


“It´s ok, Vianca, calm down.” Her friend comforted her.

Both were sitting at a study table in the garden, enjoying their snack and break.

The one named had her face hidden between her arms folded and upon the table. “I could have kissed him, Vero!” Her legs kicked under the table, “but I froze and… And then ran away! Tell me... Who does that?

Veronica caressed her light-haired head “believe it or not, many do,” Vianca look up, “only then they complain that they didn’t, you complain because it was an opportunity to get beyond that,” she said in a reproachful tone.

The one with light brown hair made a dog face and looked at her frowning, “I don’t like you.”

“oh Vin, I know you love me,” she smiled arrogantly. “I’ve already finished eating, aren’t you going to end up with yours?” She pointed to the snack her friend brought from home.

“Oh yes, it’s true.” She looked at that delicious meal, she definitely loved her mother’s cooking style. “How long…” chewed, “…before the recess is over?”

“5 minutes, for?”

“I am anxious,’ she said. Today was Tuesday, “the soccer team has no practice today at the end of classes.” that only meant one thing: Ander will be free, she did not choose Tuesday as his day for nothing.

“How do you know?” she inquired without being aware that her friend had harassed a boy on the team for a long time.

After the last two classes she felt free, and not only because she could look for Ander, rather because she was free from having to avoid Julian.

For the rest of yesterday, she did her best not to look at him or come across him on the way. It was difficult because they studied together, but she did it, and all because she was still embarrassed for running away after locked him up. However, he looked for her look, Julian tried hard, and the fact that she took it away with remarkable pity only made him smile.

Moretti walked through the halls looking for her second candidate but with no results, as expected. At that time, all students were getting out and the professors were the same, it was difficult locate him.

She already knew that, most days when Ander had no practice, he would go to the field anyway. why? It was a mystery, sometimes he would go with his group but on most days he was there, alone with a ball, enjoying a practice alone, or thinking while his feet moved out of habit with the ball. Of course, if he hadn’t gone home yet, he didn’t.

There he was. He had taken off his school blazer and was left alone in the white shirt below, his legs marking through the navy blue pants, that brown skin, that smooth hair combed back, a few locks falling down the sides of his head. Well… This boy was the sturdiest of all. Better than pizza bread.

And Vianca could be the sauce. Or so she thought.

This time, everything would go well. It was what went through her mind, but what is improvised does not come out as one expects.

Thanks to the heaven the school field was empty and, as usual, he was just with a ball, playing with it back and forward. The ball bounced off his feet and knees, never touching it with his hands or dropping it. Until he put it on the ground in front of his feet, looking at it as the most interesting thing in the world.

Vianca thought that was her entrance and, adjusting her hair and her school pants, began her walk towards the field, and so on. She didn’t plan to miss the opportunity to try to walk in a showy way.

And yes, pants. Just today she wanted to wear pants as she looked sexier with them, her butt was marked a little more with that garment in comparison to her skirt, and with a guy who could melt anyone, it wouldn’t hurt to look a little better.

Ander kept looking at the ball in front of his feet. Vianca always wondered why he liked so much coming here with a ball after school. Due to the way as he admired the ball, she began to want to be that soccer ball, because he gave it more attention than anyone else.

Did she want to be that ball?

Well… As she was walking trying to be casual and flirty, Ander kicked the ball and it, taking into account the direction and speed with which it traveled in the air, crashed completely in her face, causing her to fall to the grass field instantly.

And everything is supposed to turn out better than yesterday, ha!

“Oh, god… Are you okay?” Between the stars because of the blow a worried Ander appeared in front of her. “I didn’t do it with all my strength, you should be fine” he said, a voice worthy of the masculinity that filled the space, “I’m really sorry.”

The girl was still crazy while the boy was talking to her, even though he hadn’t kicked the ball with all his might. Within seconds her sight was on the bonbon in front, so she could also notice that he had a hand holding her head.

Those eyes turned her crazy, more than she was, and it was not because they were the most beautiful thing in the world, but because it was the first time they looked at her and decided to see her in the eyes. But then the girl’s eyes began to look at something else, and that was that she had never seen him so closely. Thick lips tempted her. She continued to descend, going through his abdomen, pitifully covered by his shirt – until she reached his marked legs, the figure denoted even being covered by his trousers.

“Amm… All right?” Ander was beginning to get uncomfortable with the way she scrutinized him without dissimulation. Vianca did not respond, yet she was distracted by the body in front of her. In that case, without having to complain, he would use it to his advantage “do you like what you see?”

“Oh, yeah… I like it!” and there she answered.

“I’m burning; don’t you think?” there was a funny smile on the boy’s lips.

“I think so”’ she said.

Ander held back his laugh, “do you want to touch?”

“Of course, I…” she stopped. The laughter of the opposite was what brought her to her senses. “What?” She covered her face with her palms. “Kill me, pretend I didn’t say that, did I?”

“All right, I never knew that you think I’m hot and you want to touch me,” he said, winking and inevitably making the little girl laugh, as she tried to throw away the shame.

But just with it, Ander noticed the cut and slight bleeding in her lower lip, and the little red that was beginning to form on her cheek.

“Ah, my head hurts a little, you know how to kick” Vianca made a grin.

“I… I’m really sorry, I really didn’t see you.” He said it sincerely, and feeling that he must do something more for her, he put one arm under her knees and the other under her high back.

Vianca was alarmed and screamed, wrapping her arms around the boy’s neck by instinct. And whoa… He had lifted her up as if she weighed nothing. The strength of a soccer player, and of a trained boy, was to be admired by Vianca; She was moving her bed a few centimeters and she already had a hernia.

“W… Where are we going?”

“To the infirmary.”

