
HOTD: Echoes of Extinction

The dead began to rise and Japan was thrown into total chaos. As these monsters begin terrorizing a high school, the once-familiar halls of William's high school transform into a harrowing battleground for survival. The contagion spreads rapidly, turning students and teachers alike into relentless, flesh-hungry zombies. In the chaos that ensues, William must navigate the now perilous corridors, relying on his quick wit and survival instincts. Haunted by the memories of his former classmates turned into monstrous threats, William must confront the harsh realities of the new world. With each passing day, he learns that the true test of survival goes beyond evading the undead – it demands adaptation, trust, and sometimes the sacrifice of one's humanity. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Author Note: Well I'll do the classic author stick which is saying English isn't my first language lol. (Well it's true) This is also of mashup of a bunch of anime but HOTD is the focus at the moment. Also the first arc is pretty slow since it's slice of life.

Ste1nzzz · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
29 Chs

Chapter 15

In my grand finale of middle school, I entered high school with the same eccentric charm – and a few added misadventures. I ventured into various tournaments, tested out peculiar hobbies, and even tried my hand at parkour with Ruu. Pro tip: trees and I aren't on the best terms, thanks to an unfortunate incident involving a broken arm. Lesson learned. After that a year has passed.

Not one to be discouraged, I upgraded my forest shack into a rustic haven, complete with a makeshift smithing area. I turned arrows and swords into my crafting conquests – because why not?

Craving a serene escape, I retreated to my log cabin in the woods, this time with the dynamic duo, Ruu and Riri. Together, we cultivated a garden, or as Ruu called it, "Our Attempt at Farming 101." I took on the role of the archery sensei, teaching them the way of the bow. Riri even braved a hunting escapade with me, discovering a newfound appreciation for the great outdoors – and a few surprises along the way.

Now, at our log cabin, embraced by the whispers of the surrounding woods, became our place for the week Ruu, Riri, and I lounged on weathered wooden chairs.

Ruu then enthusiastically grabbed a deck of Uno cards from a nearby shelf, his eyes glinting mischievously.

"Alright, time for some intense Uno action!" Ruu declared, shuffling the deck with a theatrical flourish.

Riri chuckled, "Prepare to be defeated, Will. I've been practicing my Uno strategies all year."

I grinned, "We'll see about that."

The Uno battlefield was set, and the intensity in the log cabin could rival any high-stakes poker game. Ruu, Riri, and I were locked in a fierce Uno showdown, with each draw and skip creating ripples of chaos.

Riri smirked, laying down a reverse card. "Time to switch things up, Ruu!"

Ruu, caught off guard, stumbled over his next move. "Uh, draw two for Will!"

I chuckled, drawing my cards. "Well played, Riri, but I've got a surprise for both of you." I whipped out a wild card. "Color change to yellow!"

Riri gasped, "Yellow? Seriously?" as Ruu groaned at the impending challenge.

Little did they know, all of this was my plan for the start. 


The Uno match reached its climax, and to my utter disbelief, I found myself on the losing side. Ruu's triumphant grin and Riri's barely-contained laughter fueled my astonishment.

"Wait, seriously? I had, like, two cards left!" I protested, scrutinizing my hand as if expecting the missing victory to magically reappear.

Riri, suppressing her laughter, chimed in, "Uno rule number one, Will: Call it before someone else does."

Ruu joined the playful banter, "And let's not forget the wild card mayhem. You practically gift-wrapped the win for me."

Defeated but not deterred, I leaned back with a dramatic sigh. "Fine, fine, the Uno gods have spoken. But just you wait for the next round. Revenge will be sweet, my friends."

After a series of Uno losses that could only be described as a calamity, I noticed Ruu chuckling to herself. Suspicion growing, I narrowed my eyes at her.

"What's so amusing, Ruu?" I inquired, determined to uncover the source of her mirth.

She grinned mischievously, "Oh, nothing, Will. Just enjoying the sweet taste of victory."

My gaze intensified, and I noticed a peculiar bulge in the sleeves of her sweater. "What's hidden there, Ruu?" I demanded.

With an innocent expression, she slowly revealed a stash of Wild Draw Four cards tucked up her sleeves. Riri burst into laughter, and I couldn't help but join in. "Ruu, you cheater! Uno isn't a poker game!"

Ruu winked, "Survival of the fittest, Will. Plus, it's the Uno wilderness out here."

After a few hours of us talking Ruu was getting bored so I suggested that we take a walk on the woods.

As we strolled through the woods, the atmosphere was light and filled with laughter. Suddenly, Ruu's face contorted with a mix of horror and realization.

"Oh no, Will is gonna kill us," she exclaimed, causing me to abruptly halt. Riri, perplexed, tilted her head in confusion.

Ruu, with a flair for the dramatic, seized Riri, declaring, "Think about it, sis! He always brings us to the woods every summer."

