
HOTD: What A Pain

Ever wonder what comes after death? Well, apparently, people with natural, multi colored hair. Jiggle physics are on overload and logic is out of the window. I just hope that there aren't any magical beings that just go on war paths for the fun of it, because, this world looks like straight out of an anime and it slightly disturbs me. ___ I don't own anything.

Zeckan · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
8 Chs

Chapter one

Ever wonder why waking up is such a pain?

Well, when you're body unconsciously finds the most comfortable position, heats the bed to the perfect temperature and the body still relaxed was the best feeling you can get.

The only thing you can do to get anything better was a shower the day before, making it practically impossible to get up.

That's what I was feeling right now.

I was awake, but my eyes were still shut, the snooze button was already pressed on my alarm clock to get me a measly five minutes to enjoy myself for a little longer.

"oh, Ren~!"

Bloody fuckin hell.

"Wake up, sleepy head~, we have to go to school!"

... Why? Why must you do this to me? Once wasn't enough? Do I have to go through school a second time? I am a damn military-trained individual, just because I am eighteen now doesn't mean I have to...

"Wake up!"

Something soft hit my head and I suppressed the urge to snap at the person daring to wake me up.

The blonde was just smiling at me, the airhead that she was. My lips pulled back into a snarl as a perfect plan sprouted in my head.

"... Silver!"

I called out, getting morbid satisfaction at the widened eyes of the blonde woman that dared to do the unthinkable.

I smiled as a dog rushed into the room looking at me first, then at the woman before pouncing on her.


I sat up groggily and looked at the two on the ground. The woman was trying half-heartedly to hold off the Belgian Malinois as he was licking her face.

Tilting my neck to the side, I groaned at the satisfying cracks that action produced and stretched.

"Shizuka, I thought I told you not to wake me up with a pillow in the morning."

I grumbled as I looked at the woman that finally managed to calm the dog down.

"But Ren! We have to go to school!"

I rolled my eyes at her as I got out of bed and measilly covered it back up.

Humming slightly I walked over to a chair and picked up my annoying school uniform pants, followed by socks and my phone.

Putting them on not in that order, I walked out of my room to head to the bathroom.

Hygiene was important, after all.

The school will last a while and schools in this country were annoying,

couldn't wait for graduation.

Sailing up a number as I was brushing my teeth I put it to my ear.

A few rings later, the person on the other side finally picked up.

{What's up, brat?}

I grunted as a greeting, still bust brushing my teeth. After spitting out the foam I started asking my question.

"Yo, when will you be back again?"

I reached over to a small towel to dry my mouth as I heard a click of the tongue over the line.

{Didn't I tell you yesterday?}

She sounded annoyed, but I couldn't recall the details... I was preoccupied.

"I was busy, tuned out half our conversation."

I mumbled, getting a sigh as a response.

{Honestly, brat, just like your father. I won't be back for the next few days, probably a week, keep the house clean, would you?}

I hummed a positive and hung up. Dick move, but I wasn't in the mood. Who would be when you had to go to school on a fine morning such as this?

Taking a deep breath, I breathed it out through my nose and started walking back to my room to get my jacket.

This was going to be a long day.


"You know, sometimes I wonder why people are dumb."

I muttered as I passed through a crowd of students, heading toward a specific classroom with a wrapped-up lunch box in my hand.

As soon as I reached my destination, I slid open the door and looked inside, looking for someone specific.

I spotted them, sitting at a desk, surrounded by three other kids who were laughing.

A scowl slowly worked itself up my face as I walked closer, placing a hand on a heavy-set student with black hair and glasses, wearing the same black uniform as me.

"Hey, Kohta, wanna go for lunch?"

The guy looked up at me, seemingly not expecting me to suddenly appear as I tilted my head slightly at his surprise.

I just walked over, my occupation is student, not a ninja.

"O-oh, sure!"

He stood up and reached for his bag, taking out a box from inside.

I sent a glance at the three idiots, who backed off immediately, walking away with their tails tucked between their legs.

They learned from the last time, it seems.

I lowered my hand and turned around to leave the room as the chubby boy came up next to me, falling in line.

"You know, dude, if you just pull up to their neighborhood and shoot a few shots in their direction, they will shit their pants every time you look at them afterward."

I mentioned offhandedly as we walked down the halls and headed toward the exit.

Kohta just looked at me with complete deadpan, not impressed at all with my suggestion.

"What is this, America? And I'm not a gangster."

I just roll my eyes. It was a joke, nobody gets my jokes. Except for Silver, he was a good boy. The best, bestest.

"So... Shotguns or DMR?"

I suppressed a smirk as my companion's eyes lit up. No literally, he tilted his head down and the light glinted off his glasses as he smirked.

"DMR, of course-"

He went off to list everything a DMR could do, all the advantages and attachments that could be equipped on it.

Yup, my friend was a gun nut. Never regretted meeting him outside that shooting range.

"By the way, how is Silver?"

I just shrugged in response. He was fine, good even. For a military-trained dog, he was very quiet. He hasn't barked since the day he was brought into my house.

Weird if you ask me but I got used to it eventually. I swear, sometimes he would exhale air through his nose when he was being left alone with Shizuka like he was releasing a sigh.

I couldn't blame him, she was the incarnation of the "Dumb Blonde" stereotype. Even though she was going for a job in a hospital in the future.

"He's still a good boy."