

Fathia_Adekunle · Võ hiệp
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26 Chs



"Dad please do everything to get rid of Rihanna, I hate her! I don't want to here that ugly name of her! I don't want to see that silly face of hers again. "Trista said her eyes slowly turning red.

"Just watch out and see dear. " Deacon muttered


"Now go in and prepare for lectures, yunno lecture would start soon. "Deacon said and stood up.

"Dad." Trista called and he turned to her.

"I love you dad. "She said takin in her lips.

"Love you three more princess. "He said and she looked at him then chuckled before running to her room, to take her bath.



"Mom I'm off to college. " Rihanna said and pack her stuff inside her bag, then she stood up to leave.

"Wait I just prepare breakfast, eat before going. "Layla told her.

"You don't need to worry I'd get some food in the cafeteria. " Rihanna said.

"Wait, you would prefer eating outside than your mom foods?. "Layla asked.

"I didn't mean it that way mom, just that if I spend a minutes eating here then I would be late for lectures. " Rihanna explained.

"Can't you see that you're now becoming more thinner and skinny, i'm doing all this for your own sake that's because I care a lot about your health. "Layla said and Rihanna rolled her eyes.

"You don't care about me mom that was why you asked me to sleep in that tiny small couch yesterday, if truly you care about me you wouldn't have asked me to sleep in that couch. " Rihanna pouted.

Knowing fully well that she didn't sleep in that couch but in her bed she smirked, she just has to pretend so that Layla won't suspect that she slept in her room.

"Are you trying to confuse me now! Huh? . "Layla asked and dragged her by the ear.

"Ouch mom it hurts. " Rihanna winched in pain.

"You thought I wouldn't know that you slept in your room last night! You fòol."Layla said and Rihanna eyes widened.

"You knew and you didn't say anything or whip me? . "Rihanna asked and Layla scoffed.

"That's because I care about you my princess, I know you wouldn't be able to cope in that small tiny couch, and when I woke up to get water I decided to check up on you but I didn't see you there then I knew you went to your room. " Layla said and Rihanna hug her.

"I love you mom. "She said.

"Hey hey, you would be late for lectures if you continue to get emotional like this. " Layla said and she quickly disengaged from the hug.

"I want you to feed me. "She said and twitched her lips into two.

Layla got the omelette then she cut it into a slice, before feeding Rihanna.

"Delicious as always. " Rihanna said and Layla chuckled.

"Have got the best mom in the world. "She said and carried a glass of milk which was presently placed on the table.

She removed the opening, before drinking all in a go.

"Have also got the best daughter in the world. " Layla replied and she smiled.

"Alright mom, i need to get going. "She said and carried her bag.

"Stay safe ok,from danger and most especially from trouble. " Layla muttered.

"Ok I will. "She said and with that she ran out of the mansion.



Everyone was already seated in their respective sit, some where chatting,why some where gossiping among them self,Prof Connor choose that moment to came in.

The moment the students saw him the class went dead silent.

"Hi everyone. " Prof Connor greeted, only few responded to his greetings.

"So I hope you all are already working on the project,the project is gonna be submitted next week. "Prof Connor said and everyone widened their eyes.

"Have you started working on your project?. " Presley asked Rihanna.

"No my partner isn't even ready,why do I have to be paired up with him. "Rihanna said frustratedly.

"Your is even better I got paired with a bored person. " Poppy's said and her eyes caught Shane who was busy pressing his phone.

She sent him a hard glare, how she just wish she could break his wrists so he won't even be able to pressed his phone again.

"Tell me who are you paired with?. "Presley asked Poppy.

"Shane of course. " She hissed.

"Oh that bored boy. "Rihanna said and couldn't controlled her self from laughing,Presley joined also.

"Why are you guys laughing, don't you know that it's annoying. " Poppy scoffed.

"Sorry."Rihanna quickly apologize.

Presley eyes searched for Ryder in the whole class but he was know where to be sighted.

"Guess he didn't come today."She thought.

"Presley if I may asked who are you paired with?. "Prof Connor asked.

Why is he asking? Wasn't he the one that paired me with him. " She thought and stood up.

"Guess my partner isn't around. "Presley rolled her eyes.

"Is it Ryder?. " Prof Connor asked and she nod.

"If your partner isn't around then go see him so that you two can worked on the project together. "Prof Connor said.

"Ok Prof. " She whispered and sat down back on her seat.

"Ok then see you all next week. "Prof Connor said and arranged is stuff before leaving.