“But I’m fine.” In the arms of that man who not? She stopped when she ran her tongue through her lip and detected the bloody taste “oh… Oh!” She put a finger to the injured area and checked. “Bl… blood,” her lip was broken and all this time he had been watching her, bleeding in front of him without saying anything, or that was all he could think of.

Ok, maybe she was exaggerating, but it hurt a little bit and she didn’t like facial wounds.

But… What else does it matter? Thanks to this she was being carried like a princess by a sexy boy, not to mention that he is one of her candidates, and by a small but pretty part of the institution.

Or simply for the first floor, but something is something.

“it seems the nurse is gone, the window is closed,” he said, referring to the little window in the door, covered by the pastel pink curtain from the inside. “Now what?” He glanced around but a sound behind him caught his attention.

The concierge was closing the room given to him.

“Sir,” he called and walked to him with Vianca still in his arms, “the infirmary is closed and she has wounds.”

As every good man nodded, taking a key-ring out of his pocket, and between several keys, held one. The man had the key to the infirmary as it was the first place he cleaned on arrival and before the nurse arrived.

“Thank you very much,” said Ander.

“I’m glad to help, I’ll go off, you can close it normally, one day without being locked nothing will happen,” he smiled and left.

That’s not something the concierge would normally do, but today he was in a hurry. On the other hand, it turns out that the sportsman had not come down to Vianca at any time and feeling like a princess was already turning into discomfort, like a burden.

And actually that was it. Ander already felt her a little heavy but it was just when, luckily, he was already placing her gently on one of the stretchers in the infirmary. And do not ask how he did it to open the door, but it was thanks to an extra effort, and all because he did not want to let her after having carried her all the time, he wanted to make himself the strong knight who placed her in a good place.

“Thank you, but I think you’re exaggerating,” she said.

“I don’t think so.” He pressed the red spot on her cheek and she screamed lightly without expecting it.


“But that’s not the important thing, does your head still hurt?” he said, caressing the area. “You had an ugly fall, it must have been a hard blow.”

“Well…” She was playing with her fingers, sorry for what had happened. Until she realized that she was alone with him right now. A tiny, but well-intentioned smile, appeared on her lips, was to seize the opportunity.

“I’ll bring you ice… Or whatever I find useful.” he smiled, he was about to start his search when…

“wait,” she said aloud. Vianca sat on the table and looked down with ‘shyness’. “When I hurt myself like this, there’s only one thing that makes me feel better” that time she looked straight at him, regaining strength.

“what is it?” He was interested.

“A little kiss.”

And there it goes again. She only needed to say: << and a cake >>.

It was as if she couldn’t say anything serious or act normally to any of these boys. As if in her eyes, they were only objects that could be sexualized with each syllable.

The elder did not hide his surprise, and scratching his neck, asked:


She felt enthusiastically; it was entertaining how Vianca was not wasting the chances. He considered it.

If that was what she was asking for, why not give it to her? It was the phrase that stood out by Ander’s mind.

Then he came slowly closer, and when he stood in front of her, he bent down at her height on the bed. He looked at her for a few seconds, undecided whether to look into her eyes, lips, or the other kissing parts of her face. That before he felt that he had to approach, so, after a few seconds, he finished completing the closeness by placing a delicate kiss on her cheek.

He went far enough to see her in the face. “Better?” he smiled.

Vianca was like an 8, she didn’t know whether to feel blissful and at the same time disappointed to receive only a kiss on the cheek. She did refer to that little red on her face, but did not specify to see if she received that kiss on her lips.

Fuck it, it was a start!

But she wouldn’t be left with just that.

“I… My lips… T-they are also hurt.” if she didn’t use a lie, she would use the truth to her advantage.

Notably, the lower lip had stopped bleeding but was still injured.

The boy in front of her became tense, but within seconds he relaxed. Their faces still lay close and he had not taken so much distance after the first kiss and even less he had stopped looking directly since Vianca opened her mouth to say what she said.

Other seconds of silence and… Ander began to approach slowly, getting into action. After all, he was a boy, and she was cute, there was no reason to waste the opportunity of a kiss.

It was nice that he came slowly to be sweet and create a moment, but Vianca was desperate! For god’s sake! It would be her first kiss in a year! She was anxious, fucking! It’s been so long since She kissed someone that she could feel her lips vibrating. Besides, she wanted to forget that first time.

The younger, eager and without patience for the typical slow scene, took him by the nape of the neck and stamped her lips against his in less than a second. The elder opened his eyes as wide as he could.


Kissing lips was very different from kissing a mango, peach or her closed hand, which she did to practice and not repeat the previous time. However, the difference was great. With the fruits Vianca was professional, the mango always asked for more. But with someone, agh! her clumsiness became apparent.

However, Ander let it pass because the girl’s enthusiasm for kissing was liking him. He sat on the bed to be more comfortable and kiss her in the same euphoric way that she was trying clumsily, but obviously, he would try to guide her.

And of course, Vianca was getting a clumsy kiss because she was only guided by the kisses in porn. It was like a rule to remember every porn situation when she was in an erotic moment. It even happened to her without wanting it.

But she wasn’t brave enough to use her tongue, according to her memory, so she just moved her lips with emotion and, in fact, if she was excited, re happy! She could urinate into the pants of such happiness! So to speak. Although something was past, she could no longer ignore that Ander’s skilled mouth was making her body warm up.

By grace or misfortune, they parted, swollen lips on both sides. Green eyes connected with hers. Vin was mute, looking at him without blinking. On the other hand, her mind was the one who began to imagine endless scenarios.

As he smiled, “Ander Rojas,” he introduced himself.

Still in a trance, she replied “Vianca… Moretti.”

After all, that Tuesday didn’t go so badly.