
One Shot, One Kill

In an airport, there's a plane ready to take off and is only waiting for the tower's command. "I've finished checking the passengers, none of them seem to be showing any symptoms" said the assistant pilot to the main pilot inside the cockpit. He then went to his seat, "nor do any of them have a fever or any injuries" the assistant pilot added as he sat down.

"Nor are they already dead" he said. The face of the main pilot is stoic and calm, "you're family lives in Tokyo?" he then asked the assistant pilot. "No one answered the phone..." the assistant pilot said as he put his headphones readying for takeoff.

Outside the runway, "Tokonosu Tower, JX089, Ready for takeoff" the tower announced. But the runway is currently filled with walkers making it impossible to go through without eliminating them.

"JX089, Tokonosu Tower, Hold on runway 3-4" replied the main captain. "We have a.....problem" he said because the plane is being currently surrounded by walkers making it unable to takeoff.

"He looks repulsive" said someone as she saw a walker that's currently grooming himself even though he's already dead. "He's an actor" said someone as he also saw it using his binoculars. They're currently positioned atop of a bus, one of them holds the binoculars and the other holds a heavy-caliber sniper. "He was on location here for filming" said the one who is holding the binoculars.

He then deduced the distance from them to that repulsive walker, "distance is...4500, angle is..negative 6, wind is...favorable, corrections..none, permission to fire...granted". The one laying down is a woman, she's the one who is currently wielding that massive sniper aimed at 'that' walker.

With a pull from the sniper's trigger it released a deafening sound that could be heard miles away and following that is a deadly round capable of killing everything in one shot. *BANG* The female sniper that's currently laid back, her ass produced waves as she fires her weapon, based from this fact alone proves that the sniper is a very deadly weapon capable of dealing devastating damage individually. The repulsive walker's head got blown to pieces by the impact of that bullet, truly a terrifying weapon.

*BANG* *BANG*..... Everytime the sniper is fired one of those walkers in the runway will automatically fall to the ground with their heads blown apart by the massive force and bullet the sniper delivers. Her male partner that's holding the binoculars can't help but stare at ger amazing butt as it waves from every time she fires a bullet.

"Good work" said the man holding the binoculars as he saw the final walker fall down the ground dead this time around. The man then used his radio to tell the tower, "all of the targets on the runway has been eliminated" he calmly said.

"Over and out" he said after turning his radio off. This two are obviously military personnel that have been deployed here for some reason because just based on their attitude, manner and skills. After that the woman then stood up, "phewww..." as she massages her breast underneath the kevlar armor. She lightly gripped her breasts and then began to massage them in a circular motion, freeing them from the tight kevlar she us wearing.

Seeing this the male soldier asked, "what're you doing?". "This things are numb, I've been laying here since this morning" she said as she rubs both of her boobs, trying to loosen them up after being squeezed by the armor all day.

She then stretched a little because her back is also starting to ache a little, "if you don't mind, i could massage them for you" straight away said the male without even a hint of shyness, they seemed to know each other for a long time for them to talk like this to each other.

She then took off her kevlar and said, "I would let you massage these beauties if you're a better shot than me" confidently said the woman. "But you're one of the top five officers in our whole country, that's no fair" gloomily said the male as he also stood up.

She then began to unbutton her clothes starting from the top a little showing her luxurious tanned cleavage, just to get some fresh air because she doesn't want them sweating for no reason.

"You better give up them" said the woman, she enjoys teasing her partner sometimes. "Anyway...how did those things even get here? We're at a seaside airport that can only be reached by ship" said the male because the walkers can't swim, making it impossible for them to infiltrate this airport but unexpectedly they did.

"Haven't they been restricting entry?" asked the male, clearly puzzled by this situation. "Yeah...only high ranking officials and airport technicians as well as their families are allowed in" said the woman.

"One of them must've been infected" she concluded, because there is no fucking way that the walkers could cross the sea by walking underwater, the only plausible conclusion is that, when they're taking in the allowed people, one of them got infected but chose to hide it.

"The situation is under control right now, but who knows how long it'll last" she is also worried about this, if this continues this airport might not get to survive for a long time.