Riri, reminiscing, responded, "Yeah, we come here all the time when Will and his dad go camping."

But Ruu, with an air of conspiracy, continued, "No, you don't understand, sis. He's given us a false sense of security for this very moment. Look at it – a cabin in the woods, a guy carrying a machete, and two beautiful girls in the middle of nowhere. We're in the perfect horror movie setup!"

Will turned around, wearing a mischievous smile, and began clapping my hands slowly.

"Very well done, Ms. Ruu. I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you," I declared, playing the part of the defeated villain with theatrical flair.

Riri, visibly shaken, stammered, "Is that true, Will...?"

"Yes, Riri, all of this was part of my nefarious plan, but it seems I have to change the plan," I responded, joining in the playful deception with Ruu.

Ruu, hugging Will while pretending to struggle, urged Riri, "Run, sis! Tell everyone that Will is trying to kill us!"

Riri, catching on to her sister's playful plot, accused, "You tricked me! You just want Will all to yourself!"

Riri playfully knocked on her sister's head, saying, "Oops, got found out, huh?"

Will booped Riri's head, adding, "Stop tricking your sister, Ruu."

Ruu defended herself, saying, "Hey, you played along, so it isn't all my fault." The trio continued their banter, turning the playful exploration into a memorable adventure in the woods.

"How about we head back to the cabin and make some s'mores? A cunning villain like me must have a sweet tooth."

Ruu, playing along, said, "Oh no, we can't trust you alone in the cabin. What if you set a trap for us?"

I placed a hand on my chest in mock hurt, "I assure you, no traps, just delicious treats."

Riri chuckled, "Well, I do love s'mores," and the three of us made our way back to the cabin.

Back at the cabin, they gathered around a makeshift fire pit. I kept on playing my "nefarious" persona, started telling a spooky story about the haunted woods.

Ruu, wide-eyed, whispered to Riri, "I knew it! He's trying to scare us away so he can have the cabin all to himself."

Riri giggled, "Well, he won't succeed. We're not falling for his tricks."

As the night progressed, they roasted marshmallows, created messy but delicious s'mores, and continued our playful banter. 

After finishing some s'mores, Riri asked me, "Hey Will, how was your part-time job?"

"It's going great. I mainly come to set up some things for her and assist her when she needs stuff while she DJs," I replied.

Riri squinted her eyes at me, teasing, "Hmph, sounds like you're having fun with her."

"Yeah, Shizue-nee is really cool. She even has a Walking Dead poster on her wall. I also gave her a gas mask for her set as a gift for her birthday last month," I shared with a smile.

"Oh, we also chatted about a bunch of zombie movies, and she even invited me to this concert next week," I added with enthusiasm.

As I gleefully spilled the beans about my conversations with Shizue, Riri's eyes narrowed into slits of jealousy. It was as if she had just discovered a secret stash of candy and wasn't keen on sharing. Meanwhile, Ruu's expression oscillated between amusement and disbelief, giving me the distinct feeling that I might be tiptoeing through a minefield of sisterly dynamics.

Ruu, with an exaggerated eyeroll, muttered, "Smooth, Will, real smooth. You're navigating the treacherous waters of sibling rivalry without a clue."

I scratched my head, feigning innocence.

"Anyways, we have the whole week with the three of us, so let's make the most of it," I declared, trying to diffuse any lingering tension.

Riri sighed, a mixture of exasperation and amusement playing on her lips. 

Ruu, on the other hand, grinned mischievously and pounced on me like an overenthusiastic feral cat.

As Ruu tackled me with surprising force, I lost my balance and tumbled to the ground, ending up in a heap of laughter. "Ruu, you've got to warn a guy before unleashing such a powerful tackle!"

Ruu, still in her playful frenzy, just giggled and said, "Don't worry Nii-chan, I know you were gonna catch me."

During that week, our adventures ranged from archery lessons, attempting to farm with Ruu's version of "helping" involving more dirt on her face than actual assistance, to Riri showcasing her culinary skills in the kitchen. Amidst the chaos of our activities, it became clear that I missed the lively presence of the girls in my daily life.

One day, as we attempted some questionable farming techniques, Ruu declared proudly, "Nii-chan, I'm a farming prodigy!" Riri retorted with a smirk, "More like a farming disaster."

In the kitchen, Ruu's cooking experiments sometimes led to unexpected flavors. As I cautiously took a bite of her latest creation, she eagerly awaited my reaction, "How's my culinary masterpiece, Nii-chan?" I managed a smile and replied, "Let's just say it's... unique."

As the week came to an end, we gathered around a makeshift bonfire in the evening. The crackling flames mirrored the warmth of our shared experiences. With a sense of contentment, we gazed at the stars above, grateful for the simple joy of each other's company.