
Chapter 1: Anomaly

3:47 pm, June 9th 3,026

Dr. Alexander Campbell's underground secret lab.

A Ghost warrior stood in front of the bunker door, however, the door refuses to open. Frustrated at the man who told him what he needed was here, but how can he get the weapon that will give him the power to conquer the other tribes and rule over the West Territory and the Sundom. Sure he could gather up an army; however, he need the weapon as a guaranteed victory, if anyone would follow him into battle. He tap on his focus to see if there was another way in, but the focus only told him the same thing as before, The door was locked with a DNA lock and it could only open by two people, Elisabet Shobeck and Dr. Alexander Campbell. The Ghost warrior turns his back on the door, the people he got following him now will surely turn on him if he can't guarantee their victory.

Sure The Ghost tribe are formable warriors, However, they specialize in stealth and ambush tactics and use the stalker's abilities to camouflage themselves. He was about to give up hope when he heard a loud hum, and he saw a bright blue light flash behind him; he turn around, the door was still locked as before, but on the ground in front of the door was a baby girl.

"What is this nonsense, where is my weapon?" The warrior said with frustration, he was promised an unstoppable weapon, but instead, he was given a child.

"That nonsense is your weapon. With her, you can take over the west and the Sundom, why I even estimate that instead of thinking small you could use her to rule the entire planet. Of course, you also got to raise her, and I can promise you, the older she gets the more powerful she will become, so I advise you to take care of her, now if you don't mind, I do have other important things to do, only contact me when it necessary" The voice on the focus said and then it went quiet.

"One day I am going to eviscerate him and stick his head on a pike." The warrior said as he pick up the baby and left to begin to climb out of the cave. Unlike Aloy, This child wasn't given to a person who showed compassion for her. The slender ghost warrior with short black hair and brown eyes refuses to show her any, after all, why would a weapon need compassion?

Of course, he would also refuse to name her as well, in fact, he refused her his name, All she was told is that he was her Master. The girl begins to show her extraordinary powers at the age of five when her Master leads her close to the Tallneck by her shackles, her sky-blue eyes begin to glow bright blue as the tall neck shut down and stops moving.

"Very good, This will be our fortress, and when we are done with it, it will be a force to be reckoned with, and with the power of the Goddess Lilith coursing through this girl's veins, our dream will be a reality." The Master said to his followers, as he pulled the girl when he headed toward the tall neck and she didn't do everything she could to keep up without falling.

September 2, 2025

Starlight lab, 8:58 pm

An elderly man with long white hair was looking at his computer with curiosity, He was typing away at his computer when he didn't hear Elisabet Shobeck come into the lab.

"My what a wonder..." The man said to himself.

"What got you so flabbergasted? Dr. Campbell." Elisabeth asked him, and he turn around to see who called him, and he smile as he beckoned her to come closer.

"Liz, come here, I have to show you something, and please call me Alex." Alex said as Elisabet walk over to him.