

After waiting for so many years, siroon finally found her soulmate. Though it was arrange marriage they found out that they have crossed paths earlier. Inat was someone she could not even get noticed by. But here she was getting spoiled by one of the most influential person in the Acadel, The richest continent in the world. It still feels surreal that she is married to him. Though Siroon finds herself average looking, and often vents to Inat about it, he thinks otherwise. Though Siroon was skeptical about his feelings during the first half year of their marriage, Inat broke down that wall. And now Inat is her safe haven. Fast forward to one year of their marriage, Siroon is trying for a baby though Inat thinks Siroon is enough for him. And Inat don't want to divide his share of attention from Siroon.

One day Inat comes home late similar to few days before and his mood is not really good unlike before. Though Siroon understands. Cause she constantly suffer from mood swings and those things are utterly tortures for her. But Inat tries to put in efforts and uplift her mood by cuddling her or smooching her whenever the need arises. But Siroon never faced such angry Inat in her one year of marriage. Something bad must have happened.

Siroon: Darling did anything bad happen at the company?

Inat: No!

Siroon: Then why is..

Inat: I am going to take a shower. I have eaten outside.

Siroon: Ok. I guess I have to eat alone then.

Inat: what is up with you!! I told you before that if I arrive late, you do not have to wait up! Are you dumb??

Siroon flinched and stared at Inat . This is the first time he shouted at her. Her face turned black. She said sternly

" I understand. It will never happen again."

Inat turned back and went up the stairs. Inat knew that Siroon has got a weak stomach. That is why he urged her to eat on time and not wait for him. Siroon also knows that but she also hoped that he wouldn't overexert himself and took care of himself. However she went to the kitchen and ate a bit of soup from the thermopot. Her appetite died cause of her sour mood. She put the remaining food in the fridge and went up. She went to bed after completing her night routine. She could not help but ponder on what might have happened to Inat. And thought of talking to him about it. Inat appeared a few minutes later, turned off the lights and got into bed. Siroon held his waist with two hands but not coming near him. Inat sighed and pulled her in his arms.

" Sorry I was rude before Baby. It was a tiresome day. "

" What happened?"

"You do not have to worry about it. Baby you just take care of yourself for me."

" If you tell me, I could help you as a third-party. As I am not related to the events you're facing."

"Darling sleep now. We'll talk about it later."

It took a few more sweet whispers from Inat for Siroon to fall asleep. And Siroon in his arms was more than enough to get rid of all the tiredness from his muscles. Soon he drifted off to sleep .