
Horror Stories Oneshots

If you're the type who is ready for some good ol' horror stories, this is the book for you! It contains many juicy horror stories and the good part is, some of them are REAL! Don't forget to read this book out loud to your partners! If it is not scary at all, make sure not to make it in your 'READ IT TO MY FRIENDS LIST!'. Remember, this is a oneshots book so, you can pick any other stories here! Have a nice time on reading this!

KittyInHell1204 · Kinh dị ma quái
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3 Chs

1. The 7th knock




Ellie was waiting for Emily, her sister to join her for shopping. Unfortunately, she was late.

Ellie was the top manager at a company and was the Boss' 'pet'. Everyone envied her whenever the Boss praises him and scolds the rest. But deep down inside, Ellie felt it was unfair for them to be criticised by Boss every time she does a good deed.

The problem is, Emily didn't arrive 'till 6 p.m. 'Guess she has some urgent things to do...'

That night however.....

"I'm going to bed, Snow. Be a good cat", Ellie threw herself into bed and slept like a log. Until....









"Who's knocking on the window at this time of night...?", she said as she went towards the window and grab the handle. As she opened it, the cold air flew into the room. 'I swore there was a knocking sound.... and I regret opening the window, too.... BRR....'

The next day...

"ELLIE! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! THIS... THIS ARTICLE! IT IS NOT WHAT I WANTED!!", the Boss threw the files into the dustbin. It was the first time she was scolded by her Boss.

"Sorry! I'll make another one!"

'What is happening to me.... Yesterday.... I was doing well.... I thought I never ever make mistakes with my work....', Ellie stood up and went to take a nice cup of coffee. But, instead of the café, she went to at the back alley. 'uhh.... '

'I better get in, quick...'

Ellie heard about stories on the grapevine. There was an ex-boss who went here but to no avail.... he went missing. Just like that.... Some say it was ghost's doing.... But to hear, It was saddening. After ordering her coffee, she went to look what was going on with her BFF group on WhatsApp.


Did y'hear? Do not open any window or door that y'hear knocking.... specifically, 7!


Wow. what will happen if we open it?


Black Magic will come. It means you are allowing black magic coming into your house.


Yup. My mom has been warning about it to me every time I go to bed.

After reading everything..... Ellie found out she was cursed. She looked around, and NOTHING....There was no one there. It was black. BLACK....EVERYTHING WAS BLACK....

Ellie stood up and felt danger coming. "Hi.... Ellie.... Didn't see ya there..."



(See ya in the next chapter!)