
Help (2)

"Another murder, huh?" A black lab sighed, her tail low as she stared down at the half eaten body of a deer, less than a block away from the last murder. She crossed her arms and looked at the family of deer in the distance who seemed alarmed and panicked. She hoped to suggest they move, but she didn't want to overstep.

"Not just a murder, but it was obvious this was quite the large carnivore." A hen replied, ruffling her feathers as she looked at the lab. "We really need to get this damn carnivore problem under control." She didn't dare say it was due to the large influx of half-breeds, but she knew to blame them, half-breeds were uncontrollable and improper in their city. She glared at the body and sighed in exasperation.

A small goat boy held himself high, even though he was going to a new job which was only hiring him because the previous employee was murdered and eaten. He thought maybe he'd get a chance to save some more money for college, but standing here in front of his job, he realized how many humans were there, and humans never tipped werefolk.

"Ah! Carter, there you are, welcome to your first day, so sorry you're being hired because of such nerve wracking circumstances!" A large grizzly bear grabbed and hugged him, a large smile on his face. "I hope this isn't too anxiety inducing.." He sighed.

Carter nodded and scratched the back of his head. "Right..." He murmured. The store was empty as he came in and got ready, changing into human form in order to look proper for the customers.

When the day was over, Carter felt less nervous, he didn't feel too scared that he'd be eaten as he headed straight for the bus stop. He focused on the ground as he waited for the bus to arrive, half past nine and it still didn't show up. He checked his busing app to see what was going on and found that the bus had already gone by. He sighed and shook his head, realizing he had gone to the wrong stop.

He decided to stay there and wait for the next bus to arrive, checking his watch every few moments out of habit and impatient nature. He adjusted his glasses as they fell down his face and looked around. He heard footsteps getting louder very slowly, as if someone were stalking up behind him.

Carter sighed and went into half form, revealing the sharp horns at the top of his head. Anyone who even planned a small, yet frightening prank on him would see why it was a bad idea to try and sneak up on him. He waited quietly, until he realized the large, crazed looking lion galloping towards him.

Carter stood frozen to the spot, he wouldn't have time to turn and run even if he was able to. The lion pounced for him, obviously ready to tear him apart, all he could think to do was scream as loud as he could.

He opened his eyes at the sound of a crash and saw the lion had been sent sideways by something and was now wrestling that something on the ground. Carter took this opportunity to run, going into full animal form in order to try and get away faster. He could hear the lion catching up to him again, with another set of footsteps behind him.

Carter made it the first crime scene, surrounded by yellow tape and a single police officer stood by. She saw Carter, then the lion and got in between them.

Feathers flew everywhere as the lion tore right through her, pulling her head off with his jaws and making a meal out of her. Carter looked back and almost threw up, but he needed to press forward, he couldn't allow this to be his last moment on earth.

He dashed away, running straight through the second crime scene, ignoring the yellow caution tape and jumping over a set of antlers, only to run into a large, towering grizzly bear. When he looked up, he realized it was his boss and sighed from relief, he could trust this carnivore.

"Woah there!" He exclaimed. "What's going on Carter?" The grizzly looked down, giving him a worried look.

"Big.." He huffed. "Lion... chasing.. chasing me... trying.. to kill... to kill me..." Carter managed to say, before a roar of anger came from behind him and he spun around to see the lion pinned down by a group of police officers, all of which were horses.

"And you obviously escaped pretty quickly?" The grizzly looked at him. "How fast can you run?"

"T-that's your question of choice for this situation!?" Carter glared at him. "I almost died!"

"Well yeah, I thought you were gonna die too, I mean I got a lot of money selling you out to that lion.. I guess that means I gotta bring you to a new place to stay so we can make use of you." The grizzly's words sent terror through Carter, who took a step back. "No use letting defective prey run loose in the city." The bear shrugged, before knocking Carter out quickly.

A white wolf lurked in the bushes, watching the group of authorities take the lion into custody. He knew they wouldn't punish him, no one punished lions for anything, they had too much power over the public. He shook out his fur and snuck away, knowing the grizzly would want him to report back with good news.

His job was to make sure every customer was satisfied, lucky for him, even though he tried to stop the lion, he still got his fill, even if it wasn't the pure bred goat he was looking for. He tugged at his collar and watched the grizzly carry the goat down a tunnel, following from afar as to not startle him.

"I know you're there half-breed, did the lion get something to eat?"

"Yeah.. he took out a hen who was keeping watch on the scene." The wolf huffed. "Too bad those horses didn't stomp him dead, that would've been more entertaining."