As soon as he left Braxton stood up and walked towards Rihanna.

"Here is my home address. " He said placing his card on her table, he then tucked his hand inside his pockets before leaving.

"Who the hell is he to controlled me around? Huh? Here is my home address. "She reminisced his word, she then scoffed after ward.

Trista turn her back from where she has been watching, she saw how Braxton gave Rihanna his card, she should have been in that position, but everything is just Rihanna, Rihanna, Rihanna not even her name for once.

She grasped the table so hard her eyes turning cold and red.



"Oh Yeah, right on that spot baby. "

"Ahhh hit it deeper. "

"Oh my Rider I mean Ryder. "

"Ahh.. F**king shift my womb. "

"Ouch..Babe "

Loud moans could be heard in the condo no one needs to tell what was happening.

In there was Ryder f**king a bitch mercilessly, he couldn't just get the thought of what Presley did to him off his mind.

That's is the reasons he missed lecture today RN, he just wanna pour all his pain in the bitch holes.

He was f**king her ruthlessly, she was the first person that dared did that to him.

"Ouch."The bitch right in front of him moan as he hit her g_Spot making her c*m.

He got off the bitch and the bitch walk to him and grabbed his dick.

She was about sucking and licking on his dick when the door opened, revealing Presley.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to.... "Presley said and covered her eyes.

Ryder looked at her and smirked gesturing the bitch to leave.

"What we're not done yet. " the bitch said.

"I said leave. "He yelled and walked towards the bathroom, a running shower could be heard.

The bitch got dressed and walked towards Presley.

"You f**king ruin my mood. " She mouthed before storming off, banging the door in the process.

Presley just stood on the same spot tryin to get what just happened.

"Wait! What the hell just happened?. "She thought.

Few minutes later Ryder came in just a towel tied around his waist.

As soon as Presley laid her eyes on him, she stare at him disgustingly, she then scoffed.

"Why did you come, do you wanna apologize to how you spoke to me yesterday or why....

"Don't think anything foolish!Ok,Prof Connor was the one who sent me here coz of the project, so I didn't come to see you or to apologize to you. "Presley cut him off.

Ryder smirked and wore his Celine shirt.

"So where should we start from?. " Ryder asked.



"Hi."Rihanna said as soon as she sighted Braxton, he was in the living room, patiently waiting for her.

"Oh guess you came I thought you wouldn't so..

"Just shut up and let start already. "Rihanna said and placed her bag on the couch.


Braxton was already bored already, he suddenly crave for cigar.

He stood up and walked to the table, grabbing a stick of cigar and a lighter.

He light it and puffed out smoke from his mouth.

He then walked back to Rihanna and smirked.

"What the hell do you think you're doing. " Rihanna spranged up from where she was seated and started coughing.

"It's fun ,working on projects with cigar oh my. "Braxton said and puffed out thick and heavy smoke.

"Put that down already. " She yelled but he kept smoking.

"Will you listen to me and put that down. "Rihanna screamed but he kept smoking.

How can she tell him to put his addiction down! The only thing that gives him life's, hell no he won't listened.

Rihanna balled her hand into a fist she then began emerging towards him, she was ready to give him a punch but she tripped over something making her fall on top of Braxton.

The two landed on the couch.

"Hey get off me you reeked of smoke. " Rihanna shouted but Braxton change position.

He was now on top.

"You look beautiful. "He said and her eyes widened, her heart racing like never before.

"Get off me. " She shouted.

"What if I said I won't?. "He asked and move closer to her, he trailed her neck with kisses making her shiver at each touch.

"Then I would.. I would screamed that you wanna raped me. "She said and pushed him off her.

"I would screamed 'help me, 'help me'there's a beast here who wanna rape me' so just Coprerate with me till we're done with this project then we would be fine. "Rihanna said and smirked.

"C'mon let work on the project. " She said and smiled before carrying her laptop.


After minutes of arguing, fighting, debating they finally settled with one.

"I would like to take my leave it kinda late and my mom would be so worried. "Rihanna said and started arranging her stuff.

"Should I just drive you home?." Braxton asked.

"No I can manage. "She said before leaving the mansion.

She started walking but she stop when she heard some footsteps, she turn back but no one.

She continues walking and she was sure she definitely heard some footsteps she turned back but still no one was there.

She began walking and then she stop she was about turning when someone use a brown sack bag to cover her face.

Before pushing her inside a vehicle and then the vehicle drove off in a fast speed.