The plane that's on hold because of the swarm of walkers have now been up and running and after a few minutes it have gone airborne. "What do you think would've happened to this place, if we hadn't been assigned here for a terrorist threat" said the male.

"Well, i don't have enough ammo" said the male, "you gonna run?" asked the woman as she took off her glasses. "Not planning on it" hurriedly denied the male because running away from a mission is a cowardly act and he will be looked down upon by many for generations to come.

"Well...not yet" he then said as they looked at the plane in the sky, feeling a little bit accomplished and this also made him think twice because without them here lot of the innocent will die.

"I'm gonna go to the city...eventually" she said as the woman fully unzipped her jacket revealing her well tanned skin and ber breast's cleavage under a small white sports bra. Under those white sports bra you can see her nipples slightly protruding from the thin cloth because she isn't wearing anything underneath that thin cloth.

"What, you have a guy there?" asked the male, curious about her partner's love life. She didn't get offended by this and said, "nahhh... , a friend".

Now in the city, inside the bus, Ms.Shizuka is currently slumped in the driver's wheel making her humongous breast dangle in the air with the driver's wheel supporting it. "uweeee....."Ms.Shizuka whispered, bored by the heavy traffic they're in.

"That's right!" said Mr.Shido at the back, he's still going at it further brainwashing the stupid students. "Thus, instead of acting out of self-interest, we need to find a safe place to move as a group" said Mr.Shido, he just wants to confine them like prisoners so that he could do whatever he wants at them because at that time he will be like the warden of the prison.

"For example, we shouldn't all go check on our families, until we become an organize group" Mr.Shido said making the students that's currently receiving his bullshit and deviate from the right path.

Takagi then woke up and also urge Kohta whose deep asleep to wake up also. "Hirano" said Takagi as he shoves Kohta's shoulders. "Good Morning" said Kohta while still drooling all over his mouth. "Yuck, why did you fall asleep" said Takagi as she moved backwards away from Kohta.

"Because...of all this" he said as Kohta looked at the window seeing the heavy traffic up ahead. "I think it would've been better if we would've gone to the suburbs instead" he said as lot of the people outside are now walking to avoid getting stuck in traffic.

"There are other ways to escape besides using vehicles" Takagi said, "the seaside airport?" guessed Kohta. "As you can see, its too dangerous to be in the city" said Takagi.

"There's probably groups of people trying to flee to an island making it very crowded and the chance of someone that has been bit that mixed in the crowd would be also high" Takagi concluded.

The two then debated with the possible options they might do but not of them are even possible. "Wow, Takagi you're really a genius" said Kohta as he gulped from shock, because Takagi have thought far ahead.

"What're you talking about, look at him because he's an example of what I'm talking about" Takagi said as she looked at Mr.Shido with his ongoing lecture. "But i doubt that he himself realizes it" Takagi further said. Mr.Shido has already won the heart of the students at the back making one of the female students intoxicated with him.

"Should i stop him?" asked Kohta as he readied his hand-made nail gun, ready to put a stop to Mr.Shido's evil and vile scheme. "What we should be doing is thinking about how we're going to survive" ignored Takagi.

"I need someone i can trust..."Takagi said lightly as she bit one of her fingers. "Jeez,if only Komuro is here" she said slightly blushing. "Takagi, you like Komuro, don't you?" asked Kohta. "Don't say something stupid!" Takagi yelled with her face getting red all over making it obvious together with her flustered expression.

Then suddenly, Saeko and Ms.Shizuka appeared behind Takagi. "Hoooooo....."both of them said. "W-what?" asked the stuttering Takagi. "I am concerned about their safety" suddenly said Saeko. "It would be preferable if we were able to meet them without incident" she further added.

Chaos is currently happening in the outskirts of the city, not only walkers are getting killed but also the innocents and some people are breaking into establishments robbing anything that has value. Takashi and Rei is about to face this obstacle as they head towards the city to meet back with the others.

This chapter is based from the 5th Episode of HOTD from 0:00 minutes to 6:05 minutes. Have a Good Day and Enjoy.

Venerable_Eiyuucreators' thoughts