one was Huguel a leader of the South Jacaré favela the other a sarcastic and manipulative student named Houka who wanted to see war between your school, when these two ticking time bombs meet, the Zerk world as a whole may be lost.

PlayerOliver · Hiện thực
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29 Chs


Despite the hardships, Nikkoman never gave up on fighting evil and protecting the citizens of the Zombo country. He was known for his courage and determination, but also for his clumsiness and clumsiness.

In one of his adventures, Nikkoman ended up getting involved in a trap set by the villains and was captured. However, the other heroes worked together to rescue him and defeat the bandits.

Over time, Nikkoman has become an example of perseverance and resilience for everyone in Zombo country. He showed that you don't have to be perfect to be a real hero, just have courage and never give up fighting for what's right.