

As Ayla moves away from Luciano's broken body, she stands across from God. Will a good distance for fighting. "You're quite strong." He says, they were the only ones standing. Lester was leaning on a wall from Luciano's injuries. Ares, finally collapsed and all of Luciano's and God's soldiers were dead. 

God stares at the girl who looks like his Eve, he wants her too. He wants all of her. Soon she starts to glow, her eyes turning white and her body glowing a gold light. He floats in the air and she does the same, he feels threatened by her.

He charges at her punches her but she is unfazed, he was now terrified. That was his all mighty God punch that no one survived, she then punched him and he flew down to the ground. Ayla touches the ground once she lands and starts to send rocks fly towards him, he cuts them in half with his scythe. 

 he thought, as he's busy blocking all of the attacks of rocks. Ayla runs to his side and uses her power of shine to blast him across the battle field. He groans in agony, not being able to get up. She stops glowing and heads straight for Luciano, knowing that God shouldn't be able to get up anytime soon.

"That was so hot." He groans

"Thank you, now stop talking." Her hands glow as she heals up his wounds, Luciano feels all his power coming but Ayla stopped when she saw God charging at them from the corner of her eye. She moves back and grabs his scythe guiding him away from Luciano. 

The moment his body lays on the ground he laughs coldly and his body disappears "AYLA!" Nemesis, Lester, Apollo and Luciano yell. Just as the did God appeared behind Ayla stabbing her through her body straight at her heart. "NO!!" Luciano roars. 

She gasped for air, "You're a rat, a threat. You don't deserve to live." He pulls the blade out and she falls to the floor, bleeding out. 

God walks over her and starts to dance and sing while smiling "I won!! I won!! Losers!! Na-na-na bo-bo!!" I continues to dance, Luciano gets up still in agony and charges at God who flicks him off with his finger causing Luciano to fly back. Nemesis charges and fails, Apollo fails, Ares failed and Lester failed.

She is dead and there is nothing they can do about it.