

 I stare at the naked back in front of me, it was a pretty back, nowhere compared to Luciano. "You're staring." He chuckles as if trying to prove something.

"Uh yes I am." I answer truthfully "I'm comparing it to Luci." I've recently given him the nickname, I know he would hate it but I will still call him that so he would have to deal with it. 

"Luci?" He says turning around pulling a shirt over his head "Who's that."

"Someone very important in my life, may I ask what am I doing here?"

"Oh well, I actually don't know either.  were the one to show up at  doorstep." He says with a smirk, I couldn't help but wonder what he was implying.

"Okay." I say dragging out the 'y' "You're point is?"

"Shouldn't you know why you're here?" He sit's next to me on the bed a bit too close for comfort, I try to scoot away but he puts his arm around my waist pulling much more closer "I feel like fate brought us together, I mean you are such a beauty."

"T-thank you..." He hums and gently places his hand under my chin making me look up at him, his eyes held nothing but sin. His intensions with me weren't good, I try and squirm out of his grasp but he grips my jaw. "T-tha-that hurts." I stutter out.

He starts to lean in, he was going to kiss me Luciano told me the real meaning of a kiss and I did not want this stranger kissing me, the moment his lips brush against mine a random force pushing his harshly making him fly across the room and hitting the wall. "What the fuck." He groans

"Do not kiss me without my permission!" I yell at him

"You bitch!" He starts to run towards me but it pushed back again flying across the room, I really had no idea what was happening but it was working in my favor. He gets up slowly grunting and limps towards me, he raises his hand and brings it down forcefully I close my eyes ready for the sting but hear him screaming instead. I open my eyes to see his arm is on fire.

"Oh god." I whisper


It's been 2 hours since the incident, I haven't seen Apollo anywhere and I am grateful for that. Turns out he's a healer so nothing on his is permeant, I walk around this castle and I haven't seen any male guards inside, only woman who are half dressed. They all give me looks, different types. Disgusted, annoyed, angry and sympathetic. 

As I continue to walk down the hall I start to feel my anxiety rise with each step I took, they wouldn't stop looking at me and whispering, thankfully I find a bathroom. I prop my hands on  both side of the sink and look down, then I slowly look up at the mirror and my eyes widen in shock.

There's a demon behind me... I turn around and see nothing, I turn back to the mirror and it's still there. It's staring right back at me, Lester. 

"Lest?" I whisper, I hear a silent chuckle but not aloud... inside my head.

 The husk voice says with a British accent.

He didn't have that accent last time I talked to him, odd. It's attractive though and I still have many questions. 

"You don't have to talk to me in your mind of course." I hear him say aloud, I turn around and he's right behind me, standing at 7'1 one inch shorter than Luci. "I only recommend you talk to me in your head when there are people around and if you just want company and want to see me I can appear anywhere but other won't be able to see me of course."

"Lester, was that you earlier... with Apollo?"

"Of course it was me dear, I mean who else would it be." I'm still completely confused and have no idea what is going on right now, he lets out a sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose "Guess I'll have to tell you the long story."