
Houka vs Huguel

The Zombo country There were two very smart boys for their age, one was Huguel a leader of the South Jacaré favela the other a sarcastic and manipulative student named Houka who wanted to see war between your school, when these two ticking time bombs meet, the Zerk world as a whole may be lost.

PlayerOliver · Hiện thực
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29 Chs


Nikkoman was shocked when he learned about Viktor, who, despite his youthful and innocent appearance, was actually a villain manipulating his fans to commit crimes in his name. He knew he had to stop the spread of these criminal activities before it was too late.

When Nikkoman confronted Viktor, he was taken aback by the fighting ability of the young villain's dancing legs. Viktor attacked Nikkoman with powerful and accurate blows, which left the hero seriously injured.

Luckily, the Bee Woman appeared and helped Nikkoman fight Viktor. With her fighting skills and her flying techniques, she managed to stop Viktor long enough for Nikkoman to recover and react.

Together, Nikkoman and the Bee Woman fought Viktor and his cronies, eventually defeating him and turning him over to the authorities. Viktor's criminal activities were stopped and justice prevailed once more.

Nikkoman had great respect for the Bee Woman for saving him, and they have become friends and allies ever since. Together they continued to fight for justice and peace in the country, protecting it from the evil deeds of villains.