
Chapter 7


"HEY!" Parker started to jump up from our bench, but I put my hand on his leg and pushed him back down to his seat. "That other baby stole Ava's block."

"Parker, calm down. They're babies." When the Vegas heat kicked up a notch, I decided it was time to try out a local play space designed for younger kids. There's no jungle gym equipment to fall off and all the little playhouses and toys were made from organic and naturally sourced products. No chemicals here, only real wood. It's a rich person's dream playscape with a price that comes with it, but I figured Parker could handle the cost. He carried around more spare cash in his wallet than I had in my entire bank account, so the four-hundred-dollar-a-month membership fee wasn't even blinked at when I told him.

It's perfect for a young baby like Ava who needed to get out and socialize a little without getting sunburned. Plus it was a drive instead of a long walk to the park. A few children smaller than Ava, full babies, rolled around on the floor underneath the baby gyms, and then the ones in between them and Ava's age sat up and played with blocks. A few crawlers even hung out in this section until they got bigger and could learn to climb and get moved to the Toddler Zone. But this area had nothing she could hurt herself on, not like when she tried to eat wood chips the other day.

"Well you can't let them do it just because of their age. That's no excuse. Their parents should teach them manners," he said, not at all calming.

I rubbed his knee trying to focus his attention elsewhere. "Look at that older one. He's picking his nose." Parker should be thankful Ava was in the baby play area where things were somewhat sanitary. I'd have to bring sanitizer with me and wipes when she moved up in age. No way was my Ava touching the same toys as the nose picker.

Parker's nose crinkled up in disgust as he watched the young boy put his finger in his mouth after it left his nose. "Ava loves you."

"Thanks." His words did more than just brighten in my cheeks and make me raise my shoulders. They also lightened my heart. I didn't think Parker knew for sure Ava liked me, considering she was a baby and everything, but she hadn't thrown up on me or anything... Yet. "I love her too."

Our movements synchronized and our eyes caught one another. I hadn't even known I liked kids before meeting Ava, but now all I thought about was how many of my own I wanted to have. And on occasion when I let myself fantasize, I dreamed of them as Parker's kids too. How was the man such a jerk to me before when I worked for him but this time around completely different?

I never would have said he had a micro dick if he'd been this man. Plus, now that I'd seen it for myself, that thing was anything but teeny.

"Ava will grow up to be something amazing. I can already tell," I said tearing my eyes from him and checking on her again. She still sat next to the block stealer as they stacked them up and then the kid knocked them over again.

I caught Parker's nod from the corner of my eye. "She will if you stick around to help. There's no way I could do it on my own."

Did he want me here as a nanny or something more? "Parker?"

Our eyes locked again. "Her mom sucks, and she bailed at the first chance, but it brought you to us. I've never felt this way. The emotions you stir up inside of me. I wake up every morning and see only you. My fantasies have become about our life together and they consume my day. I can't work while I'm in the office and I can't think straight when I'm home."

Wow. No one had ever said anything as wonderful to me as that. But still, what did he mean? Should I expect a World Class Nanny mug for Christmas or me as a person? "What are you saying?"

"Khloe, one day I want you to be with me as man and wife. You'll be Mrs. Balls. But you have to take me and Ava. We come together as a matched pair."

It was everything I'd ever wanted to hear in my life in one big statement. Even if I hadn't already fallen in love with the man myself over the past week, there was no way I'd be able to say no when he put it that way. Parker had been thinking the same things I spent so many nights falling asleep imagining in my head.

"Yes!" I shouted my body vibrating with excitement over our confirmation of joint love. A cranky older woman dressed in all black with her hair in a top knot tighter than any I'd been able to manage scowled in our direction, but I wouldn't let her ruin the moment.

Parker squeezed my hand and beamed. "You can love me and Ava just like she's your own?"

I wanted to scream out yes again, but my heart filled with too much love. "Yes, Parker. Absolutely. She already feels like my own."

It wasn't just her father that wormed his way into my life, but Ava had a hole right next to his and just as large. I'd grown to love her giggles and the way she smiled and how no matter what I did with my hair she always found a piece to pull.

Without warning he snatched my lips up and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I fisted the collar of his shirt, trying to bring him close so he couldn't get away and our tongues dueled for dominance in our newly formed relationship. I inched closer and my hand settled on Parker's leg, moving higher as his muscles twitched.

"AH HUM, excuse me," the cranky old woman said, clearing her throat. "There are babies here."

Parker pulled his lips from mine and scowled at the woman. "And how do you think their parents made them?"

Her mouth dropped open in shock and I held back a smile, trying not to cause any more trouble. I'd already paid for a year membership - there was a discount on twelve months prepaid - so he couldn't get us kicked out now.

Parker rolled his eyes but twisted his body away. As he did, he whispered in my ear, "Later we'll work on giving Ava a sister."

The promise made my whole body tingle in excitement just knowing what he had in store for me.