
hopelessly enamoured

Hi. So I'm changing the original intent of this book, because random ideas are popping into my mind. This will be a collection of all sorts of topics, but most of them might either be of LGBTQ+ literature or sensitive issues. I will make sure to put a warning before any writing anything that can be a trigger. Category: LGBTQ+ literature + random topics Appropriate for all ages, but focusing on the Young Adults (13-18 years old). This is the work of @_mukhtalif_ . If I see anyone copying my work and publishing it as theirs, I will take action. Thank you for checking this out!

_mukhtalif_ · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
10 Chs


HI RANDOM PEOPLE WHO HAVE GIVEN ME A CHANCE BY LOOKING AT THIS PATHETIC THING!!!!!!!! This is a short poem about COVID-19 BECAUSE one can't run away from it forever.


Three children sit seven feet apart.

Their teacher looks at them, her eyes devoid of emotion,

All are covered from head to toe in masks and suits,

Their eyes, their noses safely tucked away from their hands.

Their hands are clasped in each other, the rubber chafing against the other glove,

And the teacher opens her mouth,

Her breath clouding her face shield, as she dully utters a word.


The children lean forward expectantly,

Their voices clear as the summer sky,

They sing this song happily,

Reminding those who hear it of their losses.

"Remember," they harmonize,

"If you breathe that same air,

You'll be on a hospital bed, body filled with tubes.

People coughing all around you,

A striking pain in your chest.

And as your heart stops beating,

The last thing you will remember,

Is the crushing feeling of not being able to breathe.

Breathe freely, little one, for this might be your last action,

And remember."

The last word ends abruptly, the song comes to an end.

The children sit quietly, not knowing when to begin.

The teacher sighs through her nose, her breath yet again, clouding her shield.

And she dully utters a single word, her eyes blank, unfeeling.



(I MIGHT DELETE THIS LATER, OR MAKE CHANGES TO IT BUT I'M NOT SUREEEE) also you guys watch Warrior Nun on Netflix. Its art.


_mukhtalif_creators' thoughts